
They Again Gathered Around The Word Of God

They gathered again around the Word of God.

These hungry few were intent on living before God with their whole heart.

They had tasted and seen that this God, and His King, were worthy of all their time and even their life.

They had experienced His grace and His mercy in abundance.

They had experienced even dreams and visions from Holy Spirit, when they did not know what they were…. They assumed this is His way and believed. Now their nights were filled with wonder and adventure of what is to come.

They had experienced Holy Spirit’s gifts without even being taught that there were any gifts. Holy Spirit is the Discerner of His own.

These few assumed living in Him, we were to live a supernatural life. They are.

Seeing things that naturally you do not see or know, their lives were being overwhelmed in Him.

These few figured out if God is invisible then most of the life lived by His Spirit is by faith and not by sight.

But sight in the unseen was given to these few hungry needy ones.

These were the ones God could open up the impossible possibility of His goodness in all their lives.

They were looking and were waiting.

Their new lives in Him were sprouting, while asking and seeking their life questions of His will.

Little Person asked, so any one need to share what God has been doing in their hearts?

One raised their hand and Little Person nodded, go ahead.

Okay, well, I was studying and investigating all through the Ancient Book.  I do not want to miss what He wants to teach me now.

That night, I dreamt there was a door before me, it was a white door…… I was flying in a white dress and controlled my landing to be in front of the door.   There was a key in my pocket…… The only reason I knew was that it bumped my leg…. I got the key and it turned into many keys and they all unlocked the white door and I went in through the door and the dream ended.

Good dream, said Little Person. 

What does this mean? Anybody want to step in and speak?

One spoke up, yeah, she is busy in God and His things…. His Spirit, His Word. She is clothed in linen like the book of Revelation speaks of….. She is cleansed and filled with Holy Spirit….. but she has been given the keys that unlock the door …… to more knowledge of the King and His kingdom…..  I mean Jesus yelled at the lawyers for having the keys to the kingdom and His knowledge and they do not use them nor help anyone else to enter……  Her flying means she is active in Holy Spirit and the supernatural life we have in Him……  I think this is what the dream meant?   I am sorry if I am wrong.

Wow, said the one who shared her dream…… Thank you, she added.

Little Person said, I think you did a great job. First of all, you stepped up and spoke in faith. The second, you encouraged your sister with the word of knowledge and wisdom.

Well done!!!!!!, Little Person started to clap and the gang joined in.

Anther raised their hand. Little Person spoke, go ahead….

I want to tell you what happened with my spouse, if I can?

Little Person spoke, what is said in the room stays in this room regarding personal stuff, right everyone?

Yes and Amen, the group shouted.

Go ahead, Little Person said.

Well, my family and spouse, except for the kids, are still using……. I am here because of the judge….. who I want to look up and thank him, but anyway. They came for a visit…… My family left when I started to share about what Jesus had done with me here.  How He showed up in all the ways He has. How He has made me strong and filled me that I do not want any drug or drink anymore…..

I started to read from my Ancient Book…… and they walked out except for my spouse.

She was wrecked but listened….. Then she said, ah come on, we will use together again, right, honey?

I looked at her and said no, we will not use together again, in Jesus’ name.   I want you to give the kids to your mom or mine for a couple of months and register to come in here on your own. You need Jesus and you need to get off the stuff….. He is the only way, and they will help you here to know Him and be sober forever. Then our kids have a shot at a good life because we can teach them about Jesus Christ.

She looked at me as if I just hit her. She said to me that I am the man she thought I would never would become and she wants out.  She got up and left.

Little Person and most of all the crew said, Wow!

Little Person spoke, You deserve a standing ovation for your courage.  I know your heart may hurt, but you did the right thing. You showed them love of the highest measure…….

Hey, let’s remember to pray for them…… Now the results are in God’s hands.

He answered, yes.  I cannot go back to that environment. Please pray for me to know what my steps should be when I get out……. Maybe when I talk to the judge on how great His place is, he can help get my spouse in here too……. Please pray, I am not sure at all what I should do….. I mean there are the kids and I can’t allow them to be in that environment either…… Please pray…. Thanks.

Little Person spoke, Holy Spirit will let you know each step you are to take and we will pray.

Another raised their hand and Little Person nodded, please go ahead.

