
After All He Is Not A Tame Lion… Lucy Replies, But He Is Good

This line is from the movie Narnia. Aslan, the symbolic lion representing Jesus Christ, is leaving after he set his kings and queens in place to rule and reign his kingdom.  Mr. Tumnus trying to comfort the teary eyed Lucy, says he will return again… but, we have to be watching.

As much as we have to be watching and waiting on the Lord. Looking for Him in our lives and in the people that are around us…. He is watching and waiting on us. Remember it is written that He is in our midst today, even though we do not see Him with our physical eyes. 

Every man is right in His own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts, Proverbs 21:2.  Jesus Christ is the Judge not our evaluation of ourselves. He is always sifting our hearts and it’s motives. On one hand, this knowledge will develop the fear of the Lord.  On the other hand, we can believe the unbelievable from Him and live the life of the uncomprehendable overcomer.

I left you with a question last week as to the hidden meaning that Jesus Christ says in  the gospel Luke  13:24-30 that  to some He does not know where they are from. In Matthew 7:17-23, even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.

What does that mean?  Here is a clue: it is written in 1 Samuel 16:7, but the Lord said to Samuel, do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for the man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the HEART. 

Here is another clue: 2Corinthians 10:17 & 18, But he who glories, let him glory in the Lord. For not he who commends himself is approved, but who the Lord commends.

This clue as mentioned in my book: 2Corinthians 13:5, examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you-unless indeed you are disqualified.

Last clue to this mystery: Galatians 1:12 & 16- Paul says, For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.    To reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood…

Were the scriptures the same that you hunted and captured on this paradigm  revealing our Champion’s measure of the people who call after His name? The answer is found in the scriptures: 1 Corinthians 8:3, But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him…….. The ones that love God with  their complete  heart, soul, strength and mind are known by Him….  This is pretty simple.  The ones that are known by Jesus are the ones that obey the commands He left us with.   The ones that break the “law” are law breakers or as Jesus sees- “filled of lawlessness.” 

Before His eyes of flames all is revealed of our hopes, ambitions, selfish agendas. We may hide the deceit from our selves- but He sees through us…. I call it the unholy trio traits- hunger for fame, fortune and the pride of life…. These character traits of ambition for a fame of a name, covetousness, greed and pride break the connection with the King of glory.

From Heaven’s spectrum,  the King’s view is testing  someone: they have a choice to make either for Him or  the self -building traits…. If from the pop quiz, we choose Him, we pass. We choose the command to put Him first with loving Him with all of our heart, all our soul and all our strength and with all our mind and love our neighbor as ourself. This testing starts when we are babies in faith and continues to go through our journey… The narrow road is narrow! As it is written in Proverbs 17:3, The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, BUT THE LORD TESTS THE HEARTS.

Hey, let’s not be deceived by our own hearts….His last night with the guys, Jesus spoke in John 15 about the branches of the tree bearing fruit….We can’t bear fruit that is “His fruit” unless we abide in Him. Further in the chapter He speaks of the secret ingredient to stay in His commands in John 15:12:  This is My commandment that you love one another as I have loved you. In John 14:21, He who has My commandments and keeps them it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to Him. Then one more time… Jesus hammers  in to us again in John chapter 14:15, If you love Me, keep My commandments.

After leaving His testament and will with the guys, Jesus was arrested. Then one of the head guys of the group, Peter, denied Jesus three times….. Why didn’t  Jesus’ words  stick to Peter? Why did Peter not have the strength to obey the words of Jesus?… Even though Peter proclaimed in bravado that he would even go to the death with Jesus! Why did Jesus allow the  sifting  from Satan against Peter? Jesus prayed for Peter that his faith should not fail, but Jesus could have stopped it, why didn’t He?  (Luke 22:31-32). Remember His Love Never Fails!!!!!           Check out the scriptures and see what you find in His Hidden Truths in the Word to get the answers.

I am so thankful to our great God that His Love Never Fails…. You too huh!!!



Come And See The Things That Will Be

Come and See!

