
And He Said To Me, It Is Done!

I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts, ( Revelation 21:6).

So we see the vision of John beholding the New Heavenly Jerusalem, the holy city coming down from heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband as written in verse 2 of chapter 21.

I put to you another question….. Did not the Lord bestow on us already the fountain of the water of life?

Are we still waiting for the fountain of the water of life?

On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water, (John 7:37).

He gave us the water of life….. We have the water of eternal life flowing out of us… the presence of His Spirit within, never stopping, always flowing.

God has provided for us a Tabernacle to dwell within as He calls us His dwelling place…. We are His sons and daughters as well as His kings and priests within our Lord Jesus Christ for our God. We are His active body and city from heaven on this earth in the Spirit of God. Will we see the city in the natural or in the Spirit?

He has made all things new and all things are being made new. God is making His sanctuary now…. His sanctuary and His city is God made…. no hands of men can say they built it for Him….. This is His work and it is marvelous in our eyes, isn’t it?

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect…..( Hebrews 12:22-23).

Does the scripture say we are going to Mount Zion or we have come?

Jesus said to him, Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed, ( John 20:29).

For we walk by faith and not by sight, ( 2 Corinthians 5:7).

Do we see the waters of living water flowing and bubbling out of us?

Does that mean the Spirit of God, Eternal Life is not dwelling within us?

I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts, ( Revelation 21:6).

We have been born from above….. Did you see yourself born of your mother? How do you know she is your mother? Do you believe her? Because she probably witnessed to your birth as well as your father, right?

Why do we not believe that we are made new from above? Our God has witnessed of His Son and His plan through the written Word of God…. If we believe the witness of man, should not our faith be stronger in the Uncreated One? Do we believe that our source is in God? He is our dwelling place in Christ Jesus as the Spirit dwells earnestly with in us now?

If we did believe we are complete in Christ Jesus now, would we live differently?

Would we live with the gifts of the Spirit flowing from us fluently as our language that we speak….In the Spirit,we speak with Life in words of wisdom and knowledge being pulled out of us by the gift of faith as we lay hands on others from the healing in our wings or as the healing leaves from the Tree of Life….

Is not the works in Acts of the Holy Spirit acting through His children born from above? Was Acts showing us the city of God bringing the Light of heaven to all. Bringing to remembrance that God is here in our midst now…. Rejoice… He is here and wants you to hear His words. He has sent His Son as our Redeemer. This is the standard of our God now.

That is the heart of the our Heavenly Father…. He gave us His all as well as His Son and His Spirit is still working now to the benefit for His own…..

What if you planned so long for the coming Christmas. You were so anticipating your children to open their gifts and start to live their life with their new gifts….. You could see the joy in their faces as they saw the gifts that you laid before them….. You sweated and worked hard to provide all you could….

Then came Christmas morning, and your children gather around the Christmas tree. The presents were wrapped with brightly colored wrapping. You picked out the gift and wrapping for each child, knowing what was the best for them in achieving all they could be in the life you had provided…..

Well, you anxiously waited for them to get on the floor and open the gifts…… They never looked at them or even desired them…..They were content to remain without them….. How would you be from that response from your children?

Days came and went. The gifts are still sitting there unwrapped by your children…..Hmmmm.

I heard once a person acknowledge it is okay if you live your life as a follower of Christ and never see a miracle…..

That is a lie, please, do not get offended. You are a miracle, I am a miracle….. The work of the Holy Spirit calling us is so awesome. He opened up our ears to respond to the Son of God is a miracle. The work of the Holy Spirit in different healings are miracles…. but the most important is the miracle of a new heart that God instills in us to hear and obey Him as our ONLY ONE SOURCE. He doesn’t heal our heart, it is corrupted, He gives us a new one…. He gives us His mind. He gives us new eternal Life within……

We, the children of God testify, that  being far away, now have been brought close into the heart of the Father in Christ Jesus. The hand of God making His people again just as He did in Genesis. We see His great abundant mercy for us…. and turning our attention to Him and bringing us to life…. We are the sign and wonders of our God from the city of God…. Yes, you!

