
See, I Have Set Before You An Open Door, And No One Can Shut It!

Okay, Jesus Christ has set before us an open door, and no one can shut as He spoke  to the Philadelphia church in chapter 3 of Revelation……. Do you see where the door is? Is the door  open in the spiritual realm or in the natural?  This news also means that no one on the earth or in the heavens can shut this door. So do you see it? Where is it? What does that open door mean to us and to Jesus Christ?

Okay, we know as written  in John 10; 9, Jesus states, I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 

Now in verse 12, the promise to the  overcomer from Jesus Christ, He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out from heaven from My God. And I will write on Him My new name.  What are we to overcome here and how?  Is the answer in the open door?

So where is the door? Do you know? He is the One who has the key of David. He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.  Does this have to do with the kingdom of God and what is loosed in heaven is also loosed in earth and what is bound in heaven is also bound in the earth….. when His people pray in His name?

Do you think that this door has to do with our authority in prayer? As we learned before  we are to do all things through Christ. As He  strengthens us in His Spirit….. we then can complete His will here on earth regarding the Kingdom of God….. Remember, it is written in 2 Corinthians 3;17, Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord, is there is liberty.… From what?  Darkness, yes, darkness loses their hold  when we pray over others in bondage and even to the nations.

To think, that we have been given that authority in Jesus Christ’s name to spread His Light and knowledge of the Kingdom of God in union with Him!  We did learn that without Him we can do nothing….. So in Him we  have found pasture and comfort of the Lord, now we should pray for others that have not—-YET!  What a privilege we have in binding what is not allowed in heaven on earth and loose what is in heaven to be on this earth…. I wonder if we live  to the importance of this authority that He has bestowed on us. A life of action in prayer and if need be…  then do…. but first live by prayer and communion with God….

We can even pray for those of the saints that are in hard places for His name and help them by His name….. The saints prayed for Peter and the angel of God showed up and released Peter…..There is no limit to a life of prayer with Christ. No excuses, no need for money, or plane tickets or gas money, just a heart for their Heavenly Father’s  family and faith that He answers all prayers of His children.

Our Lord is well pleased with this church. Why?   To the One who holds the world in His hands and knows the End from the Beginning, we ask to know You and love You better…. I live to search Him out. I want to know what is important to this Great God…. You too?

The rewards from Jesus Christ in verse 12 are very awesome….. I would also point out that this is His will for His people that call on His name….. What does a pillar do in a building? Why a pillar?  What do pillars symbolize? What then are we to be as pillars?

Also notice that we do not go out anymore….. in John 10; 9, we come and go to pasture.

In this little verse our King of all kings has passed us as overcomers…..I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which come down  out of heaven from My God, as Jesus Christ states in verse 12…… The word write from Strong’s concordance in Greek means describe….. Selah…… And I will write on him My new name…..Think about that word describe in place of write…..

As overcomers, we will be the description of our God. Does that mean we will be an open book , with no deceit, reflecting the unseen God?….. Do you think that is the Father’s heart and plan? Remember when Jesus told Philip in John 14; 9, Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, show us the Father?

As the Holy Spirit continues transforming us into the image of the Son of God, let us remember the inheritance that Jesus Christ died to give us. We are His inheritance and He is ours…. We get all of Him and He will seek us out until He gets all of us. Let us not resemble Esau who despised his inheritance for some stew of this earth.

Let us look to the pleasure of our King and our Heavenly Father. We are to live here as living stones/ testimony to the etchings of our God,  in and through, and all over us,  pointing to our  God, the Uncreated One. Let’s be the sharp arrow from the quiver of our King to His enemies of darkness, the impostors.

The word crown also means to spread out, be separated unto, protection.    Hey, did you notice we already have a crown?  Read verse 11. What is His purpose for us to have crowns here on earth? What are we to hold fast to so that no one take our crowns?   So there is some one after our crown? Who and why? For what purpose?

When Jesus Christ walked this earth with the 12 guys. The common people loved Him. They delighted in Him….. But the ones who didn’t, were plotting His death. Why?  They did not want Jesus to get His inheritance, us, His people.  They tried to take His crown by sending Him to His death. He never lost His crown……In His kingdom there is only one way to keep our crown…Do you know the way? Hold that  answer close to your remembrance for the days ahead. The same spirit that tried to stop Jesus Christ is still here in this age trying to stop the Spirit working through us…… The spirit of this age will lose, but we are in a battle….. We do know the end from this battle, however, there are always casualties, so let us ……Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong , as Paul instructs us from 1 Corinthians 16;13.

We could stay on this letter for a long time…. Please take time to meditate on the rich food that is in this letter….. This church resides in our Lord’s heart…..He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.



Join us in our study of the Book of Revelation, pick up my book: Jesus Christ, The King Of All Kings And The Lord Of All Lords, The Judge Of His Creation. We are studying chapter 7 of my book and are in chapter 3 of the Book of Revelation….  Love to have you join us.