
Who Is First, Who Is Second, Who Is Third?

Can I ask a question?

Is the salvation offered from God part of getting our ducks lined up in a row? We have a plan for our retirement, we have our funds set aside in our 401k or IRA accounts. We have our house and we can even take care of our retirement out of this world……… the salvation of God through Jesus Christ…..  Is that the way God intended His Son to be, our convenient plan?  Only maybe to be dealt with on our sick or death bed?

The Holy Spirit speaks to us what He has heard from the throne in heaven….. Our King and Savior, our First  Love, has said we have left the place that He has for us  ( actually in Him), to be where He is….. He sees us operating our salvation from the horizontal view.

Thanks Jesus, we have Your salvation. We now can handle things from here. We will continue to do things that we feel is right and comfortable to us. There are some leaders of churches say that the gifts  Jesus gives to the church  are no longer needed  (Ephesians 4;10-15).  Where is that written in the Word? As I have also heard the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives are no longer needed( 1 Corinthians 12;1-14). Where is that written in the Word? It is that 2+2=5 syndrome of man’s pride running a muck again…. We cannot change the rules or plans of God, without receiving a great penalty.

It is written in Hebrews 13;8, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Jesus Christ, our King,  views us from His throne. What does He see in this generation?  Does His eyes of fire see us without vision and knowledge of the truth so that we are easily deceived and led to  perish?

It is  written in 2 Timothy 3;16-17, All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, and thoroughly equipped for every good work.

There are certain situations where the core beliefs and foundations in this country are trying to be changed and are being changed. Why should the church be upset? When the very foundations of God that has been written in the Bible by God, The Holy One, The Ancient of Days, is being changed to suit our unbelief by His people.

Jesus stated in Luke 18;7-8, And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?

There was a king that threw a great party. All people came from many nations to be a part of the party.  He blessed everyone with great benefits and also established rules that are a part of His kingdom.  Everyone went home with joy of the benefits and rules. They vowed to follow Him and honor Him with their lives because they loved this King, for He was great.

Time went on,  the people’s lives went on with the business of the day. Storms came. Every body seemed to have a trouble of here and of there. They started to grumble and wanted a quick fix.  They started to complain against the King. They forgot His rules and started to make their own. They made their own because they didn’t think the King would help them or noticed any more.

Well, He noticed. What do you think the Great King will do with that treason? Hasn’t this happened before?

If I remember correctly, it did. Was it not called the fall of man? Yet, the Holy Spirit mentions in chapter 2;5, Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to quickly and remove your lampstand from its place- unless you repent.    Hmmmm…..

Does man always repeat history of man with the same mistakes with out learning?… Selah! Didn’t we yet  learn that there is another voice  from the deceiver? An enemy of God and the King whispers in our ear an easier way. The enemy portraying an easy road for our carnal nature so that we turn away from hearing and obeying the Word of God……

Only God can give us the grace and diligence of heart to love our King, our Savior, as we should through the good and bad….and the ugly of days…..The fall of His bride from the heavenlies will not accomplish the fullness of God’s heart and plan. Another way to view,  we are His body in this walk of faith by being faithful on this earth. We are not a part of His body if we are not found in faith. We live by heaven’s rule, not by our sight, but by God’s eye and word for us.

Can you and I have  a part of our own body out of alignment with our mind and be okay? If some part of our body is out of joint, we usually stop to get this part aligned or fixed, right?

The Holy Spirit is sending a message to get back into alignment with the King, if not He will  remove our lampstand from its place.  In verse 20, chapter 1, Jesus Christ says the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches. 

We need to repent of our independence, then turn to be dependent on and desire for His Absolute Lordship as He  reigns over us. We ask for His mercy and grace that from today we shall live faithfully with that rule, no matter the cost. The Holy Spirit is here to enforce His reign.  The King is correcting the parts of His body that are out of joint….

Who is the Tree of Life to us? The Tree of Life is our Treasure or Prize even our life……… If we live without the Tree of Life as our Sufficiency and our Vital Need, we are out of line with the Head, the Lord Jesus Christ….. He died to give us His resurrected Life…. Life eternal, abundant forever and ever. Beloved, that resurrected Life resides in us  now…..or should be!  Let us not take the rewards of our God lightly!

Heavenly Father, forgive us and our self centered hearts towards You and Your Son, Jesus Christ. Please renew us in Your Holy Spirit of fire. Please enlighten our understanding with Your Wisdom so that we may see our true condition. May we have a courageous heart to receive Your rebuke and correction.

Give us a steadfast spirit in our inner man to remain faithful in honor and love to Your Son in this day. May we as Your Son’s bride be His voice  sounding like many waters in the wilderness crying out prepare the way of the Lord, for He is coming and all eyes shall Him.  Please hear and answer us as only You can give us the grace and love to love You our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Your Holy Spirit as we should…. for we have no clue. In Your graciousness give us eyes to see and ears to hear what Your Holy Spirit is declaring to us. In Jesus Name, we ask this and say we love You and thank You for Your mercy and grace to us.  Amen.

May You give us the endurance to keep our eyes on our Prize, Jesus Christ, as His eyes are always on His prize, us, His Beloved. All honor and glory and praise belong to You, forever and ever…. We love You. Please increase in us the love to love You rightly as we should and burn away the dross of selfishness… in Jesus name, Amen.

Selah! Give us eyes to see our Audience of One, please.