
Behold, My King’s Arm Is Never Shortened!

Little Person was waiting on his King for he sensed something was coming or he was going….. He was not sure, but in him was this anticipation bubbling up.  He kept his eyes open for everything and anything of His fingerprint.

Meanwhile he still thought often on what Old Man spoke. He kept thinking how can people think they are following Jesus if they do not hear His voice or read his Ancient Book. 

Then he remembered he had a hard time understanding his Ancient Book until he met Old Man and met his King.

This scripture popped out….

In Him, you also, when you heard the word of truth, the good news of your salvation, and [as a result] believed in Him, were stamped with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit [the One promised by Christ] as owned and protected [by God], (Ephesians 1:13).

Test and evaluate yourselves to see whether you are in the faith and living your lives as [committed] believers. Examine yourselves [not me]! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves [by an ongoing experience] that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test and are rejected as counterfeit ? ( 2 Corinthians 13:5).

For who has known the mind and purposes of the Lord, so as to instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ [to be guided by His thoughts and purposes, (1 Corinthians 2:16).

He contemplated these scriptures, he thought of a horse trying to get on our mankind wave length of thinking. He knew only God could do any change to any creature He created. Only He can transform me or anyone from glory to glory. 

Only You get the glory. You are worthy.

Just because I spend a lot of time in a barn does not make me a horse. Only God could change a person’s heart and mind to understand reading his Ancient Book…… His Spirit within me opens the scriptures makes them taste like honey.  Only God is all things possible….. but our faith in Him activates “the all things are possible with God”……

He was just pulling in to the stables. He was called to fill in for a vacation walker.  He said yes. He called his job and asked for the afternoon off and stated the reason why. They were impressed with his work ethic and his compassion.  They said of course.

As he was driving over, he was remembering the rules of safety for leading the horse while someone was side walking the rider riding the horse.  Then……he remembered Ralph.  Ugh. I really hope that pony has been put out to pasture.

Ralph was a steady ride but, in his boredom, he tried quietly and never moving his body but would quickly move his head over and try to bite Little Person’s hand. Little Person could never correct him because it would make Ralph jump and then maybe startle the rider.

He asked Father, please in your mercy, put Ralph out to pasture at least for the day, please, Sir.

He heard His voice, child, after all, you know of I AM. Ask Me for great and mighty things, even of Ralph.

Little Person said, I am sorry. Please Father may Your peace overtake Ralph. May I be so involved with the side walker and rider in prayer that it even effects Ralph.  Thank You.

As he arrived, he was assigned to Ralph, and went to get him out of the stall to groom and saddle him up.

He thought to himself, Ralph is pleasant today. He never put his ears back as a warning of a little temper tantrum which Ralph often engaged in for disturbing his nap.

Little Person relieved and grateful just kept singing a song of praise.

The numerous walks that afternoon were filled with I AM as Little Person was assigned with a follower of his King.

They both prayed over the riders and Ralph. The riders were all very relaxed and had a joyful ride.  Even Ralph acted as if he was a different pony.   

Little Person praised God for His goodness again as he was washing up Ralph and cleaning his hooves. 

Then as he was walking him out to pasture for his roll and relax grazing time, he noticed a flash of bright light come from the far back pasture. 

He wanted to investigate so he released Ralph and gave him a couple extra pats on his neck as he handed him two carrots for being so good….. and for not biting him…..  Thank You Father!

All things are possible with God. I will always remember what faith in You did for me with Ralph, a little ornery pony.

As he walked in the back to the farthest pasture/ riding area, he saw this bright yellow light fly by him in that area.  As he walked closer, he saw a young woman, he thought.  This being was clothed in what seemed to be armor like the knights of old.

She had long gold flowing wavy hair and was wielding a sword in the air singing a song to the King of all kings.

He stood there mesmerized for quite a while for time stood still. Again, his mouth dropped open as he was totally stunned and in awe.

This woman or being would fly by him in flash of light and all he could do was watch as the dust flew in his face. Her voice was filling the atmosphere as sweet as a songbird.

Then the being stopped.  So did the song. Her steed was big and bold. He stamped his hooves on the ground letting the being know he was not ready to stop galloping to her melody.

She picked up arms releasing her hands held high. Then her sword flashed like lightning before his eyes and off they went as a flash of light. A burning light went by him again.

Then he saw the same person riding….. It was a young woman. She was riding without reigns and her hands were raised in praise to her King.  There was no sword though. Her hair was in a ponytail and swayed in rhythm to her steed’s tail.

Her steed was a magnificent giant grey, (white), horse.  He seemed to snort smoke and fire out of his nostrils.

She stopped in front of Little Person and asked do you want something? As the cloud of dust went blowing in Little Person’s face.

Little Person could not find his voice. All he could do was shake his head sideways.

She asked, why are you standing here?

He still could not find his voice for this was a girl around his age and yet what he saw was not a girl riding. 

He saw her as a magnificent creature, yet she was a girl with her hair in ponytail. She was wearing a t-shirt with riding chaps  and muckers on her feet.

The steed was still snorting his displeasure of stopping their adventure and was starting to rear up to get her to release him to gallop on……

Then finally all he said, you know you should not ride with earbuds.  It is not safe.  So is not riding with your reigns.

She answered, You interrupted my song of praise to tell me this?

She flew off…..Little Person was left in the dust.

The second time she went by the flash of yellow light went by and she was covered in her armor wielding her sword.

The melody of her song was filling the air.

He walked back to the stables and waited for her.

He asked around about her.

He learned her family just moved here. She needed a place to board her stallion, Prince. 

They forgot her name as most horse people do. They always remember the horses name and refer to their owners as- Prince’s owner or Ralph’s owner….

As the time seemed to drag before he saw her walking her steed into the barn. 

He went up to her to apologize for interrupting her.

She accepted his apology and said no problem. I know I should not ride like that but Prince is trustworthy as we do like to praise my King.

She ended the conversation as she turned her back to untack Prince. He needed a cool shower.

Little Person stood there trying to think of something to say.

He felt like a total nimrod.  He could not keep his eyes off her face. She was beautiful to behold as well as her countenance shined brightly.

She was covered in dirt and sweat from her ride, but knew what she was doing with her horse.  She was very confident and strong, yet, she was smaller than Little Person.

He finally came up with- What is your name?

She answered Manci. M A N C I she spelled it out and continued, but sounds like Munci.

He said, excuse me, what is your name?

She repeated, Manci.

She looked at him a little aggravated.

She continued, but, I go by Uri.

Again, he was dumbfounded.

He asked, excuse me, what name again? And why do you go by a different name than the first name you told me?

She said, the second name is my new name, Uriel, which my King gave me almost a year ago.

In fact, it was the same time that I and Prince collided and destined to be together.  Uri is my nickname, she concluded.

He had to ask even if she gave him another impatient look, why did your King give you a new name?

She said, My King that I follow gives all a new name once they bow to His leadership and reign. The new name always comes with His Holy Spirit?

He asked, May this King be King Jesus Christ?

Yes, of course, what is your name, she asked in reply.

She wanted to see how far he was in the knowledge of her King.

He thought, I am a dead person……..He spoke, my name is Little Person.

She smiled, I like that name.  You must be full of our King.

He again was dumbfounded that she thought his name was cool.

She then unhooked Prince to take him outside to rinse him off and just walked away.

He just stood there mesmerized again by this person.

After a couple of minutes, he went to find her washing Prince.

He asked her, where do you come from?

He just noticed on the inside of her wrist was tattooed 222.

She answered, well, it is a long story.

A little over a year ago, when I was addicted to heroin, my folks put me in a place to get me help.

I became an overcomer there as I got straight.  I accomplished in my schooling all the years I missed in about 8 months. I graduated with a 4.0 average where before I flunked out and I do not think I had an average. If I did it was probably below zero!

She smiled as she continued: 

The only One I know who got me get through to victory was a King that showed up this one night to me.

She proceeded to tell Little Person of her story, I was dying of this stuff.

I called out to God and asked if You are real. Then please show up and help me because I know I will be dead in a week if you do not.

He did show up. 

In a week I was out of the area of drugs and into an arena of truth, honesty and God. I had to admit I hurt God, my family and almost all I got in contact with and myself. I had to admit I was powerless over drugs, but with I AM in me, I can do all things because He strengthens me.

I was so grateful because I tasted hell and dragged my folks through hell too because of their love for me.

The whole world became alive to me again. Drugs and alcohol addiction make their subject act as if they are ravenous wolves.

I was surrounded by love.  Every person would talk to me truth about me and how death was waiting for me around the corner if I did not turn my arrow towards the Truth and then say I love you.

