
As It Is In The Beginning – It Shall Be At The End

And in between, He is always completing  His plan of the END. The Lord God is the Beginning and the End…….  This plan  is not new to Him, but to us.  We know His standard,  the Christ. His purposes are the same, but His ways vary to achieve His plan, for those who have ears to hear.  We cannot go back and expect Him to be where we first met Him……  We are not  there any more, nor is He. He is where we are now or as written we are where He is- now.   So where are we?….Our answer should be in Him. So why do we look around? At the gatherings? Does this mean He is not in the orphanages or the displaced people in countries ? What about the lepers in third world countries?  If they can not gather, does He not manifest Himself to heal and save?  Does His Spirit not commune with the displaced children of God? Of course, He does….. He meets us where we are, but He also says come follow Me. So…… are we waiting for Him to come to us or are we going to Him?  And again, it is not a lateral change of position but a position of a seeking heart to Him. A  still quiet heart to worship God who is not like any other.  In the stillness and quietness of our seeking, He is there.  We will hear Him, the One whom we love. Then He brings us up- Arise My child! This is our call and climb to ascending position in Christ Jesus, our King……. What a KING!!!!!! He may meet where we are but He takes us where He wants us to be…….in Him….. A whole new life !!!!

Another question, are going where we know He is? His Word?  Getting a deeper understanding of Him through the scriptures?  Yes, first was the Word incarnate and then the Spirit came upon Him …….. Does not the same process happen to us?….. So we need more of the Spirit to understand, we then need more Word, so the Spirit of God can then quicken us in greater measure.

The Spirit points to the Word of God spoken to us……. Do we sit and allow Him to speak?  He does not stand in competition to the media of this world…… He stands backs and waits for us……As we rush to the hurried life in the wilderness, when we exhaust our life from Him within, He is there waiting. He does not like playing second to any one or thing that stands between us and Him……

He wants us to put first His command- Love Him with all we got and have and are….. my paraphrase. Second command- love people like you want to be loved and treat others as you want to be treated…… If these are not obeyed, then He stands and waits…….Repentance is His  way of getting our fire rekindled…….or even started…….as we wonder through the wilderness…….. He is our Promised Land as we walk and journey in Him  through the wilderness of the world’s spirit as we fulfill our days. The fulfillment of our days shall equal the fullness of Him within us…….. The good news is  Jesus is our Bread and Life to sustain us through our days through the wilderness….. We have got to change our view here…… We are in Him, our Promised Land, as we walk in the Spirit through the wilderness……. Every step we take, He becomes our increasing  sustaining Power of Resurrected Life to us as well as His purpose of manifesting His sons and daughters through out the world……. to His glory……. As written and is being fulfilled in 1 Corinthians 1:30-31, But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom- from God- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption- that, as it is written, He who glories, let Him glory in the Lord.

Maybe it is so easy for us to go to and fro laterally and then  just wait on the Lord. He has promised in the Word: Isaiah 40:31, Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and be faint.

Would it be absolutely fantastic if all who call themselves Christians actually followed the Spirit in their walk?  Not man, but the Spirit of the Living God.  Zechariah starts out that the Lord’s watchers are going to and fro throughout the earth in chapter 1. Then the Holy Spirit is then released to walk the earth to and fro as written in Zechariah 4:10….. For who has despised the day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see the plumb lie in the hand of Zerubbabel. They are the eyes of the Lord, which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth.  

As the Book of Zechariah progresses, after the Spirit came to the earth, then it was given to the people of God to walk in the authority from heaven. The Book of Zechariah spoke for the Spirit of God in chapter  10:12, So I will strengthen them in the Lord, and they shall walk up and down in His name, says the Lord.

The Spirit of grace came and met us where we were in the beginning of our revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior to the world, and even to us! Did He only come then  or does He meet us where we are with Him today?  If He does – why do we go to and fro through out the earth searching Him, when He is going to and fro to meet with us? The Dove has found a resting place within the born from heaven children of God….. So now are we not instructed to walk up and down in His name speaking heaven to earth…. Calling those things which are to not and not to be?  Yes.  When the Lord comes, will He find faith on this earth?

