
Who Are You- O Great Mountain? Before Zerubbabel You Shall Become A Plain!

And He shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of Grace, grace to it!, ( Zechariah 4:7.)  

Thus says the Lord of hosts: If you will walk in My ways and if you will keep My command, then you shall also judge My house, and likewise have charge of My courts; I will give you places to walk among those who stand here, ( Zechariah 3:7).

Then I answered and said to him, What are these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two gold pipes from which the golden oil drains? Then he answered me, and said, Do you not know what these are? And I said, No, my lord. So he said, These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth, ( Zechariah 4:11-14).

( Just a heads up to this—– Elijah also spoke he stood before the Lord of the whole earth……. What was then and is now and will forever be- His ways in His people will be seen !)

But he, being filled full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God!, ( Acts 7:56).

In Christ, as written 2 Corinthians 5:17,  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.

Beloved, we are in Christ….. He is the Way.  His way is new and full of life, resurrection life.- in Him…… Grab on to the plow of Christ and do not turn back…….There is a vast and wide territory that is ours. We have been given great authority and privilege in Him…… Will we take the land?

There is no limit on the souls of men that He has decreed to be His……They shall hear with their ears the heart which has beat for them before they were born…… They will hear His whisper through the night and they shall see His face with pure delight and turn His way for this has become their new day.

God Almighty always has His people who stand before the throne regarding His rights on this earth…… Are we the ones?  Are we up for the call?  Choice is ours….. He has given all we need to  be overcomers….. The choice is up to you and it is up to me.

Have you noticed in married people that some times they look like each other. Some in their statures and others in their face…… I have also noticed even some dogs resemble their owners, but we are not going to go there!   As we focus on the Lord by prayer and study of His word….. We as His body,  resemble Him…. We are something other on this planet as He is  so are we in this world, as written in 1 John.

We are the bride of Christ. We were the bride and are the bride and are becoming the bride in completion—– our heart and ways resemble our King Jesus Christ.

What if in school, we stayed in the same grade for all our years and never entered into the next grade or level….. What would happen to the calling on doctors or nurses or teachers, etc….Have we maintained status quo on our spiritual growth in the Lord…… ?  We should always be uncomfortable with Him because then He is our comfort!

We with wide eyed wonder look unto Him each morning and know He will be showing us something grand from His plan.   It is not boring with Holy Spirit…… Life in the natural, we are consistently groping for promotion……. or increase of natural stuff……

Is the Lord not always increasing?   Should His people be increasing in the measure of Him…… Nothing in the spiritual realm stays the same….. Paul spoke in Acts chapter 17:23-28, for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD.

Therefore, the One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you: God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshipped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things.

And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.

The last verse of the Lord is the romance of God…….. He hopes we are groping for Him so we may find and know Him…….Wow! How awesome is our God……   If we are not stretching out in Him in faith in all ways He has made the door open then shame on us…….

If there is any stagnation it is in the natural  and is death……. The spiritual realm is always alive either in Him, our Lord or darkness- under the Satanic rule and principalities……. There is no turf on this planet where man is on his own……. Man if born again is under the authority of our King. If man has rejected the King of the universe, Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior,……man then is under Satan’s dominion….. That is why we needed a Savior……

Our choice of what we choose here leads our way  this day and unto eternity….. Our choice.  We must understand our eternity is not decided when we die…. We choose this day who we serve. We are in time but eternity reigns through each soul on this planet now…… We are choosing our destination forever this day……Our God is merciful and we can change camps unto His reign any day and He will take us in.  But who wants to tarry before such a great God? Do we know when our last breath will be?

We must change and turn to Him in repentance and sorrow for turning away from such a great love given to us.   His love for each one of us is beyond our comprehension. So why does man run?   Satan fools his prisoners into thinking they will lose but the truth is laid before all men……. God wins always and so does His people. God always blesses His people —–Look at the scars on the hands and feet of our Lord Jesus this day….. Has any taken a blow and such a crown of thorns for you yet to this day but the King of glory has for you and for me….. So we may be with Him forever today and throughout eternity.

His love is that great so every mountain but the Lord’s kingdom will fall…….They will become a plain by His name and the power of His Spirit through His people  crying in the streets:  Come in here all who are simple and taste and see the Lord God is good.

Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit as written in the above scripture in Acts….. He was full of the Spirit of God……. So are we…. God has not put a limit on our growth in His Son.  We have by our traditions or our babel….. Yup – our babel.  This is babel as written in Genesis 11:1-5,  Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, Come let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly. They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar.

And they said, Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens, let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth, But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.

Let’s make a name for ourselves…… Or we can work on the team of making His name known for He is already great!!!!….. Yet, God is Love.   His rule and governing is for a purpose to make His name  known and for His people to know His Son….

When all is said and done, behold- we will see Him as He is for we should be just like Him!!!!!! ( 1 John – check it out!!)……..As written, Christ in us, our hope of glory……..( Colossians 1)  But there is a greater purpose beyond our hope of glory— the Lord Jesus Christ’s glory  which is in His people….. Yup- look at us. The ones He has called and chosen to be faithful.  Only He deserves the glory!!!! Right, yes, He has called and justified and sanctified us-… Only He could transform us, the motley crew into His treasure which has His Spirit within sowing His great love to all.