Come back to Me
And you will see
What fellowship there can be
Between you and Me

Through the blood of My Son
And My Spirit in you
Cleansing and igniting
All that is earth
So you are all  in My kingdom
In the new birth

Be restored to be My sons
Holy, Divine and have
A supernatural mind
The Life Divine
You have in My Son

So be holy and faithful
My Word is alive and sharp
So dwell much in Me
And then I in you
Watch and see
What can be
But the image of My Son
Be found in you

So raise up and shout
Respond to My Call
Not by might, nor by power
But by My Spirit saith Me
See how you can be
Restored to My Glory

Raise up, child
Raise up, child
Come follow Me
I will show you
What will be…

I wrote this over ten years ago and this was my response to my King:

Lord, I thank You
That I can be all in You
and none of me
The devils flee when
They see You in me
How positively free
that I am in Thee

There are some clues in this poem that I wrote that will help answer the questions I left you in my last blog…. Tune in next time…. Because His Love Never Fails!

The Rooster Is Still Crowing- Time To Wake Up!

Take a moment, think about this: The rooster from the beginning of time has been doing it’s job!  Was this God’s first living trumpet!? God created him to crow during the third watch. All the generations of little roosters have been doing exactly what God designed them to do.  They have been waking us up for A LONG , LONG TIME.  A good question for the evolutionists: how did the rooster get the instructions to crow at the break of day?   Anyway, back to my point……

I once  had some roosters for neighbors. Sometimes they got their wires crossed on crowing on the break of day…. 2:00 AM is not the breaking of day!  Then unfortunately, after a while, the rooster’s crowing faded into the background of  assorted noise in my mornings…  I did not listen for him anymore…His  alarm was lost in the midst of other noises and concerns in my  morning. Many of us use  an electric alarm clock to awaken us out of sleep at dawn now. However, that does not stop the little guy from doing his job.  Possibly God’s first trumpet or “watchbird”…. announcing to all: the light is here, the light is here— I see it, I see it!

I researched the rooster or cock in the Greek of Strong’s Concordance. The cock crowing in the third watch of the night was to ward off darkness.  It is also written in Isaiah 50:4&5: The Lord has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should speak to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to hear as the learned. The Lord has opened My ear; and I was not rebellious nor did I turn away. It is also written that the Lord’s help and coming is as in the break of day.

The Holy Spirit is awakening us every morning to hear the Lord’s voice.    Wow!  The Holy One who knows the end from the beginning wants  to have an audience with us.  His invitation is written in the Word in Matthew 10:28, come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Now, I will tell you that the Holy Spirit also does not pay attention to the actual break of dawn either!….. He will awaken you at different watches of the night to see if you will sacrifice your sleep for an audience with the Holy One….  I jump up.  God is God and who am I to put Him off at all.  To me, that is a no brainer! 

I wrote about this in my book, if   any President of the United States or the Queen of England came and knocked on our door in the middle of the night, would  we roll over? I know I wouldn’t.  Well, One that is greater is knocking on our “time door” to have an audience.   I need and desire His guidance and direction every minute. Sometimes the still of the night is best time to hear Him. There is little or no interference from distractions so we may receive His instruction, corrections and teaching.  I love to hear the secrets of heaven and be told things that I do not know that are to come.

To me, God is like a puzzle, I get a piece of His greatness here and there to put in the Masterpiece. But I can’t wait to complete the whole puzzle, I am not sure that is possible, but I sure love trying.  It is written in Proverbs 9:10, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.  I really, really desire to understand and know this great God. Proverbs 9:6 says, forsake foolishness and live, and go in the way of understanding.

I really want to be found by Him having a heart  that is taught of the Lord. Let’s be the ones that when “His Rooster crows,” we turn our ear to hear and then obey.  I get the rest for my soul and spirit in prayer and conversation with God. Studying the will of God from His word is also the needful thing to our good rest and health of our spirit, soul and body. 

We cannot allow ourselves to have a foolish  and deceived heart. That kind of heart  grows a deafened ear to hear God waking us up. The rooster crowing means to ward off darkness—- Hello….. Honoring God as The First Place of our hearts and lives and  spending  time listening to His word—- do ya think—- that wards off the darkness coming against us???? No brainer to me. 

