
Whose Name Is Written On Our Forehead?

And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him.

They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads.

There shall be no more night there: They need no more lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord gives light. And they shall reign for ever and ever.

Then He said to me, these words are faithful and true. And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent His angel to show His servants the things which must shortly take place.

Behold, I Am come quickly! Blessed is he who keep the words of the prophecy of this book, ( Revelation 22:3-7).

Did you ever read Revelation and think, hmmmm…… I am living that in part now in the Lord Jesus Christ. Beloved, there is more that we can think or imagine that is before us from our God, provided in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Not unlike the scripture in Isaiah 33: 17,  They will behold the King in His beauty; they will see the land that is very far off.

Well, He is our Light…… whether it is dark as the night or light of the noon day sun, we live by the Spirit, the Light and Eyes of God….. We have the Light we need to live by…. We know what to avoid. The Holy Spirit makes us aware of what to do and where to go and what not to do and where not to go….Even in the dark of night, we have the vision from the Lord to see through it. He makes the darkness light to us for in Him there is no darkness as we abide in Him. The darkness is revealed by His light, even though it remains darkness,……… so we may avoid the snares and wiles of Satan.

We have now the mind of Christ as written….Our God’s name is written on our forehead now…. We are governed not by man made government but our standards are higher. We live by the standard of Christ….. The highest authority in the heavens and the on the earth, we live by His name and  assist in establishing His name and His Kingdom….. We have His name on us as our name is written on the palm of His hand.

We have been delivered from the curse of God by our belief in the blood of Jesus Christ. We know and live by the power of His blood which cleansed us and made us pure white as snow….. We have the law and statues of our Lord written on our heart so we can obey His word by the power of the indwelling Spirit of God.

In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of then nations,        ( Revelation 22:2).

Now as written, in the soon and coming return of our Lord, the consummation of the age will be soon accomplished. There will be a new earth and new heaven… So, if all is in Christ and we are complete in Him, what nations will need healing…..???

Shall we think this Tree of Life is in our midst today? As we are the body of Christ,—He dwells within as our Sap,….. so to speak…. As our own body reveals our thoughts and intents of our heart, so then the body of our Lord Jesus Christ does likewise, right?…. Our members of our body  are as leaves from a tree…..We reveal all we are and think and desire by our actions of our body…..We reveal what type sap is flowing through us…

We proclaim loudly our thoughts and intents and desires of our heart by what we do and say…. How we dress…. What we eat….. What we watch….. What we do….

The Lord is the Tree of Life…. All believers abide in the Tree as the Sap  abides in us….. The Spirit of God is our Life or the Sap of our tree, individually and as completely in the body of Christ….. He flows through us, the members, as His healing leaves for the nations today…..

The healing leaves are what the Tree of Life produces….. which we are collectively and individually….. as the body of Christ…. We are fruit from the production of the Tree of Life.

So we know to live by faith, we have been given the mind of Christ….. Our view is from heaven as the Lord’s- We make our judgments and decisions in alliance with the Lord…. We partake of heaven as we are the Lord’s and desire His Food, He alone. We desire more knowledge of Him so we may always be sure  our path is His.

We know the way of the cross is our path as we walk with the Lord, as well as, knowing the path of danger in the way of pride and the lust of the eyes…..The paths of destruction hold no value or place in our hearts…. We have been crucified with Christ….. We have died to the world and the world has died to us.  We have His name written on our forehead….

Our life desire is to please the Lord. The Lord is pleased by faith in Him….. He has put numerous places in the Word to walk before Him and be perfect….. Huh? How can we be before Him perfect?….. He knows how many times we screw up and slip. Then we start over and keep going ….. then it happens all over again. It is by the walk of faith in Him as we know we are only complete in Him.

He knows and sees all of  our weaknesses….. but our faith  in His mercy and strength is what keeps us going back to Him. We please Him by our faith that He rewards all that seek Him…. In our weaknesses, we need Him….He desires us to be dependent on Him and Him alone….. In our flesh, there is no good thing, only I live because of My God…. If God wasn’t there, I wouldn’t be either. He is our only Good and our life is found in Him.

But our faith leads us to our knowledge of God through our weakness. We go back to Him because we know of His Strength and Power is made perfect in our weakness.  We keep coming to Him because we know of His love which never fails, even for us! Then we are in awe by Him even more…. to live extremely only for His gaze and smile. His fame and name are what we pray and live and seek and make known.

