
Didn’t He Say He Will Shake All That Can Be Shaken?

When the wind blows during the winnowing the good grain falls to the ground but the chaff just blows away…… The grain has the weight to hold on to its place during the blowing.

All that is not of the truth just blows away….. This is the way of our Lover of our souls…… This our Divine Romancer. He loves us so much, He will shake all that is not Him so we may know Him greater.

Why does He shake all that can be shaken? So what is of Him, eternal, remains as written in the Book of Hebrews.

See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, whose voice shook the earth; 

whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.

Now this, Yet once more, indicates a removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.

For our God is a consuming fire, ( Hebrews 12:25-28).

The Godhead have their valuable end in Their sight…They are already there and here and back there! The honor and vengeance of the Firstborn and the reborn family through the Firstborn….. He will be all and in all- then God will be all and in all as written in Colossians and Corinthians.

This was their goal from the Beginning…. A huge family from Their Seed. As Their intent in Genesis 1:26, as written—–Let us make man in our image, according to Our likeness.  

As we know the eagle shakes their kids nest to make them get out to fly.  In their comfort zone of their nest,….. they would never experience the heights of their intent soaring over mountains and covering the territory that was planned for the eagle to carry on it’s heritage.

So every groom loves to see his sparkling bride come to him….. Her joy makes her shine and then her joy makes him smile and be in awe of her beauty.

As we see an eagle soar in the sky, we marvel at it’s beauty of doing what God intended it to do.

God delights in His people and loves to see us do what we were designed to do. He called each one of us to be and do what He designed by His Spirit.

Wouldn’t it be heart breaking to see an eagle never soar. It would appear the eagle is under the deceitfulness that it was not made to  fly.  We would want to go and help it reach its fullness of an eagle….

Well, Holy Spirit knows God’s mind and only knows how to teach us to fly or dance in His Spirit. By His Spirit in us we are known as the sons and daughters of God.

We must walk and live by the Spirit of God if we are calling the Lord Jesus our Savior and King……His life within is more than head ascent. His life is move and breath through us to the world.

If I were to show up somewhere, my talents or characteristics don’t show up separate.  If I show up- you get all of me- like it or not.

Holy Spirit within us is all of Him and His characteristics as well as gifts….. All of Him. He is the third Person of the Godhead. We cannot separate His gifts and Him…… He fits the body of Christ with the supernatural gifting and works of God as He sees fit but we cannot operate His gifts away from His Person….. The gifts are His and He works through us, the vessel, His gifts for the body edification and evangelism for the glory to God and exaltation of Jesus Christ….


I have a habit of asking my husband often- what? What are you thinking?  After a long time of marriage, a lot of times, the questions goes unnoticed or unanswered…… My habit has developed by asking God- What?  My King, what are You seeing?  Holy Spirit, what’s up?   You said You would show me great and mighty things, if I ask….. So I am asking….

My questions to the King, gets answered…..  All things that are shown to us are breathtaking and awesome…… Our God sometimes makes our heart skip a beat….. but He is the Giver of our breath and life….. So what is taken is always restored to a higher degree in Him.

But we must leave our nest of what is seen and known by our natural senses.  A walk of faith is not by sight. This is called living an abiding life in Christ.

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me, ( Galatians 2:20).

Beloved, I think the Laodicean church loved its nest and having all the comforts.  But they had grown so big on the outside, the flesh, they forgot the importance of living by the Spirit and in communion with our Lord.

Outside delights are designed to appeal to the senses and leave us cold on the inside in our spirit man to our Lord. We forget the pleasures of the Spirit and His awesome nearness to help us and guide us and teach us in every minute of the day.

The world betrays us, beloved.  They promise fulfillment but leave all of us empty and still seeking.  The voices of the world romance us but after the first date—– the voices fall flat. Also saying,..… hey, you need to try this or that if this didn’t work…….  What a work mentality of never getting satisfied and always wanting or needing more stuff….. Or more fame, or more fortune……

But beloved, when all our days are fulfilled….. We also take with us the emptiness of not knowing our Creator and Friend.  We still have that huge hole in us that we are trying to fill and refill. It is a never ending cycle……Anger soon develops and cynicism from the broken promises…..But wait…..

