
The Days Of Earthquaking And Lightning Flashing , The Fire And Then The Still Small Voice…….. Are Our Ears Hearing?

Sometimes, well most times, when my parents wanted to get my attention, they quietly called me…… My ears  resembled our beagle’s ears that we both had ears to hear but had no discernment to turn and listen….. Then their call got louder and as my beagle and I would continue doing what we wanted……. Then I would hear a loud hollering of my name…….. Did I turn? It depends, most of the time, I knew what it was about…….If I was wise, which I was very challenged in that area, I would have turned….. The same goes for our beagle, who ended up getting hit by a car because he did not come to answer the call.  The Lord’s call is not to condemn us but that in our state without Him, we would turn to Him and take His life that He is offering us….. but we must turn and say- Yes……. Sir……. He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him, ( John 3:36).   I am grateful, His grace got my ears to turn to Him and then follow Him………. and I did not end up like my buddy, our dog.

God is the Word of God……….He is always talking.  We think He is far from us, but in reality, He is close to us….. wooing us to turn. Once we turn by His Spirit of grace—  we then have an ear and heart fashioned over by Him to obey….. We give Him our heart and He gladly gives us a new heart in our turning to His Son….. We can turn when He gently calls us or we can wait until the thunder and lightning crash around us to get our attention to turn to Him and away from our foolish ways…… He is watching and listening. Not to bring a hammer, but to bring us into His fold of Love of His Son. There is a hammer coming at the end of time, but He has made a way to escape, if we believe in Jesus Christ and then live a life showing His righteousness ……. Let us turn to Him now while He is offering His grace to help us…… He is the Best Father ever!   Let us hear now in the dusk of the days.   All of His creation is always speaking as well as the times we are in.

There was a song a while ago about the days of Elijah and the Days of King David…… Prophet/ Priest and King……. I submit to you everyday is the King’s Day…..And the Holy Spirit is within us so we can also resemble Elijah, preparing all for the return of the Lord. The Lord of Hosts of the  Sabboth  is revealing Himself within His own, His witnesses.   He is calling those who are found called, chosen and faithful  to stand strong in His ranks……. For we do not break ranks…… He is first. He is last. He is our In Between….. Our Lord is the head and we are the body.  He is forever ours and we, if we hold firm to the end, are forever His.

Are we ready?   Do we hear the thunder rolling through our midst…….I pray we have not missed the still small voice…….But as His children we have heaven within His own on this earth.  Heaven is here within His people NOW- in part!  If you are His follower, know the Truth and the Truth will set you free!  Heaven is within you as is the Kingdom of God….. Where the Christ is —- is heaven , isn’t it? Where the Lord is in  our midst, is heaven to us, is it not?  Heaven is a position of being with the Lord. The earth is filled with the glory of the knowledge of the Lord. Us, the earth is filled with the knowledge of the Lord,  —-Christ in us is our only hope of glory- as written in Colossians.

Do you hear His summoning those that have made a covenant by sacrifice?  I also, submit to you, are we not the feast of the marriage of the Lamb?  In 2 Chronicles 29,  there was a feast of sacrifices celebrating the completion of the temple of Solomon…… This is a type of the real of our Lord Jesus Christ and the building of His temple, body, army…… city.  The building is us now, beloved, being fit into a perfect mosaic wall and city…….gates, etc, the city of God.  This confirms the instructions to make our lives a living sacrifice unto God as written in Romans 12:1-2.  Read it…… Are we living as a living feast unto our Lord?

His love letters left to us in the Book of Revelation are filled with wisdom and understanding so we may act according to His will in the times we are living ….. What was and is to be  and has come……. or is it WHO was and is and is to come>?

I also submit to you that we  grow or increase  our knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the King and His ways. Remember how our faith shall always increase as we go faith to faith for the just walk by faith and also we go from glory to glory…… The earth is filled with the glory of the knowledge of the Lord.  Possibly the warnings to the churches in the book of Revelation may also relate to different stages of the “falling away”?  The Lord sifts the earth with the plummet of the cross……. Will we acknowledge our love for Him even if this happens????? Or what about this and that?