I had a visitor too. My parole officer.  He was shocked. He said I am another person. He is going to start to recommend a lot of drug offenders here as well as drinkers. I had to share and give a big thank You Jesus for this guy’s good report of me…… actually of Jesus…. He did it….

Little Person said, Yes, He loved you enough and beyond to make you into another person….. but you also agreed to be loved and helped and changed…. So congrats to you and praise and glory go to our Father and His beloved Son!

Little Person asked, does the Director know of your both visits? 

They both shook their heads up and down speaking, yes.

Okay….. Is there anyone else?

A hand waved and Little Person spoke, go ahead….

Well, I had a dream that my spouse was cheating on me. I mean he uses still. I was praying for help to know what to do when I get out….. I sort of do not want to go back with him.  I do not want to use and he does.  I had this dream, he was cheating on me.  I saw the woman he was with and they were using.  He was talking to her and telling her that he was going to come and ask me for a divorce. Then I woke up.

That was the dream…… He did come and visit me.   He was high and asked me for a divorce.  I said yes.

I also told him that Jesus Christ saved me from me and my drugs and all the screw up things I did.  I told him I did not want to use and wanted to live a different lifestyle now including the God who knows me and saved me.

He said, that’s great…. This is working out better than I thought. He got up and left.

Everyone including Little Person said….. WOW!!!!

The person smiled and said Jesus took care of the whole mess for me….. I am speaking about this because He gave me the dream to help prepare my heart, like shelter me from the shock. My husband  wants the divorce and will file it with the attorney……My Heavenly Father heard my prayers and worries and took care of them all.

Little Person asked, you speak with Director regarding this?

She answered, yes and he has an attorney that will be for me too….. in the flesh!!

They all chuckled.  

Little Person said, WOW, thank God for His mercy and tenderness towards you….. You weren’t caught off guard….He protected you by giving the dream of words of knowledge…..Are you okay with this?

Yes, I am. The marriage was surrounded with drugs and drinking. I want to continue to surround myself in Him and with Him and live for Him…. I want to continue to draw Him and what He shows me for the rest of the time He gives me situations to draw…… I want to live by the clean slate He gave me and I knew my spouse would have none of a consecrated sober life living for Him….. So He fixed it!

I am so grateful…. Now I can pray and concentrate on what He will have me do when I leave here…. I do not have to be concerned on the marriage anymore….. I can learn to be His bride in freedom  now.

Little Person said, Praise Him. Wow, this is great news. God is full of His goodness which He pours out on us without measure…… I am grateful to Him for you too!

Anybody else? Asked Little Person.

Another hand raised up.

Little Person said, go ahead.

I was praying and asking for help to go to school and get my GED so then I can go to school and get a degree.   I got my answer. I passed my GED last week!

The room applauded with a loud explosion of celebration…….. The illiterate is long gone.

They all clapped and screamed, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

This educated person turned around, I have to thank Uri also for all her time given me to read and get back to where I need to be to live in freedom of His righteousness once I leave. So Ms. Uri, thank you for all your time and patience.  Your time given to me means the opening of so many doors for me now.

I will thank God for you everyday of my life. Thank you.

Little Person caught Uri wiping her eyes quickly…….. Miss tough girl was a marshmallow filled with His love.  Little Person smiled at her which made her eyes water even more…..

The whole room exploded again in applause and praising God.

As the clapping died down, the educated person spoke, I am trying to get a scholarship. So please pray for me…. I am not sure what He will have me focus on yet, but I am asking where He wants me to go to continue learning and possibly get a degree…….. Or I could go back to the center where I lived and teach others now to do what I did and teach them about Jesus Christ by His grace…… So I need your prayers so I do the right path, please.

The clapping continued as they praised God.

Little Person spoke up, He will lead and guide you. We will continue to pray for the direction of His will. Please let us know when you know.  Congratulations again!

He added, Good job Uri!

She smiled at him.

Okay, any others want to share?

Another raised their hand.

Little Person said, go ahead.

Well, something weird happened. I was thinking of a friend of mine during my talk with Holy Spirit.   I talked to Him about this friend…… and then went on with my study and asking questions on scriptures.

And I finished my study and got some of my answers. I got up to get some water and I heard, my friend’s marriage is ending.  It is not a an affair, but a gambling problem.

