
Hide And Seek, Bet You Can’t Find Me!!! It’s A Secret!!

Galatians 2:20, I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith in Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. In Colossians 3:3, For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. It is written in 2 Corinthians 4:7-8, But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

Our life is hid in Christ and He is hidden in us. Our body in the flesh may be put into the olive press to produce more room for the  Kingdom of God within us, His Spirit.  We live in Him in heavenly places and He is making a palace in us, (Psalm 45)….His throne in our hearts… But this is all hidden from the natural eyes and Satan, but it is the Truth. This is the realm of God, this is His kingdom.

Remember when Jesus said in Luke 17:20-21, Now when He (Jesus) was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, the kingdom of God does not come by observation; nor will they say, see here! or see there! For indeed the kingdom of God is within you.

All is done in secret, the work of God is hidden in each one of us.   We are His prize as we treasure Him as our Prize…. We have to live as we have only One in  our audience… The King of Glory.   We are to pray to Him in secret. We are to do our good works  in anonymity, seen only by His eyes.  We are to live in the secret place of the Most High….Everything we do is before Him now, but we cannot see, that doesn’t mean He doesn’t.

I remember when I first read Psalm 91:1, He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I still had my horses and I remember I went out to bathe and groom them.  As I walked my horse, Prince, to the barn.  I remember saying, we are hid in the secret place…. What is that and where is it? Then I asked my husband… We didn’t come up with anything… So I asked the One who was hiding me….I never quit either until I received my answer.

I am very glad that God is Light because His shadow is LARGE AND IN CHARGE! It would be very dark if it were a normal shadow of creation. As I live a life hidden in Him, I myself have learned to look only to Him for answers and my reward. I also have learned about myself.  When something is going haywire in my life, I immediately think I have done something wrong.   In the beginning of my walk in God, that was a given, I had!! I had little knowledge of the life of godliness and faith. As I have grown in Him, I have  learned that situations that put me in the wine vat or olive press are His work, to prove me.

I pester Him for answers always… He never gets agitated, (thank God!) with my probing.  I have to know the reason of this chaos or attack. Then I learn He is doing His work in me.  He has promised to make me in the image of  my Jesus. The Holy Spirit is working that out in me.

I trust  Him as He is enlarging my heart to finish the race of obeying His commandments( Psalm 119;32, hey, God did it in Secretariat, He can do it in me too!). That is this side of the equation, His enlarging me or widening my view of Him so my faith is greater……. God is very purposeful, He will use His power to His glory for all to see through His vessels, us. It is written in 1 Corinthians 1:29, that no flesh should glory in His presence.

I have question for you…. When Peter was put in jail was it Peter’s fault? When Paul was beaten and left for dead, also put in jail was that Paul’s fault? When Daniel was put in the fire was it because of something Daniel or his buddies did? When Jesus was crucified, the devil thought he won over Jesus….Why did the devil want to put Jesus out of the picture? These trials occurred  because they were all doing something right… They were living the will of God. 2 Timothy 3:12,Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution…. This trial came against them because they were doing something right for God.

When God shows up to deliver His vessels…. Who gets the glory? Paul could not raise himself from the dead. Peter and Paul could not deliver themselves from jail and neither could Daniel from the fire….  Did the enemies of God target them because of the testimony of Jesus Christ?(Daniel knew of the coming Messiah, and even got to meet Him in the fire, how cool is that).

We all know Jesus Christ was risen from the dead to the glory of God.  Did God’s work for His glory through His men and women now stop? The way of God is always to show Himself strong for His glory. He sets up a scenario  for His glory and at the same time purifying of the saints. It’s almost like a buy one get one free! Daniel understood the purification process of the Lord, as in Daniel 12:10, Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand.

I saw in the Gospel of John this week twice mentioned, which usually means heads up- pay attention-  don’t miss the hand of God at work in His vessels.  John 9: 1-3, Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, neither this man or his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed IN HIM.    

Again this is said about Lazarus  in John 11:4, When Jesus heard that, He said, this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God MAY BE GLORIFIED THROUGH IT.    Jesus even said the same in John 12:27-28, Now My soul is troubled and what shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour? But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name. Then a voice came from heaven , saying, I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.

When we live in the secret place of God, our life is hidden. However, our body in the flesh is for the outward testimony to the glory of God.  Strange peculiar things happen to us but THAT ONLY GOD CAN DELIVER AND ONLY GOD CAN GET THE GLORY.

In Acts, the body of Christ that was together praying for Peter’s release, they did not wonder if Peter did something wrong for this to happen… No, they knew Peter did something right…. He opened his mouth and spoke the words given through him from the Holy Spirit to men about Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thus he was put in prison….

The goal of the enemy is stop the flow of testimony of Jesus Christ. He will do it in any way and what ever fashion.  Most of all, he uses people to discredit with slander the person that is testifying to the glory of God in Christ Jesus as our Savior. I wrote this in my book, if  Satan can discredit the person, he then can show doubt that maybe the testimony of Jesus Christ is not real either.

When we testify of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and empower His body, we are written on the hit list from the enemy… He wants to stop us, shut us up… Anything to stop the Truth of Jesus Christ so the people remain in Satan’s bondage.

I have a question, to love someone is the desire to be with them and spend time with them. I know that is what I did before I married my husband…  If we say we love Jesus…. Do we honor Him by studying His word? He is the Word of God made flesh… He is an open book for everything we need to know!

AGAIN I SAY, we shall perish for lack of knowledge of God’s ways if we don’t study our Desire. We can fall prey to Satan’s antics. The Word of God, especially the New Testament, is our blueprint on what happened to our Leader as well as His followers. If you are on the hit list of the enemy, you will know…. The Holy Spirit always let us know what is coming to prepare us…. Read the Word!!!!!

Hey do you know where the SECRET PLACE IS? Tune in next time for the answers…. Let’s see if we match, do a word study on the secret place in God.   Hmmmm….It is the most perfect place ever in heaven and in earth, ever!!!

1 Comments on “Hide And Seek, Bet You Can’t Find Me!!! It’s A Secret!!”

  1. Hi Marianne,

    Thanks sooo much for your words, God is really in them. 🙂 not really always what I want to hear. But you are truely sharing the Gospel, all of it. not just the fluffy stuff. and as much as its hard to read its encouraging, to know hard times will come, but they wont destroy us 🙂 not for good anyways. God placed you in my life just at the right time, thanks for being available to Him. means the world to me!

    Blessings to you and your husband, Paul

    your sister and friend