
With Shouts Of Grace, Grace To It!

Are you the song of drunkards?

Rejoice, if so, you are written in His Word!!!!!

Have you ever run into a witch? Would you know one if you did? Holy Spirit will tell you, if you do.

He will tell you what to speak, ……and how to pray.

Do not fear, for He who is in you, is greater than he who is in the world as written in 1 John.

Leaders speak of the root of bitterness taking hold in sons and daughters of God and to beware.

Bitterness can clog all of God’s goodness for you as written in Hebrews…….However, I do not see bitterness in my brothers and sisters…… Please read on……..

Leaders, unless you have run into a witch, I think you may mistake bitterness for disappointment and heartache that just hasn’t been brought to the cross and covered and healed in His love.

When we understand His ways by His love, the blockage of disappointment or misunderstanding fall away and are replaced with hope in Him again.

Lies of the evil one come in when we go through those dark and hard times, even in good times. However, Holy Spirit is there with us.

If we have hidden the Word of God in our hearts, Holy Spirit reminds us of His Words,…… as written in John also. The lies fall void as we remain in freedom of the King.

He talks to us to teach and heal. Then the joy fills up in us again…… We have risen again!!!

What I described above is not bitterness.

That is walking in Him by His Spirit through every day of our lives.

This world is broken and broken things happen to us, but He is there to help as He promised.

Even when we walk through a rose garden….. The fragrance is awesome and the beauty but, we must also realize there are the thorns…..

Beloved, He is here…. Your King is here….

The Great I AM to walk through and with us every single moment of our lives. The best news is the Healer is in the house all the time within us…..

The quicker we learn to lean on Him for all things, the quicker we go to the next plateau to see some more of His beauty….

It is not about us…… It is about us entering in Him and realizing He has been holding our journey in His hands and calling us His own now and tomorrow and forever. It is about knowing Him as our God. In the knowing is eternal life.

Returning to bitterness: there is a full blown tree of bitter wormwood in the hearts of witches or people who practice witchcraft . Beware. Stay away and pray…….. They are not just lost souls but are practicing evil with intent to harm and lame those who they oppose. Of course, in the power of God and His blood, we oppose their works of darkness and apply His blood on all their words.

The bitterness which speaks and by actions is totally demonic. You can almost sense them speaking and acting from hell itself. You can sense or hear evil speaking and conniving through these souls who reject His love.

Wow, you say that is heavy speaking of witches……. Well, if you are song of drunkards, it is all wrapped up in the forces of darkness…….. Scoffer, mockers, witches and drunkards….. Rebellion in its fullness blossoms……. Be aware and speak His Word….. I am presuming that reading His Word daily and spending time with the Holy One is priority.

You can see the fulfillment of Proverbs 12:21: No grave trouble will overtake the righteous, but the wicked shall be filled with evil.

There is not much preaching or teaching that I hear regarding 1 John….. Maybe a couple of real neat scriptures but the bulk of it, not so much….. In this hour, we must know the Truth and not be deceived.

I often have asked why to Holy Spirit……. His answer: this is the confirmation of prophecy in Zechariah 4:6-7: showing Spirit of prophecy is I AM that I AM…….This I AM.

Where I AM is given free reign, freedom of My love and ways abound…… Know the called out ones will learn from Me. My ways are known because they walk in Me and with Me and by Me as I AM has spoken through My son, John…..

They can totally depend on Me…… I AM the Key and what I AM has said will be Mine. All will see that in My people, My Words are spoken and fruitful because of Me. Their fruit is found in Me.

Where there is control and all kinds of Babel words, not from Me, I AM will not be found……Those words are not from Me. My Words are written for all to see and know….. For I AM transforms ashes into joy…… All that are found in I AM. Do you not know I AM makes all things new. All that is before is forgotten by I AM……Humanism is the way of the earth and I AM shall not be found in that mixture. Babel is of the earth and Zion is established in the heavenlies. Do you not see? Why do you not honor My blood?

So he answered and said to me:

This is the word of Zerubbabel: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.

Who are you, O great mountain?

Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain!

And he shall bring forth the capstone, with shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!’

Where is My grace found in ways of men which try to hide their unbelief in My reign?

Where is My grace found in the cross?

Where is My grace found in changing empty pots full of water than into the most fruitful wine imaginable?

Where is My grace found in raising ashes into beauty?

Do you not see, these little ones never stop looking unto Me? I am their hope and delight….. They are never out of My sight.

When you mix babel with Zion there remains only the dirt of babel. Angels are at work making the house of babel ready for those who never believe that I AM shall reward all works.

I AM the God of the just and unjust. I AM loves all.

I AM is not blind or slow in His justice…..

My mercy is new every morning, My hope is eternal…..

So My hope is found in my little ones…..

They stand and know that all that is good and righteous shall be completed by I AM……

So I AM hears their pull on Me, saying today is the day we have heard you.

I AM hears and takes notes on their response, we keep our eyes on You for You alone are our help and salvation…..

How can I AM resist the faith that draws Me up to meet their faith by the power of My Word.

Does I AM share My throne with Belial?