Can you hear Him, your Divine Romancer, calling you?  He is knocking and whispering to you in the still of the silence when the burnout of your seeking and never getting satisfied comes to a valley low…..

Shhhhhh……. Can you not wait and shhhhhh……. Listen…….. He is there with you and I right now.  Wait….. He has been loving us with an everlasting love. You do know what everlasting means right?    FOREVER AND EVER!

Since the minute you were a thought in the Divine Mind….. He has waited to be gracious to you….. He has desired you to be His and His alone for not this day but all days and into all of eternity.

Shhhhhh……!!!! Listen. Turn off the world and tune into the stillness of the quiet. You will hear Him……. Do not be concerned that you do not know Him….. He knows all things and your things…….This does not stop His love for you in the least..… Be silent…. Listen.

Love yourself enough to turn to Him and wait ten to twenty minutes.  Allow Him to show Himself to you….. May be tell Him, God, I do not know you or know You to love You……. Shhhhhh….. Listen, you will hear Him say I AM has loved you with an everlasting love….. You are precious to Me. Come know My Son.

Start here in the greatest love story of your and my life…. He is the Divine Romancer…..He wants us to seek Him because He has been seeking us forever since the start of time…..

HE WANTS YOU….. He will never deceive you. He will stretch your comfort zone until there is none. He wants us all because He gave us all of Him so we can be with Him where He is……

We will never be forsaken or forgotten. There will not be another one made better than you….. In His eyes, we are all perfected in Him. The King of all kings and Lord of all lords, is desiring you to be with Him this day.

We are dazzling clothed in and by His Spirit. We are His shining city put up on His hill….. We have been covered by something so precious to the King.

His blood.

We have been washed whiter than snow and brought into the family of God.  Do not hesitate to enter into His sacrifice for you and for me.

Heaven was brought to earth to bring us to heaven by our Divine Romancer.

Learn how He sees you…… When you see the King’s eyes…… How does He see you?  What are you doing? Where are you in His eyes?

Ponder these questions and the answers…… Live them out for He is with you and me…… This is faith, beloved….. We go where He says and speak what He says…

Beloved, we dance with the King. We live by faith and His Spirit guides our steps. Yes, there will be breathtaking opportunities,  but He is closer than our breath….. as written in Romans. Check it out.

We may stay in the nest and fear our leap and never dare to get closer to the Uncreated One or we may just flap our weak wings and try to touch the Son.

He will meet the effort.  He respects and enjoys our faith leaps and even baby leaps….. He does not care….. He desires our faith in all He died and rose to give us that we take from Him in gusto.

He is a great generous King who wants all to enjoy His riches.  Beloved, we pray for all to receive His Spirit for our Father is not holding  Him back from any seeking heart.  Unbelief is the block as is our wanting to see versus acting in faith.

If He says we can do His works and in greater measure…. We can…..

Remember our God asked- who told you -you were naked? Adam saw with his eyes and not what was told him by God.

Satan wants to say you do not have all we have been given by God….. It is up to us to say- I walk by faith and not by sight….. I am what I AM says I am.

I am clothed in and by His Spirit. I abide in the King, the Word of God and He, the Word of God, abides in me.  I am diligent to show myself approved by spending time with Him, in the Word of God.  I hold the Word of God as my life and breath….. I am easily stirred by the Spirit of God to pray for His urgings and the body of Christ….. I suffer with the prisoners of Christ and hold them in my heart for strength and courage and healing…..I am moved by His bride universally not just locally.

I will fast and pray to strengthen myself in the Spirit and quiet my flesh. I am not moved by what is seen and heard but I am only moved by the Spirit who lives within me…… My God is my glory and strength and joy… I delight in Him and He is my all.

As we speak these truths out, beloved, as the shaking occurs whether personally, locally, or universally. We will not be moved but will be all He plans for us to be to others…… We cannot be His body for His newbody’s if we are falling apart because we have been taken unawares of the timing of the age.

If we give Him His preeminence in our lives, nothing will take us be surprise but Him!   If we allow the chaff to fall away and come to the belief we are who He says we are and we placed and given all we need in Him by His Spirit….. Exploits and wonders will be accomplished in His name and for His glory……

We get to show all who and how great our Heavenly Father is….. How majestic is His Son and the delight of power in Holy Spirit, we live by.

