

Please tell me where it is written this much quoted cliche: God never gives us more than we can handle? Is it written in the book of fables?

Guess what, guys, it is not written in the Word of God. In fact, God’s way is just the opposite. The God of contrast always is…….showing our weakness so we may live from His strength…… We die in our weakness and rise in and from His might or grace. The Lord’s aim and His desired result requires Christ in us to grow mightily…… We are His perfect specimen of the contrast of the creation and wisdom of God, the Creator…Be still and know I AM God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!,            ( Psalm 46:10).

We send our children in school…. As they grow, they pass one grade unto a higher level. It is not their choice if they want to stay in the same grade or not, they are promoted…. They will grow because they will be given more then they had last year. Their schooling always give them new ideas and new ways of math, languages, etc.  They are always given more than they can handle so they can prove themselves. They grow in greater measure of knowledge. Then they will mature into adulthood. They will be prepared for the life God has given them as well as if Christ is  in their lives.

Why do we think with God our spiritual life is any different? Somehow the devil has implanted into our hearts that being with the Lord is just to sit on the weekly pew and then be promoted to the next life floating on  a cloud then possibly watch T.V. forever….. because the Lord says, Come to Me all who labor and are heavy laden, I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light, in Matthew 11:28-30.

The deception from hell is to diminish the plan of God from coming to fruition in our lives here on earth ….. Our lives here will reflect what our heaven will be like,  is not the presence of the Lord- heaven now with us?…..But remember our God is a God of contrast! He says to us if we weep for His name now, we will dance and twirl with joy with Him later….. If we have all our comforts here, the reward has already been given…… If you do not believe me, check out Luke 6, starting at verse 20…..The Word of God will always be fulfilled in our lives today and forever.

We have the rest and peace in our souls as we are freed from the enslavement of sin because of Jesus Christ. We believe He has been made our appropriation of our sins. He took our sins and iniquities upon Him. We have peace from all the sins we have committed against God,  man and ourselves….. We have a peace now that is beyond understanding…… Praise Him, our Lord Jesus Christ forever. His peace is meant to hold us to Him through all the fires and waters that comes our way because we are His friends.

The peace of God is given to us to ignite the courage and boldness to walk by faith into the new territory the Lord directs. Hey, there may be giants in the land…..and if we are like grasshoppers—— Fantastic, that means the might and strength of victory will be of God through us and for us……

Paul had great peace as proven by his revelatory writings to the saints. Yet, it is also written in 2 Corinthians, how the enemies of the cross where hard after the man….. Yet, he kept striving and celebrating the goodness and riches of God found in Christ Jesus,….. whom was given to us at a great cost.

As David fought the bear and the lion and looked at Goliath as one of the beasts so did Paul as written in 1 Corinthians 15:32, in the manner of men, I have fought with the beasts of Ephesus….. We  may not be prepared for all the hate of the enemy but we have the presence of the Holy Spirit within and on us…… We are fully Equipped with all we need to walk out this life in to the fullness of God in knowing in part the depth and height and width and length of His love. I believe the full experience of His love will take eternity to even scratch the surface……

We must be bold and pull our boot straps up…..for the devil never sleeps and is consistently roaming around like a lion to devour the ones who sleep and who watch…… The Holy Spirit will always warn us as to things to come, if we are awake,we will receive His words….. We must be alert and steadfast in the watch of our Lord. If we are asleep, we will reckon the thought to be from indigestion or fleeting words or thoughts and disregard His word.

The enemy lost at the cross of Christ, and the enemy loses as we lift the cross of Christ and exalt our King in our lives…… When the enemy comes in numbers out weighing the Lord’s people, yet, the One who outweighs them all is with us. We will conquer and have conquered because of the Lord. He is mighty in battle and He is mighty in us!

So they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun; when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. The Redeemer will come to Zion, and to those who turn from transgression in Jacob, says the Lord, ( Isaiah 59:19-20).

The Lord always has fought for His people and still does for us….. But we will be put into strange places and experiences so the Lord’s strength and glory are seen and acknowledged by the world as well as by our own lives….. He wants to show Himself strong in the lives that are looking for Him.

Remember the big waves always roll out to nothing on to the sand…………before our God.

Lord, give us eyes to see and heart to hunger for Your Presence and live in the reality You are always and Your always and everything is within us.

The Lord always gives us more than we can handle, so the truth is known……..His grace is sufficient, even more than sufficient. His grace is mighty. The grace from God has given us Jesus Christ and the Resurrected Life found in Him, ( where we abide). His grace has given us the power of His Spirit who quickens us into the eternal life and knowledge of God Himself! God’s grace is mighty and His grace is mightily working in you and me…. Praise Him forever, right….. right! All praise and glory is due our God Almighty.