I saw one day, a pan that showed big hands sifting out the earth leaving only the gold. ……. He is sifting us so we may shine with the image of our King within….. So we must trust and allow His sifting of our hearts to refine us…….Do not be dismayed when stuff happens, He is right there to assist us and walk us through the fire and water…….. Let us stay full of knowledge of His ways and His great love so even any deception that comes through, we will not fall into the wave and be carried away downstream from the Truth of God, the Word of God. Remember, going against the flow is hard…… It is easier to just not struggle and go with the flow….. To live and walk against the flow of the current is work and will build muscles of our faith and also teach us in ways of His walk on this earth in the midst of the current.  Beloved, we will learn how important and vital is our time with the Lord in communion and prayer.

These letters are very  pertinent to any generation now and in the past generations. There is nothing new or inventive in any generation but His story repeats Himself so all may not perish but all come to repentance.  As written in Ecclesiastes 3:14-15, I know whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing can be taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him. That which has already been and what is to be has already been; and God requires an account of what is past…… All scripture is for our admonition if we have an understanding heart……… Thousands of Israelites walked out of Egypt but only two made it into the promised land along with the next generation.  Only eight were saved on the arc of Noah during the flood…… No matter how good Noah’s witness was for over 100 years warning people of the coming flood, beloved, there was only eight that were saved. God means what He says and says what He means…….

We are not an elite generation but we are here now and there will be required an account of how we have lived…… Our actions sow to death or to life – His life eternal or eternal death….. For it is written in Galatians 6:7-8, Do not be deceived God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.

Let us look over the some of the champions of faith in Hebrews 11-  We see the suffering and trials and the proving of their faith to what God had spoken…… They overcame the circumstances of the devil snaring them to loose their faith. They kept their eyes on the Lord …… They are victors by His Spirit…….But allow us to think and ponder over Hebrews 11, verses 37 through Hebrews 12:2,  They were stoned, they were sawn in two, were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute , afflicted, tormented- of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth. And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith; did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us. 

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

This proving of our faith is the way of God…..We are here to obtain a good testimony and keep our faith- through all the storms and fires and earthquakes, etc.  God will prove His Word through us and over us….. He is faithful……When all is complete in His purpose and He says time is up…… His fullness will be found in His people—– We will be filled with the Word of God- the image of the King of kings and Lord of lords will be revealed as we are His.  So His word should be found in our vocabulary……. Remember we are renewing our mind to His and being transformed into His image.

The snares for this age are written for our understanding and protection to prevent us from falling away. They are written from the Lord through the Spirit of God to us in the 7 love letters written in Revelation…… Beloved, there is nothing new under the sun…… The clothes, styles of hair- the outside may be different but within the heart of man to be proven by faith in God will reveal all truth and deception….. The temptations and snares have been here and will never change…… Each letter had a warning within it where any given heart in man in any given generation may be deceived. The Lord also provided us the grace instructions to step away and escape the snare.  He has made known the mystery which He has called us and placed us in His great plan.  He reveals His will to all. He desires all come to repentance for He does not want any to perish.  This is has been established before the foundation of the world……He wants us to be His….

Now God does not tempt us as written in James, but what the devil means for harm God turns to good….. He uses the action of temptation to prove our faith- allows us to strengthen our muscles of faith. We cry out to the Lord His Word in our triumph of our need.  We have to work the Word of God that we have partaken in the Tree of Life….. The Word of God is our food which will be our strength and source of comfort and victory……. But we have to read the word to get in to us to be there in the time of trial. Just like we have to eat food for our bodies to strengthen us to work and do daily stuff………So let us ask for more grace and understanding so when the floods and fire comes….. We have the Word stored to conquer any temptation to fall away……. Let us test ourselves regarding our strength in the Word of God in our hearts.

