
In His Kingdom- Go Down, You Go Up

They came back with their full coffee cups steaming.

They sat down as you could hear a faint humming of the song they all sang the last break…..

The atmosphere was full of anticipation to learn another ancient secret of freedom from their King. 

All eyes were on Little Person waiting for this secret.

Little Person opened up this session with scripture……Open up to Luke chapter 9, verse 23.  Let’s read it aloud. Let me know when you all have it opened.

Jesus looks at his disciples and tells them, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.

Let’s remind ourselves again with Galatians 2:20……G A L A T I A N S, chapter 2, verse 20. Let’s read it again. Let me know when you all get there.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Now let’s read the words of our King:

Let’s read John, J O H N, chapter 8, verses 31-36:

 So Jesus was saying to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you abide in My word [continually obeying My teachings and living in accordance with them, then] you are truly My disciples.  

And you will know the truth [regarding salvation], and the truth will set you free [from the penalty of sin].” 

They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been enslaved to anyone. What do You mean by saying, ‘You will be set free’?”

 Jesus answered, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, everyone who practices sin habitually is a slave of sin. 

Now the slave does not remain in a household forever; the son [of the master] does remain forever. 

So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free.  

One question I will leave you with before we end the night…Look at the time…….

Hey, it’s only midnight, we are ahead of schedule tonight, Little Person spoke as he looked at the wall clock.

He asked, ready for the question?

They said, yes, go ahead.

Why are you free indeed as Jesus Christ has set you all free?

Some answered, because He threw our sins as far as from the east is to the west.   

One answered, we are free of all debt of sin that we racked up before we knew Him.

Little Person asked, okay, what about after now?

One spoke, we are forgiven if we ask for forgiveness and admit we screwed up.

Right, said Little Person.

Okay, what about the debts that people did against you?

Well, said one disciple who jumped in to the discussion, Father, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. We say that prayer before every rehab session.

Exactly, said Little Person,

So have all of you talked to Holy Spirit about what hard things happened to you that you might be holding on in your heart?

He wants all of our heart now. Unforgiveness takes up a lot of room and energy to relive what happened to us. 

We are set free from what we have done and what has been done to us also. 

Can not nurse old hurts, no matter what happened. Just as we do not want God to repeat to us our offenses we have committed against Him and man.

Christ has redeemed you. You are beautifully created from His resurrection power.

You are His new creation….You are all bright and clean. All white. You are His now…..

What ever happened in your old creation has been put on the cross……

 It is no longer there.

All the sins you committed as well as the sins committed against you.

We must let go of everything to be His free indeed new creation.

You forgive all but you do not have to trust that person or have a relationship either. You take up your boundaries in rehab session……

I  want you to see how God sees injustices against us before we died with Christ and now how we live in His new creation..

Forgiveness is a heart matter. You release them of their offense as you have been given release of yours….. All that happened in the old creation is gone at the cross.

You are not there of any longer.

Just as Jesus Christ cannot go back into His flesh….. He now lives in His resurrected body and we live in Him.

You forgive and move on into focusing what He is saying you are today,

The old man is long gone and we do not rehearse him anymore,

The old creation has no voice that we take note.

We drown that old voice with our songs of praise to our King. This is what you all did tonight.

We rehearse our lines in the new free life we have in Jesus Christ.

There are a lot of sicknesses that are developed because of the dark thinking. Rehearsing wrongs done to us. Unforgiveness causes the stress in the body which eventually leads to sicknesses..

Dark thinking is going over in your head the injustices done to you……

I have a question for you? What about the injustices you did to others……

We are so ready to stand on the Lord’s blood for us. We now do this for others. We pray for the ones who trespassed against us.

 All is new beyond the cross. We have to remain on the right side, His resurrection powered life.

The healthy and happiest people may have had dreadful things done to them but they gave their past injustices over to Jesus with their own sins of injustices at His cross.

He who the Son sets free are free indeed. Get use to going down to get higher…… This is the new altitude of His kingdom.

Our lives are new in Jesus Christ.  Even in injustices done to us, the old man is dead. We are a NEW creation.

We can not carry any baggage, remember? It was dropped when we were in the plane. 

Let it go. Let God take care of it.

Even in your futures, talk to Him….. He will heal and grow larger in you because you are following His ways…. You are His delight. Remember, vengeance is His and the battle is His.

We were hopping joyful when it had to do with our past, now we release all who hurt us before….and now. We must be hopping glad for them too….. The Son has set them free too…… Pray for them.

We can not pray for those who you are holding a grudge or angry……

Praying for them is the key to your victory.

When you can pray and will eventually sense that the injustice happened to someone else.  You are free indeed.

Keep His Presence as your goal……Keep Him before you at all times. We can not do that and at the same time hold a grudge. 

He is King and we are not. We are His and we must obey to be free indeed.

We walk by the Spirit and are busy about the King’s business.