Noah was told to build the first boat ever and to expect the first rain that God was abundantly turning into a flood……. Then he was to put in the big boat all the beasts that God sent Noah…… Do you think Noah thought this to himself,- Oh man, I can handle this. No problem……

I am sure Noah was overwhelmed, but Noah obeyed God and testified to the Lord’s instructions. God raised Noah up for the task at hand……by His Spirit, in His strength, not Noah’s….. The Spirit of grace was there with Noah just as the Holy Spirit is with us too. Every minute turned into days and into years as God supplied all by the power of His word….. Noah believed and walked out the will of God by faith full of courage and boldness.

Then we have Abraham being told by God at an older age he was going to have a son, the promise of God…Abraham thought he could handle it and birthed Ishmael….. The son of Abraham’s flesh……Then Abraham had to wait for God to give the power of the promise……. The Lord’s promised birthed Isaac.

Abraham was told to sacrifice his son, Isaac, the promised child from God….Abraham had learned from the first walk with the Lord…. Abraham obeyed knowing that this act was way beyond himself, only God… He obeyed and the Lord provided the sacrifice.

He always give us more than we can handle, so can know the Lord’s provides for everything, if we believe… and wait for His way.

Think about it, He gave us His Son,……. Jesus Christ. The Lord  is more than enough and gives us abundantly more than we can think or imagine… God….. Before we believed, could we even imagine all that God has done for us through faith in His Son……Knowing the Lord now, we are not surprised of His Love, but we are amazed. I am held in wonder and excitement on what He has planned for our next steps in glory to glory.

The best place to be is the place that God has put us in, even if it is the hardest… Even if we are currently riding on the biggest wave ever. It may look impossible for us to ride it, but with God, no problem!….He brings us through. Keep focused on High….. As we finally realize that our life is beyond ourselves and if it weren’t for God and His protection and guidance, we would be way beyond in throws of destruction….. When we realize that if it weren’t for God at any given minute in our day, we would be the devil’s food.

We are eternally grateful, that as we grow in our faith and knowledge of God, that He says, okay you are on your own now….. See ya! No never!!!  He is with us through and through forever….. So all things happen so we lean on Him in our little waves and the big tsunamis. We call out and He does the impossible over and over and over and over again….. We walk in courage because all that is meant for evil against us is turned by His hand into good. So  we continue to walk and live that out in our lives of faith because that truth gives us peace and courage….. The love and faithfulness of God never fail.

We will trust our God and King.

If there are mountains, we can speak to the mountain, be cast in the sea by the name, Jesus Christ. We also say to the impossible before us: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. All things are possible to those who believe God. We speak His Word, which the Holy Spirit then quickens from His power….. strengthening us with His might, His grace.

All the impossibilities before us, are possible because of our God. When we are in the situations that are impossible, guess what? That is the greatest place to be…… The place where we can say, only God can ……… He will, if we persistently ask and know He will for us, even us……..and thank Him…..before we see the manifestation of the answer.

We must be with Him in our lives…. He has already shown us that He is with us….. With humble and believing hearts we declare by our lips and lives that we are with Him….. We show Him, He is our everything. Then when the wave rises, we already know why….. we know His plan because we know His ways…… We then walk the victory out in faith.

He always give us more than we can handle or even imagine because He can! He is within us, Christ in us, our hope of glory….. ( Colossians paraphrased 1:27).

We can do great and mighty things in God by the power of the Holy Spirit because we abide in Jesus Christ. But the glory and power and wisdom all belong to God…….. As we stand with our brethren of the faith, we claim all the power and glory and strength belong to God alone. We rejoice because He is our God and we get to abide in His greatness!

As written in 2 Corinthians 4:7, But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

When we have proven to ourselves, we cannot handle much, then God will reveal His heart and move through us. A big test comes for us to know our hearts regarding any fruits of His labor. If there is any bit of pride in “our work” or if God is getting the glory, the Lord will reveal our hearts to us… He will ask to us to lay all the fruit down on the altar and walk away if we need from “the work”……

Our hearts will unveil any pride of ownership in the work if we have any struggle in it. If our hearts reveal that the presence of God is more important than any kind of godly work, if He wants it stopped by us that is fine and if it continues, we know He will mightily carry it out through us.  If we know it is God’s work or the time for such and such has passed, we will lay it down and walk into the new place that God has for us easily. We can do nothing eternal but what the Lord has told us to do by His Spirit.

As Moses was accused of taking too much upon himself. He laid down before God and let God take the work away or not….. God vindicated Moses, go ahead and read Numbers 16 and 17. Moses was so wrapped in God. God was His everything. He was humble. He did not do anything but what God instructed, except once….. When he struck the rock instead of speaking the Word of God…….Moses put the matter before the Lord God and let Him judge……

This scripture  shows we must destroy any pride and replace it with total dependence  as the Lord spoke of Himself in John 5:19: Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do, for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.

As we grow in the love of God given to us in Christ Jesus, we will easily lay down all  to gain Him in greater measure….. There will be nothing that can stop us to grow greater in Him….. Our heart’s intent will be quickly measured if we let go all for His name sake….. He will vindicate all who have a pure heart towards God and His purpose….