The first letter—– Get out your letter from our God to you and study along- Revelation chapter 2….. is written to the Ephesians- losing their first love and the cost of losing the lampstand of His Spirit’s presence among them……  Distraction is the snare that easily besets us here……. Come back to eat and be satisfied in the partaking of the Tree of Life…..Only the work that God does through us by His Spirit will be eternal. All other work of the flesh will be burned by the fire of His gaze….. Let us check our hearts here……. Take a day, a week, a month….. Wait, listen and the Spirit of God is faithful to reveal our hearts and empower us to partake fully of the Tree of Life and leave the dead food alone.

Our love for Him alone shows Him that we desire to please Him.  Our works easily can be proven to be impressing others or for pleasing men.  We please Him by our faith that He is the I AM and nothing is impossible to him who believes…… When Jesus Christ walked the earth, He marveled at people’s unbelief. He praises the ones that have audacious faith….. Let us this day be found with that  audacious faith and walk out on the waters knowing He is with us……. Let us not be dismayed but be found full of courage, bold and strong in Him, His Word.    Remember faith comes by hearing His Word……. if we partake of the Tree of Life, He partakes in us greater measure.

We do not break rank- He is first, He is our last and He is our In Between…… Our first love then and now and will forever be and to the praise and honor to Him be the glory!


The second letter is sent to the church of Smyrna- The warning to His beloved of the snare of persecution and affliction coming from the enemy of our souls.  As the Lord spoke in Mark 4, regarding the Sower of the Seed, the Word of God, the Seed planted into the stony ground of our hearts and once persecution arose for the Word’s sake, the hearts fall away….. The enemy hates the Word of God…….getting in the Word and doing our due diligence in allowing the Word to take root in our hearts is the best preventative cure for this pit.  When we know the Word, we know our God and know His love.  If we partake of the Word like it is a dinner out with our King, we will delight in the communion… Then He will receive the fruit He desires, we may give our God His due. His great desire is to be King over His people and our Heavenly Father- desire is His harvest of a son or daughter who loves Him with all their heart, soul and even life.    So this snare of persecution – being hotly pursued —- even unto death….. will prove our endurance in knowing our God and keeping our eye on the prize- our Lord…… our inheritance, Him.  The life of the resurrection power of God will quicken our mortal bodies and hearts and mind to stand firm until the end of our race…… If we trust and know Him….. It is very hard to trust someone when you do not know what they have spoken and how strong their love is for us.  Without the knowledge of the Lord, we will perish as written…… Remember, the knowledge of the Lord is eternal life as written in John 17- check it out.

We court people to know if they are right for the marriage union……. Why? So we get to know if their actions and words match up…. right?  I always say to know God you absolutely love Him… If you do not know Him, you do not love Him…. The more we know our God, the more we want to know more…… It is like eating one peanut or potato chip…It is hard to turn away from the bowl. Once you have tasted the goodness and grace of God, we have to have more …. right? Once we get a glimmer of understanding of the sacrifice of our Lord on the cross because He loved us…… How can we turn away from such a love…..

Back to the letter,  persecution is coming and the Lord is gracious in allowing us to know ahead of time – the plan of the enemy….. He revealed the word of knowledge then and He is faithful to us this day……. In one way, the Lord is so great to us in His love for one of the enemies tools of deception is to blantly speak the Lord is upset with us or has left us because of something….. When we have foreknowledge of what is coming from the enemy, we can blow a lot of his untruths out of our sight and hearing with the truth…… But also see the Word tests us- not tempts us, but tests us……. Joseph was tested until the Word was proven in his life….. God loves to prove His Word in us. Let the Word work its patience in us so we may grow strong in Him and trust.