We must pursue what we do not see and feel. The realm of God is not in sight, but in faith, we have eyes to see His vision and ears to hear His voice. We have the ears to hear and wisdom to understand His voice spoken to us in the Bible….. Do we believe what we read or is it a just a book….. His words should be alive to us and bubbling within when we read and hear Him. The Word of God is life and health to all our flesh.

Jesus was pleased with the woman from Samaria because she believed the words He had said… He did no miracles but only spoke in John 4.  Even though, there was no sign to see with her eyes, the Spirit of God was hovering over her. The Holy Spirit gave her eyes to see and ears to receive the words spoken by the Word Himself, the Son of God….. She was a great witness to our Lord….They all turned to the Lord in that town, not because of any signs but because they believed the words He spoke.

We are each a part of the city of God, who is in our midst. It is written in chapter 21 of Revelation, verse 22-23, But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city had no need of the sun or the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light.

Our King is in our midst, the Lamb of God is in the center….. Does not John 1 say that the Light of the world came and His own did not recognize or receive Him….  Just because His own were blind to Him does not mean He did not come…. He came. Now He has sent His Spirit  now and will be forever with us…. Let it not be known of us that we did not receive or recognize the King of all by His Spirit.

His Spirit illuminates us today…. but it is the Light into the ways and knowledge of God…. All the mysteries of God are revealed to the heart that is seeking after God. We already have the sun in this world to see by and get our natural light…. but we were excluded from the intimacy with God….. Now we have Him in our midst…Now He illuminates our knowledge and understanding  within us to know Him and to love Him.

Do we believe what is written by the Spirit of God or will we live by our sight of this world and miss Him in our midst today. It is written in John 3:13, Jesus spoke, No one ascends to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven….

He is here with us and is in heaven. We are born from above, we also come from heaven, but we are here too…. Jesus brought heavenly thoughts and ways to us and so are we to this world. We are ambassadors from another place, our origin and source is still from above, our God. We are to bring to others the vision and the mind of our God. Remind all of the standard of God and His rules, for His kingdom, heaven or the heavenly Jerusalem, still rules among men today. This earth and all that is in it from the hands of men will fade away like a leaf fallen from a tree in a cold wind. We are the mouths of heaven or the city of God now.

We are His city, His bride. According to this chapter the city is very beautiful to behold…. In our eyes our Lord is beautiful to behold…. We see His character and His endless love…. We see His beauty and we have known His beauty touch and engulf our lives….

Now do you believe what the Word says…. we are His bride, His city. Then we have to stand strong in faith to know that beauty is within each one of us, because His Spirit is within us…. making us into His beautiful and awesome image of Christ….. We are each a stone chiseled into the temple of God by the hand and power of God. We each give off different brilliant hues of His essence….Let us look for the difference hues instead of complaining our hues are not like others…. We all cannot be the arm or the neck or the calf of the Lord’s body…. We are His, and each have great purpose in His plan. Let us respect the choice of the Lord and His purpose in each other…. Honor the Lord and His people, all His people.

Open the gifts that our Father has bestowed on us through the cross and blood of Christ and the power of His Spirit.

Father, please forgive our ignorance in not believing what is before us by Your great and mighty hand. Give us more grace to act on the words of the WORD. Thank You for Your great mercy. Please renew Your Spirit within us and allow us to have the heart that is pure that we may believe all You have given us through Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ…..Give us eyes to see the beauty of You in each other as You build us into Your House, where You dwell. May we have the spiritual eyes to see the city or bride or army around us now… in all Your beauty. May we acknowledge all the parts of Your body, Lord Jesus, for each one is vital and special to You! May we all be in one accord with Your Spirit in love and honor.

We love You, please increase our love. In Jesus Christ name, we pray. Amen.
