
Every Man is Right, Right?

Seems to me that everyone acts according how they want to. Is it to be accepted in the crowd, click, neighborhood, school system, or state government or federal government……?

This twisted thinking starts with our own heart and how we value our values. Do they also act as they want at church?

Just wondering……

Lives matter……. if you ever want to know where the heart of a country, a church or a city ….. Ask this question….

What is the first priority to you?

What is the main thing to you? What is the main thing to your family? What is the main thing to your city, state and government ? Even your church? The church you attend…….. The body of Christ has the Head as their Leader…… Is that the purpose of the body you attend? His commands are put as first rank, right?

  1. How do lives matter to you at where you hang at church or bar or click?
  2. How do our actions affect others? Is there hate or acceptance?
  3. Why?
  4. How is your own backyard? Meaning people who tend to be experts on others and invade their lives, usually have a real mess of their own, that they are avoiding by being codependent on others. Example: King Saul was rejected by God as King of Israel because he was disobedient in taking down the enemy and sacrificing when he was to wait for the prophet…… This disobedience got him fired as king from God…… Instead of looking at his heart and seeing why he feared man more than God….. He didn’t…… He persecuted the one that God chose as written. God chose one after His own heart…..that was to replace Saul as King…. Saul feared and then hated with envy the life of David…… But why? Anyone you envy? Envy is from the evil one and we better not partake of that weed.
    1. Whose heart are we after to please? Man or God’s.
    2. What things in this life matter to us? Who has first place?
    3. Do you know what the first commandment is? Just wondering. If you own a bible and do not know…… Why do you not know? If you do not own a bible, then google the question. Do you know the grace of God to get right with God through His Son will not be forever? Do you realize the consequence of not coming to His face and seeking His grace? Just wondering….. God does not act like a government of men….. He means what He says and always says what He means…..If we do not partake to seek His kingdom first, we are then the harlot church…….
    1. Do you know what the harlot church is? Read Revelation 18. If you do not have a bible- go to google.
    2. What was the least important items to this harlot church which God took vengeance on? Read it……. Yes, bodies and souls of men were the last of importance to this group. Things were first and people last.
    3. Where do you stand?
    4. Where does your family stand?
    5. What about your church?
    6. Do you know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah?
    7. Do you know why?

Do you know what the last Book of Revelation stands for? Yes, right! The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ……. King, Prophet, Bridegroom and Judge…..being fully revealed in all His glory!

I double dog dare you to read the last book in the Bible. Again, google it. No excuses. Unless you want to lose a dare.

Scripture says, Everyone is right in their own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts, Proverb 21:2

Every act and thought will be brought to the judgment seat of the Ancient of Days….. Do we but only have His blood to stand on, right? Forever thankful and humbled by our King. That is why our Lord Jesus Christ took the bullet for us so we may be written in the Lamb’s book of life……. Are you written in it? Why not? Do you really want to wager with God? If you say to me, well, I don’t believe in God….. then , I say to you…… eternity is a long time to be completely and morally wrong.

How silly for a little ant to lift up it’s little leg towards man and say who are you to move me out of your house? And we say, watch this…. Stomp and his body, little fist and all, is thrown in the trash to be burned at the next pick up of trash.

In continuing, this thought from Proverbs 21:2…… Please continue to read the rest of the words of Charles Spurgeon….. I do not know from what book of his works I found it….. But, I sent it to my family and put it everywhere in the apartment place I was living at the time.

Is your heart ready for the weighing?

Have you no fear of the final trial?
Is Jesus enthroned in your heart by faith?

If so, you need not fear any weighing.

If not, what will you do when the King sets up His final scales?

Then, as I prayed, a prayer formed :

I wrote:

Oh!!! My Father,

May they be stunned by Your grace:

May they be amazed by Your Love;

May they be humbled by Your Mercy;

May they be moved to Your Healing Presence;

May they be shocked at the sacrifice of Your Son;

May they be awakened to Your Everlasting Arms;

May they have eyes to see and ears to hear Your call :

Come and drink the only cup of Salvation;

May they have the wisdom to understand Your way of Everlasting Life ;

May they receive the Truth of Life, Your Son, Jesus Christ;

May they be set free in Your Truth, Your Son, Jesus Christ;

May they live with Your Word ruling and reigning in their hearts today and forever;

May they rest in Your everlasting arms of Love;

For now and forever, Your glory and dominion and Power reigns in the Highest;

May they love to learn and grow in the knowledge of the Uncreated One;

May we all live in the eternal joy of knowing our God and that He has called us to Him. Amen and Amen.

