
Let’s Ride With Him…..

Let us ride with Him where we have never been before…. You ready?  Have we been quiet before the King to hear what He says to us this Day?

He is speaking, after all He is the Word. We must quiet ourselves down. Let go of our traditions and look for where He is abounding.

He is not in the manger as we celebrate His birth into time…. He came and died and rose. He is the holder of all in this universe for all of time and beyond.

He is mighty and He is our warrior.  He is great and awesome and yet, He comes to us at times  gentle as a dove.

Spend this time knowing Him as He is now…… For He knows us – all about us.

God will not be mocked. We will reap what we sow……

The time to be free in Him is here and will always be if we choose eternity in Him…… We must chose to leave all behind and know and trust He will bring us in to His abounding love in greater and full measure.

His Spirit is here to bring the hearts to His again, but oh my, He is here to do so much more. Holy Spirit is bringing us to the fullness of Christ. Are we ready to climb aboard the wings of His greatness?  This position which was destined before the time began and the fall of man….. Climb aboard and hold on to the mane of Thunder as He brings us through. He will never drop us but we must hold on for at times the ride is dangerous to our flesh but oh our heighten spirit will fly with Him…. Over the seas and the mountains will we be with the King of all  and His glory will be seen.  All will see the Desire of the nations as He has unlocked the chains that bound man to darkness.

But there is so much more light to know Him in….. He is dazzling and brilliant beyond we can think or imagine and He holds so much more for us to explore.  Come and see and know Him this day….. He is not in the manger and He rose from death grip to be known as the King of glory…… Come and see the One who holds your heart in His mighty hand….. Find His love and be free again….

There is so much more for us to be in Him this day….. Let go and let Him lead us in His way…..Know His face and we can never go back again….. The hold He has given us is beyond our strength….. He has shown us His love and we chose Him above all else.

Merry Christmas and may this be our best 2019 in Christ ever been….. to the heights  our hinds feet will climb. Nothing will stop the cross before us and His strength holding us in Him to the heights….. We must see His face and then all the old will gone.  The new in Him will remain growing and strong…. We must move on for He is bringing us to this place He has called us before time began and it is time again.

What is happening in others will be again so make sure we know Him and not religion so we may hold on to His strength to the end.

He is mighty to save and faithful to see us through in what He has started in me and in you.   Do not deny Him and we then are locked into Him. His glory will be seen in all nations that bow to Him.


There is so much more – way beyond our score. Blessed be His name- Jesus Christ, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords….. Judge of His creation is worthy of all praise and our honor and our hearts and our lives.  Be still and know He is GOD!!

Watch and see what is up His sleeve in you and in me…… His glory will abound and will be seen….. Pray for the eye salve to be given so we may see. Pray for His mercy to have ears to hear so we may be healed over our religiosity…….Broken hearts that bleed the love of God through Jesus Christ from His bride.  Spiritual understanding is the key ask Him now so Holy Spirit will see us at the gate looking for His gaze.

Do not stop and doubt…. Throw those thoughts way out.  Listen to Him speak in your heart for that is where He reigns now and for all eternity. Be still and know He is God.

Listen to the Voice of the One who has always been crying in the wilderness…… The kingdom of God is at hand….. and is in you.