Apprehend God with the same “true grit” as He apprehended you….If God’s alarm clock  goes off in your heart tonight, get up!! Don’t think it was the pizza or the chocolate cookie…. (well, if your stomach hurts it may be but if there is no reason for your eyes to pop open….. It is the King approaching  wanting an audience with His precious ones!) 

I have a question for you…. If God knows everyone, then how is it that Jesus spoke  to the crowds in Luke 13:24 and 25: Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord open for us, and He will answer and say to you. I do not know you, where you are from.  Hmmm….

I think He answered one of my many questions…. tune in for the next blog for the answer…. you search also for the answer in scriptures yourself. We will see if we match!!!


True Grit Isn’t Just In The Movies!

I know we all have seen a dog with a bone. If you are wise, you will not try to remove that bone from the dog. If you do, you will be first warned by a growl. Then if you still try to take it, you will probably get rushed by a  growling, snapping of his pearly white fangs….. don’t mess with a dog and his bone!

That  tenacity in animals is how God made them….  He also gave us the same tenacity and strength to keep His will by His Spirit.  Jesus Christ in my opinion, is the One who should be given the description of having “true grit.”   I wrote about this in my book. The Lord was quite aware of the brutality and betrayal of what was awaiting Him. But it is written in Luke, that He turned His face towards Jerusalem. In other words, He bit the bullet, and went ahead knowing the death that awaited Him.  He was going through with this offering of Himself as the Lamb of God for His Father and us. Yes, we the mottley crew….. He saw the finished work of His Father’s plan. By His death and resurrection, His Spirit would be changing us, the mottley crew into His saints, the priests and kings of God.   Jesus had to keep the vision of the saints that would be His bride before Him and not what He saw.  That takes true grit!!!!!!

So, Paul also, had the will or “bone” of God. He did not deter from the plan of God that had been set for him. In Acts, Paul was told by Jesus Christ, all that Paul would have to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.   Paul never let go of his “bone.” In fact, he growled a couple of times when the saints begged him not to go to Jerusalem. The Spirit of God warned Paul and others this would cause  imprisonment. Paul was given the empowerment of strength and “true grit” from the Holy Spirit to complete the will of God. This was the plan that God laid out for Paul. Paul went to Jerusalem. Just as the Spirit had told Paul, he was beaten and imprisoned. There are many saints today going through the same imprisonment and torture for the name and fame of Jesus Christ.  I call them Jesus’ special forces….. True Grit. As I said in my earlier blog, no loafers or flip flops will be able to continue on the journey of the Lord. Sometimes the terrain is high and rough trodding.

What do you think the high calling of God is for you?  We are to offer ourselves to God as a living sacrifice as written in Romans 12….. That is the first step,  we start having our “bone” to keep as the Holy Spirit instructs us.

Let’s protect or growl against anything that takes us from the road of apprehending the One that has apprehended us!   We have the same Spirit of God that Jesus does—- We got  the Holy Spirit in us to guide and strengthen us. I do not mean this at all to be disrespectful of Him, but He gives me the ‘true grit”….. Let’s show it in our tenacity to show our love for our Champion, Jesus Christ and others. Let us bite the bullet and complete  what the Holy Spirit says today. Tomorrow, we will be stronger  to obey more of the plan that He has planned for us.  Hey, believe the unbelievable and live the uncomprehendable love in the will of God. Remember-His love never fails!

I know Jesus sees the travail of His soul in each one of us and smiles.  I wrote in my book, His smile is what keeps me truckin’….. He sees His beauty in each one of His saints as they turn their heart toward their King and Champion. Look for His smile today and everyday… Shine in the everlasting Love that He has for you!!!! Don’t let go of your “bone”, obey His will for you. The journey will  be tough here and there but  bite the bullet  and go for it —–because His Love Never Fails!  You got the “true grit.” Be His special force !



To Believe The Unbelievable And Receive The Uncomprehendable

Steven Curtis Chapman wrote a song with these words a while ago. I often meditate on those words. Help me, Lord, I want to believe and receive everything You have for me. I don’t want to leave one crumb on Your table. 