We show the world, how faithful our God is…….

He never leaves us alone- thank God.

He never gives us false promises- He is always our Provider.

He always gives us His life- He never withholds….. We must take His life with gusto and never turn back…. We must apprehend Him as if we are the little eaglets being moved from their nest with nothing but Him.

He has more for us- He is neverending….. so our walk of faith must not be…Remember- the cross brings us the resurrected life of our King and His resurrected life brings us to the cross….. Increase is His gig for He is neverending and His government that rests on His shoulders shall never cease.

The Laodicean church rested and gathered things unto themselves.  WE ARE TO REST IN HIM AND GATHER SOULS UNTO HIM……In the fight of faith, fire is alive within for then we are marked for Him and a threat to the evil…….

Resting in Him, knowing all is in His hand for His plan.  The knowledge of Him is peace and joy and fullness in the Holy Spirit.

If we are walking in His footsteps, then we shall be as He was treated in this world….. Woe to them and whohoo for us!  Great is our reward in heaven and in the earth because we delight Him….. We have friendship with Him. We hear Him. He is our God and is our Refuge…

Now for those who mistreat us.  Pray for them for their shaking will be starting because the Divine Romancer is seeking them for He loves them!


He is unlike any other God. There is no one like our Yahweh!  Praise Him forever!



Turn you ear to Me.  Turn off the world’s noise….. Your leaning ear to their noise will deafen the active word of Truth within you.  Protect the hearing ear I AM has died to give you.

My kingdom is from above- so seek the things above where you and I AM are seated….. Does a man who has received a promotion stay in the old job? Does he not seek the higher place of honor?   Yet, My children are settling for the vain which will pass away.

Is it not written by My friend, do not seek the house, Bethel…… But seek I AM.  The house that you live may be gone tomorrow but I AM is still with you.  Know I AM now and My faithfulness.

Count on My love to bring you into and out of all things. When the cliff ends, I AM is there.  When the waters rise, I AM is there.  Trust Me.

I AM will not allow you to be alone.   I AM was with the men on the boat. They thought I AM doesn’t answer……. The faith of all, if chosen, is stretched to the ultimate end….. I AM. You will know Me for this is eternal life.

Gather together for exalting I AM.  The testimony of I AM is the Spirit of prophecy. I AM jealous for My place in all hearts for this is their glory.

I AM God and I AM your God. I AM knocks down all idols.  Foe or friend is your decision. I AM has shed all My blood for you to bring you up and in My presence…..

Do not hesitate to knock…… the Door is opened to you.

Do not hesitate to ask……. You will receive.

Do not hesitate to seek for Me…… You will find I AM….. smiling!

We have a lot of walking together, My friend. Come to Me now. Hear and receive all I AM has for you. Do not be deceived…. I AM waiting for you to come to Me.

I AM calling My friends to come up……..You cannot have the world in your hands and have them open for Me to fill with My Spirit…..What you desire for that is what you will seek?  Your hands reveal your heart.  Your seeking reveals your heart pulse for I AM or something other.

Be assured for as My love never ceases for you, the coming wind will blow what is not to be to make room for who is to be.  I AM does not share My glory. Alas, is it not written- My Spirit within and abiding in you is your hope of glory?   A mystery is revealed unto you….. Hold it secret in your heart for the revealing of My love in greater measure or toss it as chaff to the wind….

In My Day, all will be weighed.  The wind has blown the chaff and the grain will be kept and treasured from the storms.  If you have an ear to hear, hear My Words. If you have an hearing ear, I AM beckons you now.

Who do you say I AM?

Live as to who I AM says you are for I AM has loved you with an everlasting love….. Be all I AM says you are to Me, My beloved and friend.

Belief is good, but even the devils believe.  A life I AM has called you to is by faith in My Spirit for these are the sons of God.  Living by every Word of the Mouth of God is My delight for you.

Know I AM……. Know My Living Word by My Spirit says the Lord. Then You shall know My love which is everlasting toward you.  Leave the nest. Know My strength of love for you.

Come to Me.