Why do you- to those who teach as My Word, your words on your platform?

Why do you put stumbling stones out before the walk of my little ones?

Why do you not release My Word into their hearts as broadcasting the seeds so they shall lean on after that day?

Have I not taught you from morning by morning the Words to speak as My witnesses and understand I AM He and before Me there was no God formed, nor shall there be after Me.

Do you know what lies for them in the days ahead? I AM for certain does and I AM the One who is leading them through……

Assist in this measure of Zion, assist them walking on the highway of holiness – not by any but by My Spirit alone……

Do you have in your hand the means to change a cat into a dog?

A elephant into a lion?

A sinful man or woman into the beloved son or beloved daughter of God?

By My Spirit and My Words all things are possible…. So be of My Spirit and speak My Words alone.

Speak what is true and allow My Spirit to bring My Words to the fullness of My life in them.

Do not hinder them by making them look at their self and take their eyes off My gaze…..

Do you really presume you know better than I AM the consummation of the beauty of My new creation?

Were you there on My mount of transfiguration?

Do you not witness My power in your own life? Then do not hinder others….

You being blind shall not lead others into your ditch.

Allow My Spirit to speak of the purity of My Word and do not stumble away.

Can you change any tide to go a different way today?

Do not block My little ones from attaining in Me all My glory as written I AM in them and them in Me….

This established foundation has been My plan before you were here…..

Show them Me and allow My Spirit to govern their heart completely for all their days……

Do not block them working from My glory and for My glory.

I AM has planned in them for I AM their Beginning and their End……

Why do you hinder their sight for all that is before them in I AM.

Is it perhaps, it is as written, you will not enter in and you hinder others from entering in to My kingdom?…. Your limits have blocked the power of My Spirit.

You fear if you will allow any other to remove those limitations on I Am and they go through all barriers and prevail, all will see and then believe in Me? Have I AM not proven over and over that I AM will provide in the wilderness? So allow My sheep to be free in Me to believe all that I AM can be for them.

Why do you fear that My arm is shortened that I AM will not provide for My own in the wilderness?

Why do you allow them to stumble by turning their head and releasing their hand from the plow they have entered in so far by My Spirit?

As I AM has called clean and born them with My own blood, out of My side they have come…..

Why do you call what I AM has done…….. not clean….. The blood of the Lamb of God not strong or mighty? It is finished, means it is finished !!

By your envy, comes this offense.

Watch for not having a millstone hanging around your neck.

Make sure we are One as I AM has spoken……

Just believe all that is spoken in My Word for you….

For such a time as this……My Words are fulfilled in your midst this day…… You have Me all through your days.

Little Ones,

No one but I AM knows the beauty within you that shines through out, is of I AM with no doubt.

You, My little ones, turn to Me and never let man turn your gaze from Me.

I AM your One and All….. Be embraced coming from the King of your vision……

The first of My love to Me speaks of Me endlessly.

She never turns a deaf ear to Me, but her obedience has always been her Key to me….

Through her difficult night of love for Me, she never quits her praise of Me…..Her melody rings outs straight through to Me……

Ask of her, for the eyes to see Me.

The pure in heart will always see Me…… The poor in heart always have Me. The ones who weep for all that I AM weeps, has My Face for all eternity.

Watch your steps all you “leaders”……. There might be a ditch of lies that you have dug that makes you fall.

Who I AM calls clean and is righteous as I AM is righteous….. You must call too. Or do you too blaspheme My blood and My love……Your soul with My Spirit does not equate but to babel and I AM does hate…… Lies that form are not from I AM regarding My beloved does great harm.

For as it is written, those who are born again, cannot sin…..


My little ones hide from the tiger that waits outside…..

Shall My sheep be left again. The shepherds use My Words to scatter instead of gather?

My eyes are not closed to not see into your hearts that twist My Words to make them obscured.

The ones who gather together to place a web of deceit on My righteous.

Do not be concerned for their words design the web of deceit shall gather around their own feet…. The pit they schemed for you,…. they only shall fall into.

Children, do you not see…… Whom the Son of Man sets free, is free indeed…. Joy is their weapon of peace as they are found in My presence for through all of time and then beyond. My gaze is strong and My hand will not let go one of My little ones.

Heed My Words and My peace I give…..unto the world there will be tribulation.

SELAH !!!!!! SELAH!!!!!

The only thing I dare add is scripture:

1 John 3:1-13:

Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!

Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.

Beloved, now we are children of God;

and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be,

but we know that when He is revealed,

we shall be like Him,

for we shall see Him as He is.

And everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as He is pure.

Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.

And you know that He as manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin.

Whoever abides in Him does no sin.

Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.

Little children, let no one deceive you.

He who practices righteousness, is righteous, just as He is righteous.

He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning.

For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the worlds of the devil.

Whoever has been born of God does not sin,

for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest.

Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God,

nor is he who does not love his brother.

For this is the message that you heard from the beginning,

that we should love one another,

not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother.

And why did he murder him?

Because his works were evil and his brothers righteous.

Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you.

This blog was His plan..

Today, if you will hear His voice,

Do not harden your hearts,