Do we see only a glimpse of all that God has in store for us?  We need to believe the unbelievable is for us now. When we receive the uncomprehendable, we are going beyond our understanding and vision. His plan for His children is vast, it is beyond our understanding, but that does not mean that it is not attainable in this life. In our every day life, the Holy Spirit is urging us to believe and apprehend the scope of God’s love for us found in Christ… and guess what!!!! That Christ is found in you.

I was blessed to see a little nest of baby birds. These birds always had their mouths opened for more food from their parents.  They seemed never to be content even through the night. I pray that our hearts our always hungry for the One True Living God. He is always ready to fill our hearts  more with His Spirit and the knowledge of Himself. I, myself , cannot get enough of Him. I tried, but there is nothing better than relating  and in fellowship with my God.

The Great I Am has apprehended you and I with His Great Love. I am so grateful He has given the grace to recieve His invasion into our lives. Each and every day is a grand happening to see His hand of Love in and through our lives.

As His Spirit is within us,  He is searching the deep things of God as written in 1 Corinthians 2:10. The Holy Spirit is within us ready to share and illuminate our lives into God’s realm in the Spirit.  Can I ask you a question?

Do you apprehend the Holy One with the same tenacity as those hungry little birds…. Are you always hungry  or looking for Him?  Do you get satisified easily or are you seeking Him, wanting more of His heart?   Paul prayed  and instructed us by example- BUT ONE THING I DO, FORGETTING THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEHIND AND REACHING FORWARD TO THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE AHEAD, I PRESS TOWARD THE GOAL FOR THE PRIZE OF THE UPWARD CALL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS. 

Paul wasn’t consumed with his past as Saul of Taursus. He persecuted  and killed some of the first Christians. God, also, wasn’t consumed with Paul’s (Saul) past either.  Paul’s belief that Jesus was the Son of God set Paul righteous by the cross of Christ. Paul’s sins are as far as the east is to the west as written in Psalm 103.  God forgot them.Paul turned from the wrong road immediately when He saw Jesus. He was made a new creation in Christ Jesus, all the past was gone. Jesus treated Paul that way- look at all that man accomplished for the Gospel. That is true for all believers. 

We can’t put our hands out to the grace of God when we are holding on to the past… our hands are filled, there is no room.  We have been cleansed by the precious blood of the Lamb of God…. washed clean from all sin and iniquity… Believe the unbelievable and live the uncomprehendable! Walk in the power of His new creation of you!  Did you get your new name from Jesus yet? ( I wrote about this in my book).  I double dog dare you to believe the unbelievable and receive the uncomprehendable. What a great adventure He has planned for you and me  today and forever if we believe and choose to follow and obey Him all the way!


Our Lord Jesus Christ is watching us. What does He see?

Today my heart is sad. It the mark of forty years of legalized abortion in this country.

Forty days our Lord spent in the desert to be tested and tried. Forty years Israel spent going through the desert, which the adult generation did not make it into the promised land of Canaan. Only Joshua and Caleb and the children of the “Exodus generation” actually entered into the promised land.

Forty years is a time of testing and being set apart for God. Do you think the ones that call on the name of Jesus Christ in America passed the test?

King Nebuchadnezzar was given a warning dream from God. He was in pride of the greatness of his kingdom in Babylon. The dream was interpreted by Daniel that the king should know that Heaven rules. He was advised to repent, break off his sins by being righteous and his iniquities to by showing mercy to the poor.

King Nebuchadnezzar ignored the warnings in his pride. In twelve months, the decree that he ignored was put into place. The kingdom was taken away from him and he was made into a beast like creature eating off the land for seven years. He went looney tunes! Daniel 4.

I did not mention this item above referring to any kings, but my insight is for the church in America. We are responsible to bring the Lord’s light to dispell the darkness…. How are we doing?

God restored the king after he learned that those who walk in pride, the Holy One is able to bring down. Heaven rules and so do the rules and laws of God!

I know alot of people do not see the writing on the wall for this country to repent and stop abortion… but the people that call on the name of Jesus Christ as their Lord should.

