
There Is Much To Understand On The Mount Of Olives…..Ready to Step Up?

Remember when Moses went up to Mount Sinai with the Lord for forty days as written in Exodus? Exodus 25:40 states And see to it that you make them according to the pattern which was shown you on the mountain.

On the days of Jesus Christ’s temptation in the wilderness, He was shown different mounts which the devil tempted Him to submit to darkness’ authority.   Praise Him for He did not budge on His heart to please and obey Our Father or Him being the Living Word….. Proving He was the Word. Right? Right….. Pure Light and Truth is our King.

So there are two different mounts available to man… God’s and the what the world offers…… Each one is being made from a pattern.

Each one of us is being made according to a pattern also….. the world’s or God’s. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life, ( Galatians 6:7-8).

We were trapped in the mold of this world’s pattern until the Lord went up to the Mount of Olives.   He then crushed His will to His right and submitted to become the Father’s sacrifice. In doing this He broke open the trap of darkness for mankind. No longer were we trapped into the pattern that Satan had held us in bondage.

So much happened on that Mount with Moses with the Lord.  The standard of heaven was given to Moses which we could never meet. God knew this was a given as He also had His Great Surprise up His mystery sleeve… The Godhead had made a way to be revealed on His given day.  His way was not totally manifested yet…. The fulfillment of that Day would surely come.

Now when the Son arrived…..The Promise came…… Not to what every one had their mind set for though…….. But, He was not only born spotless, He also lived the standard of the Law given by God through Moses, by the power of the Holy Spirit..…. He fulfilled the plummet line  to the T and dotted i’s!  But not to everyone’s thinking did He fit the mold….. But He perfected God’s mold of mankind…. Beloved, that is all that counts.

Jesus Christ also gave us THE standard from His mount… He showed us the way of love is sacrifice.… He opened the Way for us to get out of darkness and death but, also, to walk into the pattern that was established in the mind of the Father before the foundation of the world. He showed the Father’s love in all He said and did….. The  pattern is set. The foundation laid.  The fulfillment of time had come……. Now the fulfillment of our time is set….. The path has been laid and the way has been manifested…. God’s way in the depths is the heights…..

He finished the job. He accomplished the task at hand for us to enter the Land of His in which there are wide and far distances to explore….. The heart of the Father is accomplished in the sacrifice on the mount of Olives and the Mount of Calvary……. by His Son, Jesus Christ… Of course, the Resurrected Life of the First and the Last… The new  Jerusalem is created from His Firstborn resurrected into eternal life………. Jesus Christ made the Way for us to be with the Father and Holy Spirit to be our Guide…….Not only did Jesus Christ open the way but  He is the Way.  He is the Truth and Life and Light of all men and for all of men.

Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up His cross, and follow Me. 

For whoever desires to save His life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.  For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

There is a saying: let go and let God….. Let God have His way…… This is the place where in a moment of every heart meets God in their own mount of olives….. Let God have His way….. Let His Son reign this day. So we may have the sight to see……and know the experience of  love without measure and understand the cost He paid or swallowed hard in obedience.

May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation of the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, ( Ephesians 1:17-18).

The decision is made as every heart comes to the Mount of Olives….. We decide to say yes……Not just once but again and again, all the way through our journey on this earth…… Then the experience of the cross is laid into our hearts as also is the rising of resurrection life within each one of us….. Thus, we are His sons and daughters taking after the Firstborn.

We leave the dead or death for the resurrected clothing of Holy Spirit living within forming His home.  We go from glory to glory or strength to strength as scripture states in Psalm 84 and  in 2 Corinthians 3:17-18:  Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is , there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed in the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord…..

Bonds are broken of death and destruction only by One…… Our Savior and King, His Spirit…. The Holy One and He is in our midst…… closer than our breath.

So what if you do not feel His presence…. God is not a liar…. He is with us and in us…… Listening to our faith or lack. He knows our thoughts and tears and laughter.  He is not far…. He answers our cries and holds us close….. Do not go by your feelings, beloved, they change like the wind….. Stay and live on what the Word of God says…… He is with us until the end of the age- Matthew 28….. Believe Him and live with Him as He is right here….. Talk to Him and wait for His answer…. He loves to talk- He is the Word!!