Hear Him and Turn to Him this day!

Do you know how long your life will be?

Do you really want to wager with God?

We have two choices…..

Shine as the sun in the noonday by His Spirit of power within us.

Or we may be utterly burned with the fire……as written for strong is the Lord God who judges her, ( paraphrase of Revelation 18:8).

Yes, our King is a great Shepherd….. He holds us gently and tenderly as new born lambs as He is keeping….. But He is terrible and awesome to His enemies. As written in the Book of James, if we are a friend of the world, we are in enmity with God…… Hmmmm.

There is His Day coming to all! There will be judgment on the harlot church as well as those who do not want Jesus Christ to be King over their lives….. They may say yes, but have not turned their hearts away from the world and it’s evil ways….

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me,(Galatians 2:20).

He has prepared for us a dwelling place and a new garment to be clothed in. ( He is our dwelling place and His Spirit covers us. Sin is death and His ways are life and life abundant. No matter what comes our way, His protection and guarding us is there. Faith in Him is our way …..

This life on this earth is short but life in Christ Jesus is forever and ever…..

For those who think it is okay to destroy life or abuse, oppress and slander others………You are partaking of the wrong church….. Eternity is a long time to not change your behavior and repent to the King of kings and Lord of lords. Get right with the King and restore those you have hurt whether by tongue or hand…….

Get right while you have a breath to speak….

Our King spoke of floods and earthquakes and rumors of wars and wars……

Get your white rubber boots on to keep your eye on His Voice.

Do not tarry. Read the signs of the times.

We must know the end is the Beginning and the Beginning will never End.

Does He know what house you are from?

Do you know the two commandments He left us with?

Live them! He has given us all power to live a godly life so we walk in the snow and keep from the floods. The last stone in the wall of the city of the King is amethyst.

I wrote in great detail each stone found in my book….. However, the stone amethyst symbolically is to be sober. Awake from deception and start living in the Truth, Jesus Christ…… There all things that are being done in the dark which will be exposed by His light….. There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed in the Light of Jesus Christ. All of Him will be revealed and all things done hidden will be known and made known. HE IS THE LIGHT OF ALL MEN!!! Even though some choose the darkness, there is no darkness in His sight…. He brings His light to all things. He also shows His own the hidden secrets by His light.

As we live and abide in Him, all things are revealed as He shows us great and mighty things.

I am ever grateful He gave me the grace to turn to Him and repent. I am ever grateful for His blood and His Spirit who has come to dwell within me. He never promised me an easy life but He has given me all things in Him so His life is fulfilled as I walk by faith and not by sight. He promised me He would never leave or forsake me.

Beyond all that I have attained in Christ, I have found He is always faithful to complete what He has started in me and others……

He is worth my all….. First seek the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.

Do you still want to wager with God and keep your idols?

As written, only a fool says there is no God.

I know and He knows you are not a fool. Turn to Him now and get right with Him and others…..

WAKE UP!!!! Live in Jesus Christ.

Know Him and know peace.

No Him and no peace.

Do not spend all day looking for fault in My own…… Do you not see the fault in your own heart? Why does it bother you that I speak to this one or that one? Why are your own ears not tuned to Me? Why are you not being your brother’s keeper? Why do you seek to destroy and not build.

Build your own heart in Me. Listen and see all that I speak to you if you will turn and listen….. Time is short…. Do not waste away in dullness of the enemies plan……. How many heard My warning on that September 11th. They were told to go another way or to stay home that day……. I AM that I AM. I AM faithful to those who are abiding in I AM.

I AM faithful in the first of breath and to the last as I AM there with you in eternity. Do not fear but believe all things are through Me. My hand is not shortened to save…… and keep you in Me.

As Winter turns to Spring and Spring turns to Summer as Summer turns to Fall….. Are you surprised by the seasons turn and as your time points to I AM for all eternity? Children gather around and see I AM then and I AM and I AM forever. Lean on Me and then you shall always be amazed but never surprised as events are revealing Me. I AM shall never be ignored or left out of the minds of men for long.

For I AM all and in all…….

As a nation, we have been granted such abundances. We have so many servicemen that have sacrificed their all for our constitution, our freedom of liberty and rights and happiness…… My family’s prayers and hearts go to our brave military who we are forever grateful…. These warriors and their families are our heroes. Thank you for all your service and your shed blood and sacrifice…. This nation is forever grateful and shame to those who are in authority to put our military in reckless harm’s way.

May God’s love and comfort surround those families who are witnessing the loss of their great heroes lives which were taken ruthlessly this day.

Amen and Amen!