By faith, we behold what the great book of Ephesians instructs us of who we are and then of course be- living out the Word of God and Christ within.

We are given everything, but we still want to know the Lord greater, for I do believe He wants to give us more of Him.  He is the End…. He is doing a new thing and new way bringing us into His the plan that is unfolding….. Why do we still go back and try to relive the past?  He is here today manifesting Himself to us a new strength of grace to be poured forth. If we are in college, who wants to go back to seventh grade?

The reviving  grace is here, it always has been…….. But we say it is not like before….. Right, because the Lord is always unfolding more and revealing Himself more than ever before because as written when the dark appears to be getting darker, we shall glory because of what is written in Isaiah 60:1-3, Arise, shine: For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory shall be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.

We can not stay in grade school for ever…… in the natural life and of course never can we be stagnate in the Spirit school of the discipleship of the Lord.   We are constantly being pruned and sifted to prove and enlarge us for the genuine faith that is more precious than gold with in us.

So let us quit looking for what was with God and look for what He is showing us this day.  Our Light has come, He is within us, our hope of glory…… Remember, the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters covers the earth as written in Isaiah 11:9.

The Spirit of God hovered over the chaos……. He was not in the chaos. Nor are we, we bring the Light to the world. Lord always paraded His people through other nations who were in chaos with Him… This is His way…… Through the seas, He led His people. Through the rising waves, He led His people……. as a sign and a wonder.

This is a very long day six of creation for us to understand with our finite mind….. We were made into His image and at the end, we will be found in His image….. We can behold man, but that will not transform us to His image. We may behold nature, but the transformation will be nada…… We get up and are the same inside….. As written, the only way of transforming our lives is by obedience to the Word and the Holy Spirit. As written in 2 Corinthians 3:16-18,  Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Paul again, admonishes us in Romans 12:1-2: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable to God which is our reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

As the God of the universe was at the Beginning – He shall be at the End…… He never changes…… we do… We are constantly being brought into His image so the knowledge of the Lord is covering the earth….Today….. Let us look for HIm and get the strength or grace we need today.   His reviving or updating our vision which will broaden  our thinking to keep up with His plan…… We can be certain, the Spirit is moving on the face of the earth as Light is …… So knowing what we see and knowing the season we are in, let us live according to the scriptures as written and being fulfilled in us this day. We are seated in heavenly places.  We are living by  the authority of the name of Jesus bringing  His kingdom to manifest….. Calling those things that are aren’t. and aren’t are…. We are being brought through the sea as His people……If we study the scriptures, we will see the plan that was, is and will be only in what was seen before is hidden within this day.

Our revival is found in His presence., beloved. We are raised with Him….We are seated with Him and we live for Him, by Him and in Him for His glory. Him in us is our glory, man, how much better can our days abiding in the Promise Land be as we journey through the wilderness. He is with us. He is in us, Christ in us our hope of glory.   As we  live according to the mind of Christ, which is the written word of God and  by His Spirit…… The gifts are alive and well within us by His Spirit…..for ALL HIS CHILDREN…… The Holy Spirit is our Teacher and we are all brothers and sisters…..

May we all live as the treasured and cherished sons and daughters of God and by faith seek His kingdom for His name sake…For Christ and Christ alone. Remember we are His body…… If the Spirit is quenched within us—– let us think – how do we live the flame of God?   Be still and wait, for Son will rise in you as the wings of healing come forth…… We must be silent and wait…..Let the Lord do something new in us…..If a child needs to learn to ride his bicycle, the father usually takes the training wheels off so the child may master the ride…….  Are we mastering the flight in the Spirit that we may soar with  the eagle because He has renewed our strength, beloved.  He has and always does….. He does not change. We do. So we must guard our ears and our eyes so we may live courageously by faith by what we do not see, but believe from the Unseen One, manifested to us.

