
He Is Fishing, Are You His Bait?


Eternal life always increase and so do we. If we do not change and grow with His increasing life, we will stop and be stagnate.   We all go through different changes through our own journey.

I have not written a blog because I have been in boxes and sometimes felt like I was becoming them……Stuffing them as He was stuffing me with Him. Setting up a new tent with His new wine. I was setting up a new tent and He was increasing my heart for Him….. Go with His change….. Be wise.

Growth comes with new ideas and revelation of Him, our King……

Transition is good if we are following His lead….. He sends us where He is fishing.

Times for the bland to become salty seasoned with fire.

Do we contemplate we are seasoned?

Have we experienced His fire and salt in our sacrificial life in living before the audience of One?

Or will we be known as those bland rice Christians?  Hmmmm.  

There is no resting the flesh but in our spirit, we do get nourished in Him…..

Boy, oh boy, do we rest and get spiritual strength. 

If you are weary, pull out your chair with your name on it at the King’s table and feast in His Word…..

There you will have knowledge of the True and Living God.  

When He speaks, you will hear.

When He nudges you, you will obey.

You will know who is knocking and run to open up.

When we think we are empty and tired…..

Sit before Him and BAAM! 

His smile alone will rejuvenate us.

Remember, when we keep our eyes on Him……

We are setting our minds on the Divine One who has given us all things that pertain to godliness……

But our eyes must be on Him and ears to hear His frequency……..

Understand when He is the One speaking and when it is not Him…..

Doing the will of God always gives us strength and courage and peace even when there is nothing for the eye to see to give us reason for the peace and strength of an ox.

But alas, this is called the walk of faith and living by His Holy Spirit.  Right?

Jesus was tired on the way to Samaria.

He stopped at a well to rest, but……

 then gave life to a needy one.

His food was to give life which was to do the will of the Father. 

Did you notice He was not hungry after the encounter with His first witness in Samaria?

As He gave life- His eternal life- the witness was excited and He was strengthened….

Surely doing the will of God is our strength.

When we know for certain we are following the lead of Holy Spirit, we have peace and strength and great enjoyment in our life for it has been confirmed in His purpose.

Rest in Him, beloved. 

Rest in Him….. Rest in His Word. Rest in trust of Him.

Rest that you have seen the King in all His beauty. 

Rest that He knows you and you know Him. 

Rest in His cross. 

Let the cross rest in you.

Just as His blood covers us and protects us,

let His blood speak out for His best over you.

Seek His glory! 

See His righteousness shall be in fullness surrounding you and from you.

The unknown will be known by you.

His treasure is hidden with in us……

Him and all of His greatness.

He did not give a tiny piece of Him to you and……

maybe a bigger one of Him to another.

When we took His name, His Spirit, all of Him came to dwell inside of us. 

All of Him…… His eyes of fire make us a burning sacrifice of our lives before Him.

He calls us His own and as we jointly in Him stand before His fire of His Spirit.

We are joining Him in the cross as we also join Him in His resurrection.

The increase is up to walking His way, not anyone else, but His way for us and us alone.

This process is until we leave this world in the manner of all men.

Will we stand His salt and fire now? 

One thing to pray for the comprehension with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, that you may be filled with the fullness of God, as written in Ephesians. 

It is excellent to pray but understand the way of Jonah is for all of us as it was our King. Going down is the only way up in the kingdom of God.

But as we go through the depths to know the heights and width to comprehend the lengths of His love, we must stand in the ground of the cross by the power of His Spirit, knowing He has been this way before and then take our guided steps. 

We then increase the trust in knowing Jesus Christ and abide more in Him as the Word of God grows with increase that is from God alone.

Mark 9:49, Jesus states: For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt.

In the Beginning – there was a void and the Holy Spirit was hovering over darkness and Almighty God spoke light be to the universe….. BAAM- Light was.

Then His fire and cloud representing His presence, the Light of men, led His chosen people, Israel.  He was with them.

Then in the fulfillment of time, the Son of Man was here. He is the Light of the world and men…..

Men chose to live in the darkness, but those who received His grace given, said yes to His Salvation and…….then……

The Light of the world, became the Light, the Presence, Eternal Life in men. 

See that we know we are the living temple of God…. NOW!

Check out 1 Corinthians 6.

Yes, being saved is great.

Being born again into His family to learn about Him and His kingdom.

