
Go With The Crowd Or Go Against The Flow…

When I was a kid, there was pressure to be in the crowd and do what everyone else was doing…. If they dressed in certain clothes, everyone had to dress that way or they were ostracized. There was certain styles for hair, shoes…. Pick a anything, there was a unwritten rule…. you weren’t cool if you did not go with the flow….

Well, for me, I followed the flow thing, and it almost killed me when I was young. This is the way now for many youths as well as adults. It takes courage to set your walk and ways to a different drum roll. It is easy to go with the flow of the river down stream…. It takes strength to go upstream all the time.

I was the kid that asked what do you mean- when a wiser one said if the crowd goes over a cliff, will you go too? I would look at them dumbfounded. Thank God for His grace and mercy.  The Lord pulled me out from following the crowd off a cliff and put me on His Rock of Refuge.  He gave me the strength and then taught me the walk of faith in Him.

As we look at chapter 20 in the Book of Revelation, the promises of God that are before us are coming to pass…. All the warnings of the rewards of the wicked as well as the rewards of the followers of the Lamb.

Our time is short and our God’s grace is huge.

In this chapter we read that there were thrones set; Satan was bound for a while. Why did the Holy Spirit put that there? Is this regarding the authority we have in Christ name now? Have we been given the discernment to know the Truth from a lie because  Christ is within us? Do we have the strength to consistently go against the flow of the crowd?

Jesus spoke in Luke 12:49-51, I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it was already kindled! But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am till it is accomplished! Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division. 

What do you think He meant? I will let you read the rest of His meaning in verses 52-53.  Why did Abraham leave his homeland? Why did Joseph get sent away from his homeland? Why did Joseph, Mary’s husband, get sent away from his homeland? Why did John the Baptist live in the desert, away from the crowds? Why was Paul also secluded away from the crowds? Was he wrong because Paul didn’t hang out with the other apostles?

Do you see a pattern here with God and His chosen vessels…. Are we not also called His chosen vessels set apart for the work of the Lord…?  How do learn His purpose for us?  Life here is very busy. We have our set routines…. We are timed for the day…. however, God works in eternity….

I pray that we set our lives to His eternity, that we step out of our time, our agenda, our reputations. I pray that we step out into the heartbeat of heaven, that we still our selves to hear His voice. May we remain still until His Testimony in heaven is birthed in us.

Paul lived in the deserts for about fifteen years to learn the Testimony that God was giving him… We think if we give the Lord 30 minutes, that is enough time to build in us His Word.

As Elijah learned that God speaks to us in the still small voice…. The crowds are so loud that we miss His call and voice. We think  what the crowds are saying are His voice…. not so….. The crowds crucified our Lord and a couple days before, they were hailing Him, Blessed of the Lord.

Why did the Lord quote Isaiah 6  and then give the parable of the Sower of the seed in Matthew 13?  Heavenly   Father, in Your mercy and grace, give us ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart to understand what You are saying this day, in Jesus name. Amen.
