
To Live The Impossible Dream

What is your impossible dream? We have dreams of what our heart desires. Wow, we have been given the opportunity to live  our Heavenly Father’s dream… A family that worships Him in Spirit and Truth. A peculiar people that have a dazzling, brilliant character because the Holy Spirit lives within us. We sometimes do not see as our Heavenly Father sees. But He sees us in Christ, what a beautiful picture. I am not saying we do not make mistakes, that doesn’t upset God. Remember He knows the end from the beginning. It is a matter of our heart towards Him.  He is with us, what else could we need? NOTHING!

Our Father gave us the Word in flesh to see how to live this godly life, Jesus Christ.   Jesus taught us to pray to our Father. Did you notice when He prayed, He never brought up people and their issues… I never read in the gospels where Jesus prayed in front of the gang and said, Father, oh, please help Peter with his betrayal tonight….  No.  He told Peter the sifting was coming and that He prayed for Him. Jesus taught us to pray in Luke 11:2-4, what  we now know as :

Our Father in heaven, Holy is Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us (us- all inclusive) day by day, our daily bread. And forgive (us our- all inclusive again) sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us  into temptation, but deliver (us-all inclusive) from  the evil one. (For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory for now and forever. Amen…- my add in).

Jesus didn’t tell us to pray for individuals as much as He taught to pray to God, our Father as one body… Even in John 17, Jesus did not pray for the world, but  prayed for all the believers that would follow through history. Jesus didn’t list them by name, but it was a given that the Father already knew them all, as well as Jesus then…. That is all that matters- God knows!

Gossip is  slander. If you read your daily Proverb, you will know that chapter 6 in Proverbs states the 7 things that God hates. Proverbs 6:16-19, These six thing the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him. A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies and one who sows discard among the brethren.

Jesus taught us to pray in Truth( His Word)  by His Spirit…. all inclusive  for His kingdom. Jesus told us to pray in private in Matthews 6:5-6. Check it out! Our focus should be on the Lord and ourselves, our heart, not so and so and this one and that one ….  When we pray God knows all things and knows what we all need before we ask. When we do  bring up someone in private, we should pray scripture over them…. He performs His word always, because He is GOD! As Hebrews 11:1-2, says now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen… For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.   We are to be a living testimony of the faithfulness and power of the love of our God.

I have learned to pray all inclusive because He is the Lord of all in the world. He is BIG,  I mean really big.  I pray for ALL the persecuted church, for there are many I have no knowledge of that are suffering for His name sake. I pray for all the sick to receive their healing and know their Healer. I do not have to name names, He is God and knows everyone’s needs. I pray for ALL the lost to know the Lord and receive their salvation in Him. I pray for the leaders of this country and other leaders of countries, because my brothers and sisters in Christ are there. I pray for the troops of our country, serving and vets and their families.  I pray for all children and even all the animals. This brings His kingdom to the earth, so lives live as in heaven. Then men may give honor and glory to God for answering their prayers. As Paul told us in 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18, Rejoice, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

The most important thing I have learned is God watches over His Words to perform them…. The Word does not say the Lord watches over my words to perform them…. I pray His Word over ALL His people which includes the believers to be… I let God be God, I am sure not! I  pray the prayers that Paul left in the letters over His bride, Christ’s body.

I know when I hurt in my body, I cry out thank you Jesus for Your healing power to flow through me now.  I see our prayers doing the same thing for all, even “His body to be.”

I helped kids get off of drugs when I was a teenager. We had a rule. Gossip kills. If you have anything to say, say it to their face otherwise SHUT UP.  We taught that gossip could set a person to go back to their old life because it was not love but hate disguised as concern. I took very seriously the responsibility of their lives in my hands. I wanted everyone to reach the overcomer stage. I did not want their running back to drugs to be my fault.  I could never live with myself.  I wanted to help these kids up and see their transformation before my eyes, which is beyond wonderful. No reward was better than to see them be who God created them to be whole, alive and bright.   Our words were to destroy the evil, the lies, and raise them in the Truth covered in love…. I saw the impossible dream being possible before my eyes in the lives of kids. I learned to see through my Heavenly Father’s eyes.

I also learned to keep the focus on my own business, I can say the same now.  How is  my heart with God and not everyone else’s.  I have learned from the Lord, in judging myself every night, for He knows it all anyway…. so why wait.  I speak to Him as  Judge now, I see Him as if it were my last day. What did I not do that You wanted and what did I do that You didn’t want…. and wait. He who has called  me is  faithful to do it( tell me what is out of sorts that we will be preserved blameless). We get that business out of the way and then I can pray with  His view on His kingdom.

One thing I still ask Him a lot:  why do people rather tear down people then point to and assist them to the great position He has for us. Jesus died and rose so we in Him are seated in heavenly places.   The Spirit of God lifts us up in  living the Possible Dream that is being manifested before our eyes. Satan wants to keep pulling people down with him by lies, slander or oppression, etc.  Devil in the Strong’s Concordance is whisperer, prattler…This looks like gossip. Gossip  lies against the Truth. The Truth is what God says about His children .

Envy led to slander in the  hearts of people against Jesus. It grew into such hate that it stirred a crowd up to put Jesus Christ to death. They tried to destroy Jesus and His reputation as Savior, but guess what.  God Almighty rose Him higher than all others. No slander could change that He was Savior, just like no slander against the body of Christ changes our position in Him. The pit that the slanderer is digging for another, he himself will fall into, it is written.  As we are given a great opportunity to LIVE THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM WITH OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. LET US MAKE SURE WE BRING AS MANY AS WE CAN TO LIVE THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM TOO.

My focus is on My Jesus. The more I know of Him, the more I understand His ways…. He is the  One that I want to know His business. It is written in Matthew 6:33, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

When I pray for people in particular, it is done in my secret closet, for the only One that can help is the One I am talking to… their Savior.

Please remember gossip and betrayal kills. That is the spirit that put Jesus on the cross.  There is power of life and death in our words, let us speak the Truth of what God says on all and bring them in to live this impossible but possible dream of Our Father’s… . We are given a great privilege to be different, a strong fortified people in Christ Jesus, yet in ourselves we are weak. But we  are so different from the world that we set the world upside down BECAUSE WE ARE LIVING THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM!   Why?  HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS!

Tune in next time for more rain of His mercies on us as we are learning to apprehend the One who chose us so we would choose HIM!