Now when we come to the Lord, we died with Him. There are so many layers of maturity in God. The mount gives us the room in Him to learn and live by His way …… Just as there is so much to know and learn of our God, so there is so much He wants to increase Himself in us…. So we must let go of us…… of the dead man thinking……

We must continually allow the little crises that comes up. The Lord is setting before us a choice…. Yes, we have His goodness now but we may have an opportunity to gain His goodness in a better measure……. and then He shakes us again for to turn to His best….His high calling….. The mount of olives will always be knocking on our door of our thinking to challenge us to keep exploring and not settling.

The Laodicean church settled….. They lost their sight and thought they had come……. to where I do not know….but they thought they were something…… Again, here is wisdom…… Man says, wow you have arrived……. God says-ahhh….. where have you lost your fire?   Jesus Christ arrived and man thought- He is not what we wanted…… He doesn’t fit the mold….. But He fit the mold perfectly in God….. Jesus Christ  fit His heart perfectly.

We must increase in the wisdom of God…. This is not written but familiarity breeds contempt….. Meaning when we are in sync with one another, we step back from speaking the truth until someone comes along who is the Truth made flesh….. May we know our true allegiance is not to man but to Jesus Christ and to speak His word in and out of season…….

And He said to them, You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God, ( Luke 16:15).

Yes, we can settle and really dress as the Laodicean church…… or we can continuously ask for His eye salve to awaken us again to His path and not our paths…. Or sometimes there is a fork in the road….. The path we are on is known, but He wants us to take His known and our unkown path into His greatness….The trust factor is the key.

When the season changes and it has become summer, are we  still wearing the wrong clothing for the season?….. Well, we are a little foolish, if we are…. We’ re obviously missing the signs of the times….. We must change our clothing and get the updated strength of our Lord for the approaching season…. We must be attentive to His nudging…. We must be ready to go to Gethsemane again and again and again.

Oh Lord, I want to be with you always even to the cross….. I just want to be with you always……Are we prepared to drink His cup? Are we preparing to drink His cup?  If we have never met Him in that garden, may we ask Holy Spirit to lead us there…… Yes, there may be trembling but we will see the love of the One who is like no other…….

Lord, I pray You give us courage and strength to know our Heavenly Father and You in greater measure which is eternal life.  Awaken us to Your life and show us our folly of holding on to things which are to be shaken so the eternal remains…… So we are found having no righteousness but Yours…. Thank You for answering the cry for we are hungry to know You in all ways….. Your ways…. Thank You.

There and the experience of the cross is His way into resurrected life- Christ in us- our hope of glory as stated in Colossians chapter one.  He expands His turf in us and we expand in the knowledge of His vastness of Him…… Sort of cannot tell where He is and we are not anymore……  As Enoch was there and he was not…..He walked with God and wasn’t….. The days of Enoch have been declared as written in Genesis….. See and know the season we are in ….. The times, they are a changin’.

So as a crises comes our way…. Do not throw the blame on the devil…….Stop, kneel at the garden…… Listen to how He turns what evil means for harm in to His good….. Relish and delight in His plan for His love is neverending. He will never fail us….. Just wait and listen….. He is with us through it all. Is not this the prayer we have been praying…….?  We want to know You?   This is the way, beloved…..

The place of crises in each life is to produce the new of God’s next phase of His delight of revealing and manifesting His Son to the world ….. through you and through me……I am not speaking of problems.  I am speaking of real life crises….. Where you speak- Lord if not You…… I am not.  He will shower us again and again with His vast fragrance of neverending love….. He will embrace us because we went to the Mount…. He knows and He sees everything.

Look at Him now this way.  See our old man died on the Mount…… Our thinking must be renewed to our God’s ways. The old covenant died.  The temple was going to be destroyed some 70 years later. The new one is being constructed and the foundation was laid at that mount….

The blue print was revealed on this earth through His sweat of blood and laying down His life….. The Cornerstone was erected that blessed and agonizing night…… Old was replaced with the Living Tabernacle of God that Day which He rose…… The new and Living Covenant was established. He has risen!!!!

We are blessed beyond measure to partake of the New and Living Covenant of our Lord Jesus Christ……The place of squeezing and pressing pouring forth the oil from our tears…… It is the standard of the way……to enter into this holy Friendship……. Then we  know Him at the cross – We lay our hearts in the fire. Then we meet Him.  The tomb is empty!!! His resurrecting  life  is our new life in Him……Our hearts are restored in His eternal life flowing through and spilling over…. Beloved, we have been chosen to manifest the King to this world which cannot see…… Please step up and believe….

