
Oh- Oh! Another What If………

What if as a child we had a great treasure box.  We collected many heartfelt treasures that we wanted to keep under lock and key!   Days turned into years as we forgot about the treasure box……We forgot about the box because we grew into life……We stumbled on the box one day. We opened up the box. We chuckled at how we thought the things collected  in the box were treasures. Yes, there were many fond memories, but  we are very appreciative we are not there anymore….. There is so much more.

We preceded to clean the box out and then refill it with the treasures of our heart as we walked through our journey……. Life consumed us and we forgot all these treasures kept in the box……. Again, one day we stumbled on it…. We wiped the sweat from our brow and decided to take a break and for fun open it……

We again had a faint smile and chuckle on how we thought the things collected were our treasures when we were now experiencing so much now that was so real – heartbreaking as well breath taking life.  We saw there is nothing in that box but memories that led to a greater more open life now.

Again, we cleaned out the box.  The lid of the treasure box is open ready to be filled again with what we value as a treasure today. We ponder what is value of our hearts that we would collect today in our treasure box?

Go through the Bible and study the great treasures that occurred in the cave with men and God.  We always have to leave the old to embrace His new for us in this life, or actually His life.

If you want the current status quo….. Please do not enter His cleft……

But if you are looking for His face, please come and enter in…… Elijah made the way for Elisha.   Elijah made his way running from Jezebel’s threat because he knew he needed more of God….. God called Elisha, the double of power came on the scene …….Elisha was now prepared to take care of the Jezebel and Ahab opposition to God’s people……The Jordan had been crossed!

Who would think the tomb of Jesus Christ became our hope as it led to His resurrection and ascending to His rightful place….Then the Promise came to empower those who were called to His place with Him.

When we see the face of God, we die but, live in Christ in greater measure….. And He lives in us in greater measure……. If you do not see this….. Please I double dog dare you to check  out the ways of God with His people.    The people who saw Him – never went away empty handed of Him. They are His. He is becoming in their Treasure all He planned to be for them.

Moses saw the Lord and look what came forth from him then? Check it out in the Word…. Check Him out…..

We must clean out our treasure box, our heart……. Yes, we must see the treasures were perfect for then but not now…. We must let go and let Him be the God of now- the I AM.

We must move. Our moving on is  shown as we are making ourselves ready for where God is leading us…. We get rid of our past treasures even if they were from Him…… The foundation in Him is laid solid and firm….. Move on with Him in all He is.  He is ready to broaden our horizons in the revelation of His Son,…. if we say yes….

Or we can stay on  before crossing of Jordan and not venture in to all that He has promised us by His Spirit…….His Promised Land!

My revelation of Jesus Christ might help you to see a little bit but you need your own revelation of our King and Lover of our souls. Keep silent and listen….. You cannot eat my food from the King….. He has a plate set for you….. You come and eat from the King. He is waiting.

He is waiting and is relentless towards you in His love…… Let us learn His relentlessness towards us and return that passion to seek and pursue His face….. Oh yes, we die, but we gain Christ. Our treasure box is then filled anew with His life and love, not to mention the power of God present in us by His Spirit.

As Paul said- I die daily……. Are you ready?  Yes, we die to our ways, our thoughts….. I think so what!!!! Look at Who we gain, when we die daily. We gain Him- His mind. His character. His power and His victory…… To me, this is a no brainer…..

Hello?  Of course, I will dump out my treasure chest….. Man, I will throw out the box and get a moving van, so I can get all of Him that He has longed to give Me from the  Beginning of the foundation of the world.  He is worthy of my all to get His all. This is a no brainer here…..

In the cave of Yahweh, the current is stopped and the new revelation of His plan is seen.  The eyes of those who have been in the cave know the way this is to be now and again. The new creations is revealed increasingly again in Him for us to be.

Do not block your ears and think things will remain in the status quo….. They are not now if we admit we have been shown and do not deny the Truth that He has been showing us all along.

Learn and see – the fall of man brought the plan of God’s greatness to fullness for all generations to see….. He did not bring us back to where man fell but brought us into a greater plan – In His Son, is where we dwell.   Greater than any garden is given to us this day. The Son of Man is where we stay.   We delight in the Presence of the Almighty and hear His voice clearly beyond just the cool of the day….. In the heat of the season, our God and His voice is here always being within us.

