
What If And A Journey Can Start Any Second……

What if you were listening to someone who was quite renown and elegant but, their mouth was drooping.  You sat there with respect  and really tried to ignore the down in the mouth that was speaking through this bride representing her husband.

You wanted to jump up and try to change the menu so the focus could be on something else.

However, this was way over our pay grade to do that……

Why down in the mouth?  Why?

My questions popping up into clouds circled by black lines like a cartoon over my head. 

Do you not see your mouth is drooping and so  are your words?

Then many voices spoke out that they were not following her husband anymore though they had his name and said they followed his beliefs and foundations.

They ignored to follow all My commands and love Me with your whole heart. They took what they wanted and left the rest as they were at a buffet.

But they kept his name.


Some did not take to all the directions of the plans that were left by thier husband.  They believed that some of the plans and directions were not for them today.  Some thought that the husband was long gone and so were all his gifts and even the Spirit of life was silent that He had betrothed to each of His followers.

They even thought they did not have to follow the narrow road as He had suggested as the best route to obtain his goals for them.

The owner’s wheat fields were infiltrated with tares that spread lies that were seeded and took root. Then each plant after grew in that same deception.

So as his spokesmen spoke they saw the state of their union with the King and were down in the mouth, defeated and downhearted.  They felt abandoned and orphaned, meanwhile their King was right there, but no one saw Him because they did not know to seek Him and find Him. They did not know if they did this with their whole heart, this King would be found by them.

They quit living by His foundations that were left in His message to them.  They thought and believed the lie that it was for another generation from long past.  Then one day……

A little person found this ancient book and leafed through it.  This little person saw all the promises that were in this book. Here is what we need that little person thought. These are the answers to all our dilemma.  This little person cried out to the One that the Words pointed.  He waited and waited and in his pursuit, he walked up a little hill and sat down to take a rest.   He was tired but he was not going to let go of the treasure he had found.  He sat there looking out at the horizon looking where this King had His kingdom and cried out to Him again…… In His exhaustion, he rested.  Then His eyes opened and an older man sat next to him. 

The man said to the little person, I have been waiting on you for a long time. The little person looked around him and thought me?  The older man chuckled,  Do you think I will not be found?  The little person was confused. He said He had been waiting for me for a very long time. I do not even know Him.

Sir, clearing his throat, I think you may have mistaken me for someone else.   I do not know you.  Oh, says the older man, little one, I know you and  had thoughts of you from the beginning,  the foundation of the world.

The little person lost his breath when he heard the Older Man speak. His words pierced into him and then became alive in him.    He did not understand them but they became alive in him.  The whole world went away as the little person and this Older Man spoke.

The little person was not afraid of Him, but was totally baffled. However, baffled, he was drawn to His twinkling eyes which said He knew every thought the little person was having.

The Older Man asked, what do you have in your hand there?  It looks like a pretty ancient book. 

Ah, yes Sir.  I found this book and am seeking the One who wrote it.  Do you know of Him?

Does He live near here? Have you met Him?  Are you searching for Him too?

The Old Man chuckled, many questions for such a little one.  Why are you seeking Him, if I may ask?

The little person answered as best he could for he knew in his heart this One that wrote the book, had all the answers that he had questions to and the ones that he loved needed.  He knew this Author was someone special and knew could help him and his loved ones.  He just did not know how to answer this Older Man with words that made any sense of rational thinking…..

He stammered for a while as he held this book flipping the pages back and forth.

Then he took a deep breath and tried to explain his heart with words he did not even know how to describe!  Well, Sir, this One said He would heal all our diseases.   Sir, some in my family are sick.

He also said He would be a light in my path, and it gets pretty dark out here at night, you know.

He also said, Sir, He was the Truth and in believing in Him, I would be set free…… I want to ask Him what am I set free from…… I want to ask Him, how will I know the Truth as He says He is Truth.

His words speak of a place I wish exists and really hope it does, but how will I find Him to get there?

Do you know of Him? Can you lead me to Him, please, Sir? Do you know where He lives? Will you show me, please, Sir?

The Older man bobbed His head up and down agreeing with the little person empathizing in His dilemma.

I see, said the Older Man.  He was rubbing his hand over his white long beard contemplating.

Sir, He said if I sought Him with my whole heart, I would find Him…… I have been seeking Him with all I got…….. Do you know Him?

Finally, the Older Man put his hand out to stop the barrage of  questions.

Yes, little one, I know Him.

The Little Person took a big sigh of relief, then took another breath to blurt out…..

Where is He? Can we go now to meet Him?

The Older Man said, Okay, okay, let’s eat a morsel first.

The Older man put before them on the cliff two pieces of bread and some raisins.

The little person realized then, how hungry he was. He had no food on his journey.

He took the bread and raisins….. Then a big flask of cold water was put before him too.

He never saw these items before, he thought the Older Man came empty handed.

He did not care, he took the food and water and was satisfied……. The two sat on the cliff and looked at the horizon which now held all the hope this Little Person came searching for…. His eyes followed what the Older Man was focusing on.

As they rested a bit after their meal and of course, the Little Person wanted to move on to meet the One that wrote his book…….

Sir, may we move on so I may see Him?

I am so excited that I sense He is so close!  Closer than my breath!

How far, Sir, is He from us?…. Can we make it before nightfall?

The Older Man spoke, do you not see how close you are to Him now?

Listen, little one, at the sound of your own words!  YOU KNOW TRUTH.

The Little Person stopped and turned to see the Older Man and then try to comprehend His Words.

They both starred out at the horizon as the sun was setting with the hues of a huge fire party welcoming the sun to the west.

Chapter two to follow, God willing!


Don,t stop being a little person and then you can join the journey.