Children need all parents to do things for them….. as we mature we do things with our parents.

He is the Cornerstone of His Temple. We are His temple beloved…… But we have a vast land to explore and it will be often in deeper, wider heights and lengths of measure as we grow into the complete pattern made before the foundation of the world.  Holy Spirit is making us into the new creation  pattern from above where Majesty sits on High.

How can heaven coming to earth through His Spirit  remain heaven changing earth?  Knowing He is in us. He is habitating.  He is not visiting…. Beloved, the King is among us and in us……… We cannot box and contain God or His pace….. If we do not meet in Him in the garden often, He will move His plan on and we will be left in deception as the Laodicean church is spoken of in Revelation  chapter three.  We must seek His snow patrol at all times….. Read my last blog, if you are thinking..  What is she talking about…..

How can the sight of Him in  our hearts be so enlightened that we allow God to have His full way through us….. How much do we let go at that mount in the Spirit of God to allow His love come and shake all the earth until there is all heaven….and the earth is under  heaven’s will be done.

Jesus Christ was untouchable by evil until the time was at hand but even then He was still untouchable…. Right?   He walked the complete path of His Father knowing what He could not see would be…..Can we drop all for His name today, beloved?  Can we let go all we cling to for Him?  It is by Him for Him and through Him all things exist……. ‘

Is there a stopping of His Spirit from working Heaven on this earth by our unbelief?   Will it  be said of us that we are a stiff necked and prohibited the Spirit from His job?  Can we see with His eyes- He is building in the Spirit the temple of God, which we are….. We are His body and He is through us working His plan out…… Yes, this is His way……..The garden, the cross, and resurrected life, eternal life flowing through His body on this earth….. Bringing life …. Offering His life.

Did we want the gifts but not the fire of the Giver?   We wanted the gifts but not the cleaning of the closet, ( out heart).  The Teacher longs to bring to our  mind all the things of the Lord’s will to be made manifest….. Big is just big……. Great is from heaven.     Laodecian church, that is not us?  Right?

There is a cost,… buy the salve…..But the love of our Savior, we don’t count the cost….. Or we do not let that stop us from getting His strength to move on for His footsteps have paved the way….. His way.

Let us pray we are not stuck in our ways and saying they are His….. He always confirms the words of His Servants…… Is there the confirmation of His fire burning our offerings?   Are we as written in Matthew 15:8, These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.

Oh beloved, let us not be blind that we do not see the tear of our King shed down on us this day….. He speaking out and saying- My voice is beckoning you today… Come to Me and let us meet at the mount. Let us discuss the pattern that has been shed there……. For those are the steps I AM will be with you as I AM and you will walk  My way…. Do not tarry for this is the salve that is needed for your sight to be as Mine this day…

Do you not see?- the pattern is Mine that is set for you to be totally free in all that hinders Me through you today…… What good is salt if it has lost its flavor…. Turn to Me this day. Let us sit at the mount and measure the pattern that  I AM as laid before you to be in My way.    The snow glistens for all to see but you must walk the path that I AM has called you to in Me…… The Spirit has etched out the whisper for He speaks to you very plain….. On the plain, you shall see all I AM has planned for you in Me…. But you must leave all you cling to and cling to Me – This is the way to make the blind to see.  As this must start with Us first ……. The cost to buy My salve is given today…. Are you willing to come and do things My way….. Come to the mount and lay down your plans for do you hold tomorrow in your hands?   What if the day hastens away?  Will you not regret that you did not meet  I AM at the mount this day?  What King lays down all to gather My beloved?  The ear to hear and a heart to receive is I AM giving to you. Please take My Spirit and see. I AM speaks because I AM has given you ears to hear…… I AM has laid My hand upon you to guide  you.

The night the olives glistened the blood of this King, listen to Holy Spirit speak of all that was laid  in heaven and  bound hell.  Listen and learn for in the quiet you will heed in the  blessing of the calling of the pattern for us this new day.  Let His Spirit imprint upon each heart the goodness He wants us to step up and into ….. Let us let go of all and beckon His call…… Leave all and follow Me for unto the Mount then you shall see.

The tear that was shed for you and me – allow it to water that incorruptible Seed to grow again abundantly….. Let go of your name and fame and fortune today….. Let it go in the wilderness……. