
Knowing You Is A High Calling, Sir?

Little Person received the warning from Old Man that he better study His- story for there might be a quiz in the next class.

Little Person headed home. He was contemplating on the scripture- the just shall walk by faith……As well as, Holy One spoke how many who say they know Jesus do not know His voice.   He wondered how this could be.

He just assumed that to be a follower of Jesus, well, how could you follow if you do not know His voice and listen to His Word? How can you know His Word if you do not read His Ancient Book, which people call the Bible?

He just assumed everyone heard His voice that said they believed in Him. He thought he was late to get on to His program. He did not want to miss Him at all. 

All he could see was His bloody face carrying His cross when he shut his eyes at night and opened them up as the sun rose.   He could not forget the love his King for him and others.

He could not forget how this GREAT KING was delighted to see him as He was carrying His cross to His death. He remembered how Jesus smiled to him even through all His pain.

He also assumed all people knew Him the same way as He did. 

He asked Old Man, if he was on the road to know Him as written in Philippians 3:13:14:

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

He wanted to make sure he was not straying but keeping on the path of the Holy One set before him.

He knew he was young, yet he did not want anything to hold him back from walking with His King.

He spoke to everyone, even at school, about His King.

He ate his lunch alone at a table because of the mockery that arose toward him. Even some of the teachers spoke to him not to preach religion on the public grounds.

He asked them, then why do the students representing Satan freely speak on public grounds? My King is peaceful and does not allow people to steal or cause commotion. I pray for you and others.   Jesus Christ is not destructive but only to darkness and the deeds many do in the dark, as He sees all.

Little Person was sent home with a detention for saying this.

What Little Person had with his God, he would not trade or bow to anyone. This was a sacred relationship which he valued more than even his mare.

Old Man and His King and even sometimes the pillar of fire would stand guard at his bed while he slept. As he rolled over, he would see Them talking about him. He could never stay awake for his eyes were too heavy.  

They comforted Little Person for his bravery and willing to be the outcast at such a young age.

Little Person grew and eventually started to work after school.

He missed his mare and their rides together.  Old Man led him to a young boy who reminded Little Person of himself.  He gave him Aaliyah because it was time.

He knew the time was coming to move on to a new place in God.

He wasn’t sure what it was but his dreams kept revealing open doors.  He knew he had to leave all behind to fully grasp what God had in store for him.

Philippians 3:8-9 But more than that, I count everything as loss compared to the priceless privilege and supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord [and of growing more deeply and thoroughly acquainted with Him—a joy unequaled].

For His sake I have lost everything, and I consider it all garbage, so that I may gain Christ,  and may be found in Him [believing and relying on Him], not having any righteousness of my own derived from [my obedience to] the Law and its rituals, but [possessing] that [genuine righteousness] which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith.

Little Person was certain that he kept his face towards his King so he would not get caught up in the trap of the world that kept bombarding him at every corner.

He put all things that concerned in His hand, knowing He cared and would handle and show Little Person all. He waited for what was to come.

He was met by His King in all things that Little Person’s faith reached out towards Him.

He aced many tests even his biology course and geometry class.

He smiled often as he thought- that only could be my God….. Only the possible is by Him because in me….. I would never had understood to pass those courses.

He even learned to parallel park by His grace.

Jesus Christ helped him in every single aspect of his growing life.

The list he thought of all his God had done for him was endless and he was astounded and was so very grateful.

My God is so involved with me, I do not know where I can start and end without Him.

Besides mastering his school work and classes by faith, Little Person was lifting all those that Holy One was showing him that needed His peace and help and bring to them Holy One in prayer by faith.

He was diligent and was mocked and persecuted by all.

He was okay with that since it was written in Matthew 10:22:

And you will be hated by everyone because of [your association with] My name, but it is the one who has patiently persevered and endured to the end who will be saved.

He often thought that he could not stand to be separated from His King. He meant everything to Little Person. 

Hearing His voice in the hard times of studying for school and then in the celebrations of the passing grade of His approval was nothing to be compared in this world.

He was learning by His Teacher how to carry his cross and be full of joy that he was counted or weighed worthy by His King to suffer reproach of His name.

It was quite apparent to Little Person that though he was still little in stature, His King was growing big in him.  

He spent many hours alone by mankind’s estimation, but Little Person was so full of companionship with God that he never felt alone. 

He often saw dark creatures following his classmates whispering into their ears….. then he would actually see those same people act out what the creatures resembled.  Then as the ones kept listening to the evil creatures, he saw the evil creatures enter eventually inside the ones who were just listening. Now they were inhabited with evil as written in Proverbs 12:21:

There shall no mischief happen to the righteous; But the wicked shall be filled with evil.

The first time he saw this happen, he was stunned…. But then was guided by Old Man’s voice to speak His name and stop the evil in his tracks. Jesus help, Little Person would speak out.

He thought many times, he wished he could show them the lake of fire that is awaiting all those who reject Jesus Christ. It is very real as he was shown it……

It is not wise to mess with God for all will reap what they sow. He is King and He set up the rules over His creation…..But to those who believe and repent of their sins, He is just to forgive them and forget their sins and throw them as far as the east is to the west as written in Psalms 103 and 1 John.

He knew the devil decieves his listeners to think there is no consequence for their evil actions……. It is like walking in the dark and not knowing there is a huge cliff ahead in which there is a dark fiery abyss awaiting. Some times he would walk by the decieved and pray in Jesus name, wake up!

Little Person obeyed and ate what was given to him by the King. He was learning the way of walking in the Spirit of his King….Many things were hard to see but he kept speaking the Words spoken to him to speak to free the captives and protect the soldiers out there.

He knew this was the normal way of the life of one who follows his Holy One.

So many adventures and conquests did Little Person do……with and by His King.

But now, he knew there something that was coming his way from his King and he was preparing for it.

He missed all the events at school that the normal kids partake in. He chose to partake of God alone and was quite full and very content with his life with God.

He did not sense any less but on the contrary, he thought his life with God was preventing him a lot of heartache and trouble. He watched his classmates and their lives were full of trauma and drama.

He spoke to God when he saw them down, he brought them the news of His King…..

Some took it and he never saw them again.

Some spit in his face. 

He prayed anyway for their salvation in knowing His King and what He did for them.

Father, tare their veil of unbelief off their eyes. Let them see Jesus.  Your mercy is endless. Thank You.

He grew in stature in God but he remained so small in  physical stature, yet some people were very intimidated by his brightness of countenance…… He did not know he had one.

His eyes were always on His King and watching what He would do next or what He wanted Little Person to do next.

But change was in the wind and in his dreams. Little Person waits for his instructions and keeps preparing his heart. Just as a runner practice for his race, Little Person was practicing to let go and embrace all before him so he may please Jesus Christ, His King. Jesus Christ the prize of the high calling.

He did not want to be one who made excuses to not obey. Nor did he want to overshoot and assume what He wanted Little Person to do and jump ahead.

Enlarge my heart, My King, so I may complete all your commands. You made Secretariat with a huge heart to win all his race that You put before him, please, Sir, do that for me. Thank You.

Little Person asked often what the high calling was…..

Old Man would pat his shoulder and smile, Little Person, know Him with all your breath and days….. He will reveal what your high calling is in Him as His life grows and overtakes all of your heart.

Maybe, Little Person, you may be walking in the high calling where you are now…… and will be, well, will be more.

Just as Our High King was and is and is to be……. Look at your days as such.

Your King delivered you back then and is delivering you now and will be all your days……. He was and is and will be in you for all eternity.

You were delivered into His hands and are delivered into His will and will be forever in Him, where the body of Christ is full and found complete in Him.

Your high calling riding your mare was then…… Your high calling in Him now is……. As you complete this journey, you will be in His high calling then…..

This is your King….. who was and is and is to be …with and in you and all.

Little Person’s mouth dropped open…. He was really trying to control his mouth dropping when Holy One spoke, but he was always astonished with the deep truth of God. But to no avail, he did not remember to pick up his jaw when he heard His God speak this time either.

He was thankful again to have his questions answered, but then new questions would rise up as he was learning of Holy One and His ways.

Little Person told Old Man, Sir, Your Words are acres of wheat, and I am always looking at one blade at a time.  Please help me to enlarge my sight to see as You do.

He wondered if it was as hard to understand girls as they seemed to be quite an enigma to Little Person.  He comfortably stayed away from them……

He was going to ask Holy One about them, but he did not know what questions to ask yet.  He was brought back to Holy One’s voice.

Little Person, do not fear. As you have ridden Aaliyah. You will now ride her in the Spirit of your God to many hearts so they may know Him.

The fragrance of your King is strong and mighty reaching all the ends of the earth. 

He was and is and is to be…….. As you hear all the waters in the ocean roar, so will knowledge of the Holy One fill the whole earth. After all, the earth and it’s fullness is His.

You will hear all the earth proclaim- Alleluia! Alleluia!!! Praise to our Great God and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!

Praise the Holy One for He alone is holy!….. Through His own, holy ones, follow Him to all the ends of the earth. All the earth will be covered with the knowledge of Him.

Yet, Little Person, some will do this without leaving their prayer closets, hear and see their voice is heard. Yes, roaring is heard all around the earth! Our King, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Jesus Christ…..

All things are possible with Me, without Me, not so much. Look My little one with your heart of faith, I AM was and is and will be smiling at My own redeemed ones.


Next chapter to come, God willing.