Not holding onto old dead stuff that has been forgotten by God……

If God forgets about your injustices because He forgave you. Then forgive others now and in the future and allow yourself to be set free.   All that has happened to your dead man before the cross of Christ is dead and gone.

If God forgives the offender by His Son’s blood, how dare us not to also forgive them. Got that?  If you are coming up with stuff done to you now, remember the stuff you did.

Before the cross of Jesus Christ, there were no saints.  Let the people and the trespasses go at His feet at the cross. He took your trespasses for you too. Let go and be free.

Jesus Christ suffered for them too!

Forgive and be free.  This does not mean you go back into danger….. Talk to the Director on any questions you have regarding safety….. I am here for your heart health for now and the future.

You are a new creation and He is leading you from glory to glory in His peace.

Now, read Romans chapter 8 over the next couple of days. Do a moral inventory on any unforgiveness daily.

There will be trouble not because God is not with you but because He is….. Keep your heart clean of grudges and hurts. Take them to the cross of Jesus Christ….. Get His healing and move on. Put the injustices in His hand. He is faithful to send the enemies fleeing seven ways.

Be honest and deal with any unforgiveness before our King .Listen to Holy Spirit’s leading.

If there are open wounds, get His healing. 

Forgive and receive His love over the wound so it turns to scars……

This is the time to handle this stuff in the safety of His transformation center, His place.

Our King spoke this in Matthew chapter 6: But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Remember, Jesus Christ has a lot more ahead for you than things that others have done against you.

You are not bigger than the cross of Jesus Christ.

Let them go and be free indeed as He has set you all free to follow Him freely and with your whole heart.

This is hard but, Jesus Christ said to be His disciple, you who follow Me pick up your cross….

In His suffering on the cross, He spoke, Father, forgive them for they do not know what they did…….

We now walk in His footsteps, we say the same thing…. We walk it out by praying for them……

Easy? No. Is it worth it? Yes. Turn it over to the One who knows injustice and justice……. He is a good God. He is faithful in helping you move on and be His new creation.

Your purpose is greater in Him than the stumbling block of unforgiveness.

Little Person smiled, hoping to lighten the frowned foreheads he saw in the troops.

Let’s get our hearts open and clear to receive all He has for us.

Keep His gaze at all costs.

Okay? as he finished, he looked around. 

The laughter turned away to some heavy thinking and soul searching.

Little Person started to pray:  Father God, thank You for all You have given us as we read Romans 8.  You have given us so much in Your love. We cannot express thanksgiving enough for all You have given us.  I come to You and ask for help in our hearts to forgive any wrongdoing against us. Allow the grace in us to release them as You have released us.  Thank You Father as You have made us a new creation in Your Son. 

We come to You now, and call You Abba….. Help us with Your grace and mercy.

Help us and strengthen us to allow Your Son full reign of our heart.

Allow us to see any clutter in our hearts that needs to be released as You have released mercy to us. 

May we awaken in Your freedom seeing the wrong is completely healed. As we would ponder this in later days, the incident appears in our thoughts that it happened to someone else. Some scars are seen and some are not……

We may then pass on to others, how Your healing power is greater than any wrong doing done to us.

Your scars are seen to remind us, we are now Yours. We thank You for Your cross and sacrifice. Your scars are what we remember now in thanksgiving. Our scars are proof You are a healing God and love us. You have put a new song in our heart and are taking us from Your glory to Your next glory. In this, we praise and thank You. We will tell all of Your great healing power and Your never-ending mercy and tender love. We choose to go down to go up.

Father, teach us to pray for those who have trespassed against us…. Help us to pray for them as what we would pray for ourselves before Your throne. Thank You for Your grace and mercy and love.  Please, Father, forgive those who have hurt us with words or physically. Please do not hold their sin against them. In Jesus name, we pray. We choose to follow Your Son in His footsteps of love. Give us Your courage. May we see that we love You more than holding onto someone’s trespass against us.

The room was filled with a huge sigh.

Little Person smiled at all of them as he spoke, this is climbing up unto the hill of the Lord…… His holy mount….. We walk the highway of His love. The air is different here.  Get use to His breath of love. Remember, we go down to go up.  His presence is here though…. He is worth our bowing to obey.   Welcome to His holy mount……. See His love demonstrated through you, His redeemed ones.

May this be, In Jesus name, Amen.

The disciples all said, thank you….. and one added, I think.

They left the room very quietly.

Uri, the director and Little Person prayed, Father, You have made a way for them to release their offense.  Please, Father, You give strength to the weak. Give them Your strength to die to the old man in holding any unforgiveness versus receiving being set free indeed by their King of all, Jesus Christ. You took all mankind’s sins on Your shoulders that day on the cross. You, the King of the universe, forgave all mankind’s sins and injustices toward God and others from the beginning till the end of this age,……. who are we that we dare not forgive others.

In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

Owe nothing to anyone–except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law, (Romans 13:8).

To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory

Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ, (Colossians 1:27-28).


Next chapter to come- He is willing!