It touched me to the core of the love from God through these people who saved me from death, from addiction and into freedom.

I then became addicted to my new GREAT OBSESSION- GOD.

She smiled a smile that almost knocked him off his feet.

Uri continued, I had to know Him. Who was this King that showed up to a dying young sixteen-year-old addict?  How did He know me? Why did He even want to answer my cry of help?

I had done a lot of bad things to get my drugs.  I had no record. Thank God.  I climbed a lot of trees quickly to escape many.

After I graduated from the program and school, my folks thought it would be best to move away from the area. 

One day, I walked and walked and walked thinking of all God had done for me and was lost in His goodness. I also got lost.

I sat down in a field. Wondering how to get home as I prayed for help -again….. Up comes this galloping horse and bent down on one knee. I hopped on and held on to his mane. He took me through streets of busy of cars and he brought me home safely.

My folks asked around for the owner of Prince…… My King showed up to me as I heard His voice speak again- Prince is yours to ride and sing your praise unto Me, My Uriel.

No one claimed Prince, she continued, and then we just moved here after graduation of high school.

Well, she smiled, that is my story or His-story, and I am sticking to Him and His testimony of His greatness and His goodness to me. No one can ever take away what He did for me. It is forever etched in my heart and my soul.

He gave me a new mind and pointed my arrow to life, actually His Life and goals. I could act in confidence with Him all things were possible. I want to go to school to be a judge to help send addicts to rehab center instead of jail. All deserve a chance to get help as I was given. 

I also want to be a great prayer person to lift those who are down to get up in Him. I pray they accept the help out there and by Him.

It is hard to break the habit, but when I replaced the death trap with the ascending stairs of love, life and joy and most of all, His face….

Well, it was a no brainer…. but the drugs have to be gone to get our brain working right again.

Only with God and His power in me and His love for me, I stand here today. Above that He gave me a great guy, patting Prince, as a gift. I mean look at our God. Nobody is like Him, huh?

Uriel looked at him and almost knocked him off his feet again with her smile.  As well as, she confirmed all his thoughts with God earlier. 

He was astounded again with God and this person, Uriel.
He just smiled and said, Yeah.

She then walked away.

Little Person just followed her.

As he followed her, he still was wondering how to speak to her. 

He had regretted never asking Old Man about girls. 

Please help me now, my King?…….

Help me?……

I am lost and blown away by Uri.

Sir, please tell me what the names Uriel and Manci mean to You? What does she mean to You? She seems to be from Your kingdom and not like anyone I have ever met before.

Some are fools [made ill] because of the way of their transgressions and are afflicted because of their iniquities.

They loathe every kind of food, and they draw near to the gates of death.

Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivers them out of their distresses.

He sends forth His word and heals them and rescues them from the pit and destruction.

Oh, that men would praise [and confess to] the Lord for His goodness and loving-kindness and His wonderful works to the children of men!

And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving and rehearse His deeds with shouts of joy and singing!, ( Psalms 107:17-22).

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage, ( Galatians 5:1).

I love the Lord, because He has heard [and now hears] my voice and my supplications.

Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore will I call upon Him as long as I live.

The cords and sorrows of death were around me, and the terrors of Sheol (the place of the dead) had laid hold of me; I suffered anguish and grief (trouble and sorrow).

Then called I upon the name of the Lord: O Lord, I beseech You, save my life and deliver me!

Gracious is the Lord, and [rigidly] righteous; yes, our God is merciful.

The Lord preserves the simple; I was brought low, and He helped and saved me.

Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.

For You have delivered my life from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling and falling.

I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living.

I believed (trusted in, relied on, and clung to my God), and therefore have I spoken [even when I said], I am greatly afflicted.

I said in my haste, All men are deceitful and liars.

What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me? [How can I repay Him for all His bountiful dealings?]

I will lift up the cup of salvation and deliverance and call on the name of the Lord.

I will pay my vows to the Lord, yes, in the presence of all His people.

Precious (important and no light matter) in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints (His loving ones).

O Lord, truly I am Your servant; I am Your servant, the son of Your handmaid; You have loosed my bonds.

I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call on the name of the Lord.

I will pay my vows to the Lord, yes, in the presence of all His people,

In the courts of the Lord’s house—in the midst of you, O Jerusalem. Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)

(Psalm 116). 


Next chapter to follow- God willing