We live by what we hear from the Uncreated One who whispers His heart unto us.   Let’s take away our props and allow the Spirit of God to have His way…… He is the Resurrection power…..Do we really, I mean, really realize the resurrection power of God is coursing through our veins?……Are we really aware we live by the Spirit of God?…… Tradition, even if it is cool, and the Holy Spirit do not mix……   Tradition and set ways and patterns are like nails on a chalkboard to the flight of the Spirit of God…….The sound drowns out His soft gentle voice……. Be still and know and then listen, He is God…… Be alive unto Him and dead to tradition that allows men to sit on their self righteousness……. There is no room for self righteousness and the Christ within……Picture a dead man not trying to smell…… The highest calling is as written in Philippians 3:9, and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.

In our services on Sunday morn, do we ever just stop and wait for Him and listen to what He says?  Or is it a program and tradition to make man comfortable…… Were there any people in the Book of Acts that were comfortable?  Nope…… The Spirit of Fire starts the fire within and keeps us moving into His best. His plan enfolds like the sun rising in the east. The plan enfolds on to the Day of the Son….. The image of the Son……In whose the people of God, where Christ dwells within live and live by rise up in His name.

When the status quo has our attention more than being occupied with His current plans, we must halt…… If we know our Lord, He likes to manifest Himself  in different ways……allowing us to catch the flow of His Spirit this day.  Remember Peter on the roof?  Remember Paul going to the Gentiles?  What about all the revelation Paul received, if he hadn’t kept it to himself for years……. Would there be any of the leaders trying to talk him out of it?   God takes our traditions and turns them inside out….. Do we say, Amen for the new or do we say…… We always do (fill in the blank), this way?   Can we allow the Spirit of God to shake all that can be shaken so the end will be as the beginning….. ALL CHRIST.

What if we were following a road in a car, a familiar road but then it started to ascend…… Nothing on either side of the road, no houses, nothing….. Just the road…….Then it ended…..We stop the car because there is no road there but we are way up high in the air….Uh-oh….. Then we get out…… the only thing that is supporting our car and our body is the air……No props…… Just God….. We then get out the road grater to make the path for the Lord…….for others to follow…..Are we pioneers ? Are we ruthless for His heart?  Do we trust Him to walk on His presence alone?

For each one of us, the road and ways are different. He has selected an individual path for each one of us…. We all follow the Lamb, but He brings us through different measures to His fullness for each one of us . We are not told to follow the crowd, but follow Him.  Jesus told Peter, what is it to you what I tell him to do? I tell you to follow Me, ( the Word of God). We are His body and every member has a different function…… How cool it will be when there is no envy and everyone is allowed to walk in the fullness that God called them to be without criticism and opposition, slander and hindrance. The Spirit is calling us out from the norm, which if we know the Bible, that is His method of operation, we go with gusto….

We  seek Him and His kingdom in great frustration because  we can’t do the same thing again.  The greater measure of strength of His grace will be given unto us.  It is written, Matthew 7:7-8, Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and  you will find; knock; and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.  This new season is not about us or our ministries or our numbers….. It is about Christ and Christ alone manifesting through His body. When the status quo for Christianity  is not gaining for the Lord, those who want more of Him no matter the cost, will pioneer the way to what He is doing this day……He has always been waiting on us, though we wait, He is first at patience!!  Are you coming with the hungry and thirsty to gain Him in greater glory? Yes, there will be a cost.  Come on anyway!!!

He is everyone’s answer, not us…. We just point the way to Him…….  Could the way we have made worship and service be blocking the very way God wants to manifest?   Is there a higher more pure level of worship that God wants to open up within us? Can we allow Him His way? Are we in  the  way in what we have set up as  a tradition?  May be a different way from prior generations but is now a tradition?   Is not worship inclusive to submitting or bowing down to the King of kings? Is not worship allowing the Word and Christ within us to reign and have first place in all things?     Let us be still and let go all for His sake.  I mean all…. Let Him take the new territory in us. He is waiting for us to walk in with Him as our Leader on the road never climbed, for it is time to ascend to another plateau in Him …… We may also have gotten stuck in our rigid ways of how we do things where He wants to say to us—— BE STILL- KNOW I AM GOD!  LET GO and HOLD ON TO ME!