He also inputs His Incorruptible seed in every heart that says yes to increase  His growth of His Tree of Life within each of us.…

There is more to eat when you come to the table of God.

Lots more. 

Come hungry. 

Come unsatisfied.

You will never leave empty….

Only those who come full will leave empty.

Come with His blood covering you for all you were and are not any longer…..

All you are now and will forever be changed into His likeness. 


Eat and be full of His greatness and His beauty.

You will have to leave with the fullness.

You have eaten so it may nourish and fill your marrow and bones and brighten your spirit, soul and mind. 

We start to realize we do have a spirit that is only satisfied with God alone.

Leave the world and its news behind…….

Be satisfied in the good news of the salvation from God to all men.

Then we return for we are ravished for more of Him.

There is none like Him anywhere.

He is sufficient, but we want more of His sufficiency……

Do you eat once a week or a month for your body? 

You never have to leave His table….

It’s a carry out and on your daily life.  

He always gives us a carry out and on in His presence, the Food of life, eternal life.

Then you become His bait and carry the fragrance of Christ.

In the setting up of the tent, I thought some drawings I have of Jesus on the cross with eyes of pure love pouring towards me was lost……

I was heartbroken.

I asked – Will you draw another of You through me?

Am I to find You in another way….. Expand…..


I found them… A box hidden behind empty boxes

…. But that box had my hidden Treasure.

Now I have within me My hidden Treasure.

My drawings one day will perish, but not the Christ with in me….

That is my hope of His glory….He always comes shining through.

Yes, He is hidden but He is my Treasure that I will keep and protect in His grace. 

Nothing in this world is greater or more valuable than Christ in me.

The two drawings were one of my smiling Christ and the other was the loving Jesus on the cross who died and gave His life for me.  

I had prayed that when He looks at my heart or spirit- He sees that picture of Him in me.

I am positive He is at work mightily  in me as I found my sweet drawing reminding me of His love for me….

His unfailing love that brought me to Him many years ago and still brings me to Him every minute.

His hold on His beloved is great and mighty. 

Come eat and rest and get His fullness….. so we may get more. 

There is always another plateau and valley that He leads us through but,

His delight is in fellowship with me is beyond comprehension.

He looks and I stop to hear.

Have you seen the King in His beauty?

If not, ask and you will…..

He never turns away a cry for Him. 

You might turn away from His reply, but He will not turn away from you. 

Change and let go and grab Him…..

and let Heaven’s adventure begin in you, beloved.

Here is a poem- I found and I am not sure who wrote it but I know inspiration was from Holy Spirit:
There’s a man in Glory

Whose life is for me,

Triumphant and free.

He’s wise and He’s loving,

Tender is He,

And His life in the glory

My life must be.

There’s a Man in the Glory

Whose life is for me,

He overcame Satan

From bondage, He’s free.

In life He is reigning,

Kingly is He.

And this life in the Glory,

My life must be.

There’s a Man in the Glory,

My life must be.

There’s a man in the glory,

Whose life is for me,

In Him no sickness;

No weakness has He;

He’s strong and in vigor

Buoyant is He;

And His Life in the Glory

My life may be.

Rest little ones in My glory and goodness.

Know all is well because I AM!  I AM is within you if you believe.  

Come to Me all who are weary and I AM will set you free to be who I AM has called you to be.

Do not fret. Do not worry. 

Come to Me as I know the end of the story for I AM.

The Author has beckoned you now to come and sit before Me.

Receive My call and do not tarry….

The Door will not always be open.

Come to the bloody altar of My cross.

Be cleansed and brought into My heart for all and forever more.

As forevermore, I AM resides in you.

Then know this…. I AM is closer than your breath.

Come to learn of Me.  

Hear the whispers of My heart into your spirit.

We shall forever be eternal because you have said yes to Me and all I AM will take over…..

Can you now see?

Come sit and rest and learn of Me……

Now is the time, you shall hear My call in the whisper of the night or in loudness of the day…..

Yours is the choosing to come My Way….

I AM the Light that will lighten your way through the dark of the world to the coming of MY DAY.

For those who have become as rice on a shelf…..

Come to Me now and allow My life to start My fire within and without…..

Allow the salt of My hand be your light in the night.

Come to Me.    Be My bait, beloved!


Then when you think you got it……Selah somemore!

He may be the Omega but we are never finished in the adventure in Him!!