We are His garden and He loves to watch us sprout up His goodness, His tenacity, His strength and endurance. These godly character traits equals the measure of His faith flowering and blossoming unto Him and from Him through us. This is a pleasant fragrance to Him……. Now, to lose this natural/flesh/carnal life in any spiritual way or in the flesh for His name sake, we always awaken or rise into His newness of resurrected life – in all ways- spiritual and physical…… He shall always increase Himself in us as we allow His Word to grow as an eternal Life plant or tree within our hearts…….  I often wondered what the crown of life is or looks like—- you too?  Personally, the greatest crown of life that could be for me is the fullness of His resurrected life residing on the inside of me- All of Him, none of me- that’s how I want it to be.  And to hear- this one I have loved.

So as Paul said and we agree with him in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

……. Hence, as written, the power of God is known to be fully His and none  from us for we are broken vessels for His glory to shine and blow through.

We learn here how great and strong  His grace is and how many situations and experiences His grace brings us through…. We are building a good testimony and our faith…. A great workout!     I believe the grace of God is the strength of the Almighty which brings us through five million trillion things in this life…… His love never fails even unto death into life….. He is there and is ever strengthening us for the fight.  There are many of our brothers and sisters in other countries that are living right now this persecution, even unto death……. Beloved, the ones still on this earth, need our prayers daily and those that have laid down their lives are with the Lord…. They are okay, remember their loved ones left in prayer…. We are one body and in one Spirit in the Lord.

Let us be strengthened not to have the fear of men but let growth in the fear of the Lord be established……. Amen and Amen……

Let us take a day, a week or a month for the Spirit of God to shine into and through our hearts in preparation……. May we grow in the fear of the Lord so our audience of One is a strong foundation for the storms are coming!  Who gives a flip what others think… They did not die for me because they loved me…. Only One did that, My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ……. They are not our judge…… There is only one Judge granted from the Almighty to judge all of creation- the Lord Jesus Christ…… Him, I aim to please and obey….. Thank You, Father God, for instilling within our spirit man the fear of the Lord. Selah!

This is enough for us to contemplate for a  while………..till the next time, be blessed and sit with Him and allow His word to do His shining job….. Selah!

He has so much planned, let us give Him our ear today and turn to listen and obey!  God loves us so much……Hear Him and receive His love.

This is enough meals for a week, for me it is!   God willing, we will pick this up time and continue our hunting for His treasures and instructions to keep us on His narrow road leading to life and life abundantly.

We are all held accountable for the Word of God, especially here in the western part of the world……Mark 4:2-9, Then He taught them many things by parables and said to them in His teaching:  Listen!! Behold, a sower went out to sow. And it happened, as he sowed, that some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds of the air came and devoured it.  Some fell on stony ground, where it did not have not much earth, and immediately it sprang up because it had no  depth of earth.  But when the sun was up it was scorched, and because it had no root it withered away. And some seed fell among thorns; and the thorns grew up and choked it and it yielded no crop.  But other seed fell on good ground and yielded  a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred. And He said to them, He who has ears, to hear, let him hear!

If we are not sure what this parable means- the Lord explains it to those that stuck around Him to understand what He meant…… Look it up in Mark chapter4.  We must condition our ears to hear and see Him and His hand …… Again, we called our dog to come back, not to punish the dog but to save him from the coming car…….. The Lord’s love for us is greater than we have for our loved ones so how much more is His tenacity in knocking on our door of our hearts……. Let us hear and understand the heart of our God, the Lover of our soul….. Amen and Amen!!!!

Selah!!  Oh Yeah—- Please remember this Sunday, 7/2/17 is Call2Fall Sunday…. The day the ones who call after the name of Jesus Christ, fall and repent and pray out for our glad dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ.   If your church is not participating – spend time before the Lord and cry out for our need for Him before we bring out the fireworks celebrating our Independence Day….. For if it weren’t for our God that established this country, we would not be celebrating our July 4th holiday….. Be safe…… and remember the call 2 fall….. this coming Sunday…..Be blessed in Him.