The heavens cannot contain Him- and we think we can? Really?  Let’s let Him contain us instead and have a lot of fun and adventure in Him.  Let us fulfill our part so others also will be fulfilled in the Holy Spirit.  Let Him be known as we gaze on His beauty- hey this one was filled with the Holy Spirit……Their glory is Christ is in them….. Is that why there is much hope and enthusiasm in their God?

Now back to man wanting a name for himself and the Lord’s people wanting His name to be the fame and aim……..Babel’s kingdom gropes for themselves- God’s kingdom people grope for the Lord. We rejoice for He allowed us to find Him. Now we grow in our fellowship as united to the King….. His bride.

It is written that He laughs as He holds the nations in derision as written in Psalm 2.  He was probably chuckling loudly as He squashed their plan in Babel back then…… He is still laughing as men think they can contain or control the Uncreated One……..

He is so close to us that all idols of babel have been destroyed. Right?  Is not the greatest romance of our God that He has called us His from the foundation  of His world?   How our God has been wooing us to return  over and over again?…. Let us rather be His something – and  nothing in our own eyes.  We realize that He calling us His is the greatest gift ever.

Mans endeavors are in vain unless we turn to endeavor hard for the love and name of our King Jesus Christ.  Our place at the cross, grows our love for His preeminence as first  and death for our endeavors in our pride.   Holy Spirit is nudging our mindsets to our hearts cry to Him and Him alone. The name Babel has been in the Voice waves of His people this past week…… May we turn our ear to hear and align our hearts to the One whose kingdom will reign forever and ever.

When we learn to embrace the cross, we see His greatness and His love. We then know we are nothing without Him….. Guess what? A revived heart has just been launched.

And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again, ( 2 Corinthians 5:14).

For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh, ( Galatians 3:3).

Ruth laid down at the feet of Boaz’ at the threshing floor….. Women never were allowed at the threshing floor….. Well, not anymore! Ruth broke this box of rules to get into her place that God called her to be.     Then she was able to be a witness over her offspring, watching David in the field with the sheep, singing in the Spirit to our God as he slew the giants……

There is great purpose to our lives in Christ…… More than will ever be known by our natural eyes……Let us make sure we enter into the threshing floor and take our place in Christ Jesus.  Let us break the rules of men to bring the force of our God to change the status quo.

Esther had no fear to go before the king to save a nation of her people……. Her diligence of fasting and prayer  allowed God to make the heart of the king fancy her boldness with an open door to his authority……  for such a time as this- She broke the rule as did Nehemiah. No cup bearer in his right mind would not hide his sadness before the king for it was to be a joyous place….. That in itself is nuts….. Hey, you might drink poison to protect the king today and smile while you are doing it?  Huh?

Anyway, Nehemiah allowed the king to see his sadness and grief over the state of his homeland. He broke the rule and God showed him favor with the king……. He was given time off from his fun job from the king to go rebuild his homeland.

There are so many times written where men and women of faith broke  the rules of babel and did great exploits for their God because they loved Him and His people.

Let’s just do it and keep on doing it…… Don’t let the rule makers stop us from breaking the rules for the One who is above all men and has given us the authority to take the mountain and make it a plain by ……. the Holy Spirit in His people who have faith to believe that our God reigns.

To clarify, the rules of tradition is what I am referring to – not the law of a nation…… The traditions of men that make God’s word of no effect!!!!!

Praise Him and let’s just keepin on and do it!  In His name, all things are possible, even through us!!!




Arise and shine for your Light has come.  Draw near.  Hear! The day has dawned. Behold,  there is no fear. I AM is here!  The dark clouds have rolled away and the sun in the skies is here to stay….. Though the wind may blow and try to frighten and keep you at bay…… My Light is here to stay…. Walk in the Light and watch the dark move away…… Speak the Truth to all this day.

Please know children, the plain way is through the mountains and sometimes there is a delay….. but all will come forth in this new day.   No one can stop the prayers of the saints changing the tone of the groaning of prisoners in tow.   Here and speak for all will break into the sound that  I AM sending forth….. No one small and no one tall will be forgotten this day only make sure you are turning My way.

Can you stop the rain? Can you stop the star from shining? Can you stop the moon arising?  Then come on board with the One who can and sing His praises over the land…… All will bow their knee to Me….. This you can count on- do you, yet, not see?

Sing aloud and sing abroad for the mountains will bow as you bring I AM aboard….. Go – be blessed in your steps for I AM has made them for this day  and get others out of their miry clay….. Stand strong on the Rock of your Refuge. There is no end in sight in what I AM will do through you even in the darkest of night……. You see as you believe…… Come take   all that hinders and throw it away. Prepare yourself and others for this new day.  The sky and earth testify to My greatness so all may see the King in His glory has called all to Me.  Do not stall and do not hinder for I AM has set the stage for the remainder….. Come and believe and you shall see.

Arise and shine for you are Mine.