Our weaknesses are not a secret to Him. Our Lord knows everything and nothing is hidden from His sight…. But we have the Word of God to cling to by faith so His Perfect Love is covering us again and again as He proves His image within. We keep growing from strength to strength as His Spirit grows within.

We are constantly renewing our minds to the perfect will of God. His name is written on our forehead……..We grow in understanding of His ways. His ways are becoming ours.

Our bodies pour forth healing for the nations today…..because we produce the fragrance of Christ by our lives that we live unto the Lord….. We live unto Him, by Him and for Him…..All is for Christ as Christ becomes our all and is all.

He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death, (Revelation 21:7-8).

Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the Tree of Life, and may enter through the gates of the city,           ( Revelation 22:14).

Are we not in the city of God today?….. The presence of our God is with us today…. He hears and answers our prayers…..We have His Spirit dwelling within; the Holy Illuminator of God is with in us NOW….. We are seated in heavenly places today….We live and breath and have our being in and from God…. He is our Light. We have been born again from heaven, from above. But we live real on this earth, we know our days are in the hands of our God. We know that all this is visible here will be replaced with the eternal in God’s shakings. However, we have our orders from above…..

We know the wiles and tricks of darkness to allure us away with the fleeting fantasies of the twinkling of passing fancies…… We know to keep our hearts firmly in love with our God in thanskgiving and supplications…. We keep our eyes focused on His face bringing our brethren to safety in His arms. We keep our position at His feet at the throne in the cross of Christ in the heavenlies.

Let their be no mistake in our surroundings whose we belong.  Let our lives scream loud and bright of the fragrance of Christ. Let it be known with out any question, oh they are the Lord’s….. They live fanatical lives, they are weird! But when the shakings start, they will know where to come……Right?

I rather be thought of as weird by others and known as His own by our Lord.  Don’ t you? And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming,          ( 1 John 2:28).

Our God has manifested Himself through His body who’s origin is heaven….. We bring down the Heavenly Food, our Lord, to the nations…. We live a supernatural life naturally. We live from His holy instructions to us. If you know that His is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness, is born of Him, ( 1 John 2:29).

We are His city, His people who get their orders and Bread from heaven yet live on this earth, but we dwell in and from heaven. Remember, we are the living temple of the Lord today……We are His witnesses revealing the Lord today.

Can you believe and partake of all that our Lord has died to give us today?…… He is here and we are with Him… There are no secrets or hidden mysteries, for all have been revealed through the Holy Spirit in the Lord.  But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things, ( 1 John 2:20).

We have been through the gates and have entered in to the realm of the Spirit of God. We may live on this earth, but we partake from heaven….. today! We are the signs and wonders, the children of God, on the face of this earth….Our commissions are from heaven for the healing of the nations because we have the answer, Jesus Christ, the Savior and King of the world.

If we have received such a great inheritance in our Lord by our faith in Him, what greatness of our God could there be that is beyond this world that we now know? Wow!

Let us keep striving and holding the patience of Jesus.  Not using our sight, but using our faith, the city of God has opened the gates to us, by our Lord Jesus Christ….. Let us enter in to live in the kingdom of God.  It is within us, beloved. The Kingdom of God is here….. Our God came to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, so that He could bring us up to Him. We are begotten from the will of God….. from the foundation of the beginning of the world…… He chose us to be with Him for all of eternity….. Are we living there now in His reality which He provided  ? Can this truth be found in the “living” of our living?

Let us live and breath heaven’s sound, the WORD of GOD.  Let us bring healing leaves of the knowledge of Christ to all. Let us not blend with the world. Is it known by others whose name is on our forehead? Is it known by others we are believers of Christ or is it known by others we are like them? Remember as written to be friends with the world is to be in enmity with  our God.

We cannot reflect the world and be it’s friend and be the Lord’s….. On His day, we do not want to be found as His enemy….. We want to hear- Hey, My beloved, come to Me, I know of whose house you are.

Do you ever wonder why some flowers never open their leaves completely? I do. I wonder what prevented them from blooming and allowing the blessing of their fragrance to be known.  Not enough water, ( the Word)? Maybe it was not enough sun, ( Prayer in the Son). Maybe it was not enough fertilizer( Fellowship or communion with the Holy One)…….Hmmmm.