I know that our God is gracious and His mercies are new to us every morning… I also know if we pray, turn from our wicked ways—- which is not obeying the commands of Jesus Christ… Love God with our whole heart, mind and will and neighbor. We should examine our fruit….Is God first place in our hearts and lives? If He is, I know He hears us. We can then seek our Father for the doors that will be opened and the wise strategies to turn around this law and other laws that goes against what God says.

I pray that we awaken from our distractions. I know when each child of God asks what he or she can do in this battle, the Holy Spirit will show us. Each person has an obedience act to put forth. We can pass this test of faithfulness for God. The children of this country will start to be safe again, because God and His people of America are making a way of light, breaking the power of darkness. Let’s each take our part and sieze the day.

God has empowered us to overcome this today. Today if you hear the Holy Spirit….

I pray that twelve months from now, this country is NOT decreed for  judgment because we didn’t as Jesus Christ followers take our watch in the army of God here in this country.

I know He will show us the way, if we ask, seek and knock and really turn from our distractions that make us unavailable to be His body in action here for the kingdom of God.

Hebrews 3:14-15, for we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said: Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. I hope you finish yourself the rest of chapter 3, verse 16-18 of Hebrews.


Hi, Guys !   Exciting news !!

The Book is IN STOCK at Barnes & Noble at the Oaks Mall

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The Holy Spirit Shows Us That The Calendar Is Enoch’s Day! – Part II

In Genesis 5:24  “And Enoch walked with God and was not, for God took him.”

I had a dream awhile ago in that I saw a white cloth calendar.  It was very large. The numbers were listed in a regular fashion on it, except one. This one date was highlighted with bright yellow. I walked closer to the calendar. Curiosity brought me to see why that day was highlighted. It was blinking in neon yellow with rays shining around what was written….The day was marked ENOCH’S DAY. 

Enoch’s root word meaning in Hebrew is to initiate or discipline, train up or consecration.

So we can conclude that walking and talking with God, we will be disciplined and trained up into the mature or complete reborn creation that He always intended us to be before the foundation of the world!

There is an old song that says: He walks with me and He talks with me and tells me I am His own and the joy we share as we tarry there none has ever known.  Remember God came down in the cool of the day to walk and talk with Adam before Satan played his hand against Adam.  Mankind lost out on the fellowship from then on. Until Pentecost, now the opportunity for walk and talk with God is here before us.

The Holy Spirit is longing to spend time and share the secrets of the Jesus’ heart with us.  I know after that dream, I was determined in His grace, to follow the instructions of my dream and to fellowship with the Holy Spirit. 

As I “walked,” I prayed, studied the word and devoted my time to be available to God. I started to understand the cross along with the discipline that He desired from me. I could no longer be allowed to indulge my flesh or carnality. I was to crucify it, cut it off from its supply.  I was to live on the Word of God as my food, my first priority, even if it cost.  I became sold out to His cause; I was here to glorify Him…. I could not say no to His gentle “shove” and the undaunting love that He shed His all to catch me.

I, the defiant rebellious one, started to fall away. As we “walk” in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, the chaff of the old creation starts to burn up- it falls away because He takes us with Him…. The One True Living God shall be the One known from our lives….Jesus Christ is the King of all kings. He is glorified by our lives living out His will and we get to live in His glory…. Christ in us the hope of glory!

The Incorruptible Seed planted in us is growing or maturing the reborn creation from God’s handiwork in and through us. Ephesians 2:10, For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. That Incorruptible Seed within us is growing into a branch of the Tree of Life that produces much fruit, just as the body of Christ is being built into the Holy Temple in the Lord, a dwelling place of God in the Spirit….Ephesians 2:22.  I cannot produce the fruit of the Spirit, or the fruit of the Tree of Life, only the Holy Spirit within me can produce those godly traits and gifts through me.  Christ in us is our only hope of glory!

Let this year of 2013 be the year of Enoch! We walk with God and are not! What remains is the maturing reborn creation that He had planned for us in Him. A little chip or a little stone (witness) off the Big Rock!

Remember the only hope of glory we have is Christ in us. This mystery has now been revealed to us in Colossians 1:26. Today the Word of God says- we are given an opportunity to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that you and I may be filled with fullness of God. We walked with God and were not!!!!!