The tradition of men make God’s word of no effect….. Could our tradition be alive and kicking today as years gone by….?????  If the Lord put a beautiful menu before us:….. the best foods ever created and of course, with the Lord, price is not important…. Would we pick what we wanted or allow Him to pick His best for us?  Would we sit and wait for His best to be our new vision?  If the sheet of the higher worship dropped down in front of us as we are meditating on Him? Would we also argue as Peter did with our King?  Let His magnificence be our lead this day as we wait.

Do we dictate by our imagination and desires what we want?   Do we sit and wait for His best, better than good- His magnificence to be made manifest before us?  Do we cut off the Lord’s intentions of good to great because our sights are from the below looking up instead of  from heaven manifesting His glory here.

Beloved, you are the fingerprint of God. Allow Him to write His Greatness upon you and bring His Greatness in and through you!


Let us sit before the King of the Universe and find out what is on His menu for us, beloved.   There are a lot of good there, but let us not settle for good but His best, the high calling of our Lord.

Shhhhhhh. Listen, He is speaking to you right now?  Shhhh. Get your pen and paper, beloved. Hear Him who never slumbers.


My Children,

I AM calls to come out from among them. I AM speaks- for I AM will be your Father and you, my sons and daughter, are mine.  Come out from among them. Be mine. Many are called, but few are chosen.  Blessed are they who step out to Me and never see but the love of their Savior capturing them.  Blessed are they who after crossed the cross on their heart lift their hands to take Mine as we go further on My highway to holiness.  My love never fails or is quiet. My heart is forever beckoning My beloved. My power is forever carrying My beloved.  My love parts the sea. My love makes a way where there was no way. My love is greater than the east is to the west.

Who will try to quench My love for My beloved.   My table is set.  My Food is displayed wide open. My Drink is poured forth. Come and drink and eat for My Food will never cease. My pleasure is in you taking all of Me with all your heart.  You hear the saying come and drink and be merry. I AM says come and eat and drink and live. Then as you walk through the shadows, I AM. Then as you walk on and through the waters, I AM. Then as you walk in parch  deserts, I AM.  Then as the night approaches, I AM is your Fire.  Then as the heat of the noonday comes upon your brow, I AM your shade.

Never again, will you not know I AM. I AM closer than your breath, My beloved. In the darkest of nights, you shall have Light, I AM.  In the quaking of the earth, you shall not stumble or fall, for I AM. As the stars and moon and sun withhold their light, do not fear for I AM, your Secret Place.   My beloved seeks Me for her salvation. Her cup shall always be full. My beloved drinks from a river that shall never run dry. My beloved has rested at the feet of her King.  My beloved knows My voice. She rests in My power. My beloved will not be snatched away from My hand nor My Father’s hand…. for she is Mine. My beloved is sure and steadfast in the love of her Beloved. My beloved is lifted over the hurdles of darkness to her place within My kingdom……. He gaze is steady. Her walk is strong with purpose. Her feet dance over high hills to her resting place.  This is the place where I AM chooses to dwell, her provision will be given her….. My beloved, My city.

Woe to those who call good evil and evil good. Woe to those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit. Woe to those who forsake My mercy and refuse to turn and come  to My table….. but what weight will weigh upon the heart that prevents others from coming to partake of I AM, their Life. Woe to the world who has put a stumbling block at My Door.   My Door is open always for you, yet you do not comprehend or understand My mercy and wisdom towards you.

Do not forsake My mercy for the partaking of the throne of My heart being established upon you. You hold on to a penny and forsake the true treasures that I AM has laid before you…… The penny will melt one day, but My love for you is steadfast and will always be burning  for you. May your sleep be quickened by My gentle stirring of your healing laid before you.  May your waking in the day, be filled of little knocks on the door of your heart reminding you of what you are forsaking by keeping Me away…… May your hunger for life and a better way stir your heart to take steps to My open hand. My hand which is going to hold on to you forever and ever as I AM embraces you with a love you have never known…… Let go of your penny and come…. Hold on to My hand and we will embrace My mercy for you forever.  Come and know My love, the love that never fails, nor will I AM ever fail you.  Come to Me.