Well, we are all buds from the Tree of Life, our Lord’s love. Let us absorb all His Sap, all that He has provided in His Spirit,  so from Him so we can bloom with petals wide open allowing the beautiful fragrance of Jesus Christ to flow.

Let us pour forth the knowledge of the Lord by our lives in our stand and in courage.

Let there be no doubt of whose name we proclaim on our forehead….. The Holy One, our God.

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel,            ( Hebrews 12:22-24).

If we are abiding in our Christ, what more can we be possibly waiting for?
We are on track if we are waiting for the same things as He…… We can receive more of Him here, whenever we press in to Him. If we have truly died to the world and live within the Word…. There is no end to Him…….   So what are we waiting for? We have Him now. We have heaven now. We have healing now. We have God now.

Remember, we believe then we see. We walk by faith, not by sight. We realize the realm of God by faith in His Word. Are we believers or not?…. We will never receive unless we set our heart to stand in the belief of His Word. He rewards those who seek after Him…. in faith…. So come on…… Let’s go…… Let us learn to be all to Him as He is to us.

So let us press on to fullness that is available to us in Christ today….. He is calling us to be….He is calling us to hear…… He is calling us to rise up…… Are you coming? Let’s go. Oops, we are already there in the heavenly Jerusalem…… Can we believe so we will see? No we believe so we proceed to live from His Resurrected Life in faith of His written word. Then we see the manifestation of Him through us and around us and the most fun, in us…. as His Word is written within…..

Why do you walk with head down, My children, I AM is not there.  Look up, I AM wants to see your face. The beautiful face that I AM has created. Do not look for help from any other for I AM.

All that you need is found in Me. Can you not see, yet? Your eyes search to and fro as I AM. I AM is searching for those that are searching for I AM. Are your eyes searching for Me? I AM shows Himself strong on behalf of those that seek for Me.

Look up, for your redemption draws nigh….. I AM here and closer than your next breath. But, alas, as you do not see, you do not believe…..My children, ask for the grace to believe. Come to Me, I Am has known you before you were born. You were in My mind’s eye before I AM said you be. Do you not know how I AM longs for you to embrace My Word,  I AM.  Come to Me, be washed and made clean. I AM has forgotten your sins as far as the east is to west….. Just come, children. Do not be afraid for My love has made a way for you. My Door is open, nay, I AM will not turn away one that comes with sorrow and faith.

Be washed in My life. Alas, you are new in I AM. Come to follow Me, My path is narrow, but I AM has large footsteps, so yours fits inside mine. Just follow Me and live to know the everlasting love that I AM has for you.

Do not turn your head as this is not for you……. I AM is speaking to you today, for I knew your thoughts before you did, child…. I AM has the answers for all your questions, your misunderstandings, your lack….. I AM fills you to completeness. You will lack no good thing with I AM…. Do you not lack many things now? So come…. Do not fear to come. Do not cower now when I AM’s hand is opened wide for today is the day of Salvation for you….. Do you know what tomorrow may bring?

At the end, will you be one who earns a fool’s wage or will you be one who earns the reward of the wise. Come all and listen, and yet some who have ears refuse the feast I AM has  set before you.

What will you say of a bride who saw her noble groom coming on a strong steed with His caravan behind. He went through great lengths to win her love as He laid down all to woe her. His Steward is waiting to lavish her with gifts that are beyond her thoughts or imagination. She is fearful because she cannot see who is before her. She turns away. She leaves the opportunity of living in great heights by His love in all the days that are to come…..

Because she could not say, yes, I will come and be Yours. She could not say I am sorry for not drawing close to you before….. please forgive me, for I come now.

She walks away, with her head down because she could not say yes to her first love.

Alas, wisdom will be justified by her fruits or her children. Your life was not meant to walk here on this earth without I AM. I AM wants you with Me, where I AM. Please come….I AM  is what you need.

Come to Me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I AM gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Alas, I AM yearns to hear from My bride: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For he has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold all generations shall call me blessed. For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation. He has shown great strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their throne, and has exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke to our father, to Abraham and to His seed forever.

Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord….My bride exalts My name and she is My delight.  Is your delight found in I AM?

Come to Me, are not My open arms extended still?