So again when God gives us something that is beyond measure of our capability…..We can know for sure God gave it to us….. We will walk by faith.

He has to show up and we can only do the job if He does….. Walk by faith.

When the opposite starts to happen then His revealed plan………Walk by faith…..

When He does the work through us…….. Be not surprised, but be amazed…….Walk by faith…..

Around the next corner, He places another piece of His plan in our lap…….. We are astounded…….

And we walk by faith in His might and strength and the power of His word that is faithfully fulfilled.

He always give us more than we can handle, so God is God in our lives and opens the door for others… wonder and turn to Him.

Be amazed at the wonder of God, never surprised!

Daniel did not go back to his companions and fret when the King Nebuchadnezzar threatened the lives of all the wise men of Babylon…..They went straight to the Lord in prayer…… Daniel went to the One who is always. He went to the Source of the Answer- all Wisdom, all Knowing God.

Daniel calmed the anger of the king and also received from God the wisdom and interpretation of the king’s dream. Daniel saw that this was the plan of God to get His guy before the king,…so the king could know the God who rules the heavens and the earth.

Our life before our God will be filled with experiences that are way over our heads, but not for God. He wills us in the impossible so we may live out the impossible so all will know the Mighty God is sovereign. All may come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through our experiences proving we worship a God that is alive and has His hands upon us ….. and theirs, may they turn to believe…..

The Lord desired for the peoples of the times of Noah to turn and know Him. He was desiring for the peoples of the times in Abraham’s day to turn to Him….. as also King Nebuchadnezzar….. and as the peoples around us in this age. So be alert and on watch for Him. His Spirit will tell us all things to come…… Do not reason. Do not look out….. look up and just believe.

God does not change, He does not delight in the perishing of the wicked…. He wants all to come and turn their attention to the Son, the Savior Jesus Christ…..

God gave His Son an impossible task. No reasoning mind can understand that the Lord Jesus Christ took our sins as He was crucified on the cross…….No reasoning mind can understand the precious blood of Jesus Christ. His blood is very powerful and is still speaking to the world today….. Devils flee from the cleansing power of His blood…… How impossible was this plan and act of God to become such a reality in all the believers life as it has; our God came to die for us to give us life to live with us forever!…… It is possible because of God and the Holy Spirit of grace changing our hearts to believe.

So when we are thrown into the lion’s den or the raging furnace of affliction, remember when it is above our pay grade, this is God’s opportunity….. Pray, remain in the faith and secure our hope, for this is a setting for our God to be glorified by our lives and our lives glorifying Him…..

Get your surfboard and ride the Goliath wave with the Uncreated One transforming the impossible to the possible by His love.


My Children,

You are already positioned before the Great I AM. How is your life reflecting your  audience with the King of all kings who loves you?

In patience and in love will your vision be opened to My ways. Be still, children. You are the nation of peace that stands before I AM.  Be at peace, do not be ruffled by the wind of the seas, for you are with I AM.

Remain in My peace always, then you will perceive any deception rising before you. If you loose your peace, you have forgotten your place before I AM.  Come back before I AM, lose all to gain Me, your Prince of Peace.

Live in My presence as you do your daily duties. Learn as your soul gets up before I AM to go about business…… I AM does not stay back, but I AM is within you…. I AM goes also with you in every breath and second you are.  You separate Me from your daily duties, this should not be.  You are with Me where I AM, whether you are sitting before I AM or in the midst of business, in the midst of living….. I AM is with you.

Learn this. Live this Truth. I AM is where you are because you are with I AM.

Do you envision this? How calm will be your minutes because the Almighty One is living within you…..You will then walk with trust in the path that I have carved before you…..

The change of My son, Paul, as he received the truth that I AM revealed, the Son of the Living God was within him….. forever.  Live in the fellowship that I AM has died to give you…… We are always one, together. I AM never leaves you are forsakes you. Take comfort and rejoice in the God who loves you. The limits of this world are destroyed by the faith of the one who lives before Me always.

I AM is watching over His children as a mother hen over her chicks. Alas, I AM is also stirring the nest of the little ones so they will take flight by faith in the Spirit that is stirring to you to do My will….Walk out on the water with Me. I AM will keep you and allow others in My keeping.

The strong in heart and mind need not Me. I AM is the God of the weak and the broken of hearts who see the world has forgotten them. What joy they have found when I AM reveals Himself and I AM’s love to them.

So resound your joy and rejoice as you live in the Truth, I AM’s love is abounding in you. Strive to remember this in the day and in the night. Fight the fight of faith. Do not let go of the Truth. Speak to I AM often for I AM listens for your voice.

Glory to greater glory. Love to all the fullness of I AM. An hour of My presence to living  the mind frame of eternity with I AM.  Pray  a little to living a life in prayer and communion in all of the days because of the eternity life flowing within your spirit.

All things are possible to those who believe in Me, the Great One, the I AM. So come fly! Take a flight of faith in living the life I AM created for you.
