
The Journey On Through Night Into Day

Well, the afternoon turned into dusk, as Little Person was running with thoughts in his head. He felt he went around the cosmos and back again with all the thoughts and what if’s going through his little mind.

He wondered if the King would even see him.  Would he even have the courage to speak to Him when he did meet Him?  How would he know this King was the real deal…… So many thoughts and so many doubts creeped around his excitement……  He was so lost in his thoughts, he did not notice the fire burning bright next to him…..

He turned and was startled. The fire burned higher than he was.  He did not know where the Old Man went…. He turned his position to sit by the fire, the light that was given to him, at night.

In the warmth of the fire, he started to fall into a deep sleep.  

He was led by the Old Man in a dream… They walked together as He led  Little Person to a scene which was filled with people screaming and yelling surrounding a road….. All the way beyond sight the people lined up on each side of the road.

The Old Man led him to the front to see a Man. Little Person looked and beheld a scene which was horrifying to him.  He saw a Man bleeding and covered in His own blood carrying two huge tree limbs connected towards the top with leather rope.  

He looked around to see some folks crying and others lifting their fist and yelling crucify Him…..

He turned his head around to find the Old Man, but He was gone.

The Man was approaching Little Person. Little Person just stared at Him, wondering why Old Man brought Him here.   This was not the King he wanted to meet.

The Man carrying the wood was not lifting His head and yelling…. He just kept carrying the load as if this was His job to do it.

Little Person kept staring at the Man.  The Man came  near to pass Little Person, He picked His head up and looked at Little Person. The Man’s look which pierced his heart and stopped Little Person’s breath. He never saw so much love mixed with His pain. 

He then spoke, which startled Little Person, I am so delighted you came to see Me.  I have been waiting for you for a long time.   You are Mine.   

These words entered straight into his heart even though they were uttered from a very labored breathing of this Man……

The Man kept inching forward with his burden of pain, but Little Person was touched to his core with tears streaming down his face…..

He did not even know the tears were falling.  He wanted to go help Him and follow Him. He had never been touched in His heart or felt such deep love from anyone, even his mom, his whole life.

Then Little Person was at a different scene and the Old Man was there with him now.

They were sitting up on a hill.  The sound was of wailing and weeping women with anguished cries from the men that were attached to the trees was assailing the air.   

The One who spoke to Little Person was gone already. 

He was dead. 

Little Person knew that because he witnessed the soldiers put their sword in His side…..

He never moved.

When Little Person who could not keep the tears from exploding out of his eyes, turned to ask Old Man, why they were there? Who was this Man?

The Old Man put His arm around the little one and spoke, Child, this is the King you wanted to meet. 

Little Person remembered the piercing words of the King to him.  

He would never forget them.

They seemed to be etched into his heart forever. 

Nor could he forget the pain in His eyes as His love that poured forth at the same time to him……

This King already knew him.  He said some of the same words the Old Man did to Little Person when they met too.

He was confused as to what was happening but totally engulfed in the place he was.

The Old Man spoke to him with the tenderness of a loving father, this is the King you wanted to meet.

He died but He lives on forever.  See, death could not hold Him.

Why did He die?, asked Little Person.

He took the burden of sin and death for you and others.

Mankind could not come near heaven or His kingdom until He died to make death die ,okay?

Son, did you ever lie?

He looked down ashamed and spoke yes.

Son, did you ever not do something when you were to do something?

He looked down and said yes…..

Son, did you ever take something of others that you knew not to?

Again, his head was almost down to his lap because of his shame.

Then, Old Man spoke, these sins were and are like a wall to keep us from entering into the King’s kingdom.

The only way for this great King to have you and others with Him in His kingdom was to take the sins of the world that kept everyone captive to death, even eternal death.   He had to suffer the effects of sin for you and others.   He was not forced to do what you saw, He chose to do it so He could have you with Him forever.

That is the King you have been searching for and He was delighted that you saw and met  Him.

Little Person wondered how Old Man knew the King spoke how delighted He was to see Little Person.

There was a commotion around the body of the King, they were taking Him off the tree and wrapping Him in linen.  

They were carrying Him away. Little Person asked where are they taking Him?

Old Man spoke, they are preparing His body for burial. 

He then was at a huge rock with a hole in the middle of it with Old Man. 

The people were around the King’s body as He was being buried in the rock.  He saw the body and he saw the soldiers roll the stone and put a seal on it.

He cried because he was full of grief of what his actions caused the death of this great One.  The fact that He took death for Little Person was more than he could grasp with out his exploding in tears.

They stayed there as Old Man comforted Little Person with understanding of all who was before him.

Little Person was gaining the comprhension he needed of who this King was or is and sort of understanding who Old Man is.

Old Man spoke, little one, do not worry for the Great King is I AM.   He is was and is and will aways be I AM…..We are from the Beginning and will always be……..and now child, do you want to join Us?

Little Person looked with such exuberance; he almost fell off the rock.  He yelled, yes, Sir.  Yes, do not leave me behind.

Then, are you sorry for all the acts you did against Truth and others?  Yes, Sir, said Little Person.

Do you believe all that I AM has spoken and revealed I AM taking the sin of the world upon Himself to die the death that we deserve?  

Little Person spoke, Yes, Sir.

Do you believe that He is Your Savior and has called you His own because He has redeemed you to Himself now and forevermore?  

Yes, Sir, said Little Person. The weight of importance was beyond himself as he started to gulp for his breath.  This salvation offered  from this I AM and King was coming into his understanding……

Time was halted, as Little Person witnessed his own earthquake in his world. God entered Little Person’s life showing him  great and mighty things which he did not know.

This was way beyond what he had ever thought or imagined, but he dare not say no….. He could not turn back….. There were no steps there. Besides, he had come to far into this new kingdom.

The only steps that were….. was the scene before him at the tomb of this I AM.

As Old Man was bringing Little Person to His family, the days turned to night and night to sunrise.

The earth shook.

The beings from another place were moving before Little Person watchful gaze as they moved the huge stone away from the mouth of the rock…….

He saw the King walk out of the Rock…….

He was different but He as alive. 

He was not a ghost either which made Little Person relieved.

He was dazzling.

This King surely is a great One who could surely meet all the words that Little Person read about in his ancient book.

I AM was alive.  The King conquered death and was alive forever because HE IS I AM, thought Little Person.

Little Person was astounded and excited as he looked to Old Man. Old Man smiled and hugged Little Person. They sat there for a very long time and then the scene changed to the pillar of fire…….

What happened was awesome and astounding and Little Person saw it all.   He wanted to tell everyone now what he saw……. But where was he? 

The fire crackled and spoke, Little Person, never forget, you are Mine. I AM redeemed you with a costly price because you are My delight.

Rest in My Love…….. Little Person heard these words over and over again as the fire kept him safe until the dawn broke through.

We will continue on to chapter three, God willing.

Please allow God to stop time as He enters in to your world to show you things you do not know.

I pray your heart is a huge empty cup for Him to fill with His love and goodness as He reveals- You are His.