I was stunned, I collapsed on the bed in my room.  Then I wrote it down what I heard.  Then time went on and I heard from my friend…….  His marriage broke. He told me it was his wife who wanted the divorce because she was cheating on him…….. I looked him in the eye and told him that is not true.

His jaw hit the floor and he turned white….. I then told him, he was in debt beyond his curly hair because of his addiction to gambling….. I then told him to tell his wife to wait on the papers of divorce because you will get your act together. Tell her the truth…. and come here.   I told him to register here and get Jesus Christ and get honest and get free.   I told him never go back to the gambling now……

He said he couldn’t because he owed money to the wrong people.   I told him to meet with the Director. He will figure out something for him.

So please pray for Ed…… That is not his name, but if you mention Ed to God, He will know the guy.

His life, really, is on the line……. Only God can make a way where there seems to be no way….. Look at me!

They all laughed.

Little Person spoke up, I commend you for your bravery and courage to confront your friend. We will be praying for him……Do not give Ed any money. This is to everyone in this room…… Compassion and empathy are needed by giving Ed a life hand into the name of Jesus Christ.   You know not to give your old gang any drugs so the same goes here but with money.

Wow! God has been so busy with you all.  You all did so great in walking with Him.  I am so glad!

Anymore want to share?

A timid hand rose from the back.

Little Person smiled and said go ahead…..

A person came to visit me….. and as I was walking to the visitor room, I got a nudge like on my shoulder. My left shoulder and my neck hurt. I turned but no one was visibly there.   I do not want to let on who this person is but, it is bad news. The plan was seen as he was talking to me about giving him money and for me to walk out from here.   I think I got a warning from God on the bad plan of this person formed against me.  It did not work.  I said God warned me about you.

I told them to leave and forget my name unless they want to check in and give their lives over to Jesus Christ. As I spoke the pain in my neck stopped…… and he hurried himself out as if I was a cop!

They all laughed in the room and said praise God!

Little Person asked, you okay now?

Yes, but I never thought God nudged people to warn us.    The pain in my neck….. I guess this guy was going to be a pain in my neck.  I prayed that he has forgotten my name and will come in here.

I never experienced this before…. I mean about God protecting me from the schemes of people…… I have experienced bad plans against me from people….. Now they will not prevail like you taught us.

So I am very thankful for God and He can nudge me and give me a pain in the neck as a reminder any time!   I will heed His warnings and pray against the schemes of darkness anytime He says. I am so grateful He is my God and wants to protect me from all evil and their plans.

Little Person spoke, I am also grateful He warned you on the plan against you. I pray he will come and join us at His Place. God will warn us any way He can. For me, it is a knot in the stomach. My stomach gets tense as He warns me from car crashes or storms if I am riding. The first time, I argued when He told to me to take a left instead of a right turn. I said, but I am going this way….. Then I heard the word crash….. I quickly made a u turn and obeyed….. Then I noted to pay attention to these warnings of His after I repented.

Read Psalm 91 okay….. It seems to me you had a Psalm 91 couple of days…… See how He will protect and warn us to keep us from the plots and schemes of evil and their wicked schemes.

Good job on protecting yourself, too!!!

Everyone clapped to give encouragement.

Anyone else? asked Little Person?

He is teaching us to live in Him supernaturally even though we live in a body but He is highlighting to us this day….. How to see things His way as looking through His eyes…. for dark is as light to Him….. All things are known to Him and He will always allow us to see things that are to come by His Spirit as written. We are learning to adhere to His ways and leaning on them with our whole heart and mind.

His ways are higher and He has brought us up to Him so we may see all things and be prepared for what ever is to come before us. The natural man without Jesus Christ will never understand or know what we have been shown…….

He reveals things to us by the surrounding nature and it’s signs. These are always telling us a story but we lean on Holy Spirit for His language of understanding. This is His way so we may always percieve all He has planned for us and all the enemy has planned for us….. We then shall make the wise choice, if we do not, well, we may just get a nudge or a pain in the back….

All chuckled.

Thank You Father, for giving us ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart to percieve all You are showing us. We are watching and learning.

Okay, last call, anyone else?

Okay, ten minute break……

More to come- God is willing…..