Greater than before are any Beginning…. The Lord God is seeing His completed plan in His Son all the way through to His End.   We either stay in what we call the comfort zone and the Jordan won’t be crossed by us. We will not fill our treasure box  into the greater fulfillment of His promise for we will not obtain.

God always increases….. His purpose is growing to fulfillment. His purpose in us is also obtaining His goal…. Christ in us brings us to the image of the Son seen by all. The glory is God’s but blessed are those who go the distance with His King and will be a part of His glory.

It is time to empty our treasure chest and make room for the King of glory because He is claiming His. After all, He is the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. He does  rule and reign.  Let us move on in His ride…… We follow Him riding on the power of His Holy Spirit…. YAHOO!

We can either choose this day for the reign of 2019 to be in it or set aside for the bench of comfort.  We can partake of the greatest adventure of the King today for His rule has been for always as scripture states…… Check it out…. Make your decision and please do not be late…

Hear His trumpet declare: Those who come up here and died on the altar of My gate….. The cross is the entry way into the finding the greatest Treasure known to man in this age. Yes, your belief is known by Me, but blessed are the ones who come seeking after Me.  They are empty and know I AM will always fill their treasure box to the utmost. My life is their stance and overflowing will be their place found in Me.

The Son of God’s reign is here to stay. No one or nothing can compete against it and stand His gaze….. If you enter in to His cave. Oh joy, for we arise in Him today!  The old is gone for us, for we  have seen His face and His life is reigning in us for all our days.

His power is seen as we ride on His Steed.  We are not known  but by Him is our cause. His power is seen for all the company that rides with Him follows His lead.  We cry as Caleb, O Lord, as You lead, give us this mountain as we ride Your Steed.

We will not settle for the seen until all that is unseen is known and revealed to all mankind…..The Son of God revealed as the sun is shining in this sky at noonday.

Your kingdom is here and we will ride on in Your Word. We cry out and upon You we stand. You always hold us in the cleft of the cave and hidden we remain.  You O Lord will be seen by all mankind.

Do not put off what is called tomorrow for tomorrow may never come.  See this today is where I AM.  For this day, you are filled for all you are in Me.  This day turns to morrow, then the filling I AM called you to have is completed for I AM has begun and will complete My work though it is finished…. I AM completed all that lays ahead for you….. It is finished as when We laid and planned the foundation of the world.

Man thinks as it not seen it is not complete in time by Me…. Oh no, the day is filled with all I AM to you ….. In you, is where you think you measure I AM…. I AM knows where I AM stands…in you and beyond all the sands of time. Come stand and believe what I AM has already  completed in you. All is because I AM is and is there because I AM was then too.  I AM speaks the light is and shall be because I AM was then.

Start seeing as I AM does and then the flow around you will be as I AM sees. Then you shall receive because you believe and has seen as I AM sees.

I AM has no pleasure in those who do not see by faith and then again as I AM.  Do you not see?  Believe and then you are free because you have the eyes to see because you have read and seen what I AM has said shall always be.

The parables I AM speaks so you may search deeper than  how you see and what you know. If all was plain, would you believe….or go on your way again. ?  Only things remain hidden so they may be found. Those who heart seeks the Treasure known for all mankind, will find the hidden to be revealed.

No one knows there is a path until you search for the way. The Light always draws your steps.  You are always drawn to the Light. Then the path is lightened as the steps  find their way.  No one ever crossed over a mountain thinking there was nothing on the other side.  If the thought there is nothing more beyond what you know, then the revelation of what I AM holds is far and drawn from you.

Go back and stay and shake for the morrow is the dilemma without I AM in sight.  Gaze of Me draws the  forward in I AM is  the standard of march in heaven and on the plains….. for the mountains are our gain. In Christ, His city is light beyond what mankind calls bright.

The treasure box is filled with what we have in our sight.


The Lord is close to all, but we must turn to Him and then we will be filled with His all.  The morrow holds whether we have Him or not….. The tide will turn with Him in our sight. If we get captured by the tinsel and all what the world is a matter.  We then may be swallowed up by the tide coming in and clatter…. Oh what a drastic sight!  We must keep pace with the One who keeps our gaze. In His step we shall reign and the victory is His as we keep riding again and again. Keep close to Him as we enter 2019.  Let His breath be our peace and listen to His Voice speaking…..Do you hear Him?  Listen …..shhhhhh! Listen……shhhhhh!

As He says, we shall listen and obey…. We will remain at His side through the days of 2019.

By His grace, beloved, by His grace!