The Holy Spirit is saying there is an abundant of grace for this call….. Let’s go for it! Let us be the ones who have ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart to receive and understand the words of our Lord and King TODAY!

Seize the day!!! Amen and Amen! His Love Never Fails!

PS. A word of encouragement: be prepared to get some endurance shoes on your feet- the terrain at times is high and rough! No loafers or flip flops will make it through!  His love never fails; this walk with Him will help ensure our love for our God never fails!!!


The Holy Spirit’s calendar says -Today is Enoch’s Day!

An old song is written and says:
He walks with me and talks with me and tells me I am His own and the joy we share as we tarry there none has ever known…..

Genesis 5:24: And Enoch walked with God and was not, for God took him.

God invaded my time here so that I would turn away from my idol- horses and turn to Him. I started to walk with Him and talk with Him.

He apprehended my heart for fellowship with me. He set me up that  I would turn and search for knowledge and understanding of Him. I started to gain Wisdom of the Holy One. My many questions were being answered.

I, by His grace, saw His love and His eyes drawing me. This Holy One did hold all the secrets of the universe. Besides that, He was delighted that I asked Him all my questions… because I was showing Him that He was my Treasure.

After that, I was sold out in the cross. I, the defiant  rebellious one started to fall away and be gone because God was taking me with Him. The chaff  started to fall away that surrounds the Incorruptible Seed planted in me.

Too many things fill our lives and waste our time. Our time is a treasure….

We  can apprehend the One who apprehends  us.  We capture Him by loving Him as He loves us. We seize His heart when we turn to the One we cannot see but believe is waiting and watching us to draw near. 

Let this year of 2013 be the year of Enoch. We walked with God and were not….. just the  reborn creation that He has called us to be in Him.  Remember, the only hope of glory we have is Christ in us, the mystery that has been revealed to us….. Colossians 1:26.  We are given the opportunity to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you (and I) may be filled with the fullness of God.   Amen and Amen to Enoch’s Day!!

The Great I AM has siezed our hearts!

How does our Heavenly Father see the word  apprehend in Strong’s accordance in Greek:

to percieve, to behold fully, clearly see, seize, possess, attain, overtake, arrest, capture.

So I know my God has apprehended me…. He is the first that I think of in the morning…. Father, what do you have for me today? What can I learn of You today? I love You, Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit…. Help me today to fulfill the purpose You have called me into Your Son, My Lord.

He is my One Thing… He invaded my other one thing – horses awhile ago.  I just was crazed about horses, especially my own.  They consumed all of my time. They were my life, driving this obsession was the love of riding them.

Well, He came and invaded my red sea by splitting it in half to get my focus. He succeeded, as He always does!   As I received grace, the invasion of questions entered my head…. This God created these magnificent beasts that have hooves- Why hooves? He created the flowing mane and tail that flew like as a cloud in the wind. Why did You put the long hair and tail there? Why did you give them those big silky brown eyes that I know hold Your secrets. Why?

Well, my focus became off of them to Him- The Great I AM…. I eventually found homes for my horses and turned my total attention to Him. The Truine Godhead… because He intrigued me with His love and His Grand Wisdom. I had so many questions that I got answered or I meditated and researched His Word to find the answer. I also researched what the Word meant from Hebrew, His language.   He stole my heart as the horses had stolen my heart before…. but I went to the Creator.  I had to know the God that created the horse, the elephant, the giraffe (why the blue tongue?)  Why does a cat purr? I had questions upon questions for Him.    He captured my heart by His tenderness and patience with my questions!!!!

I ask you today to make some time : turn off the noise, turn on some meditative music, no words…. and return to the time that the Lord first apprehended your life- the time He broke in and got your heart.

Everyone likes to reminisce with photgraphs of the best of times in their lives. Well, I believe the times when Eternity broke into the minutes of  life to capture our heart is the best of our life… Reminisce with the Lord today….. turn off the world, turn off  what intrigues you and turn to Him… Let us let Him enlarge our hearts as He gave the triple crown winner horse – Secretariat, so we may finish the race. In Psalm 119:32- I will run the course of Your commandments for You shall enlarge my heart. 

Let us apprehend Him as He has apprehended us.    We are in the middle of a great Love Story…..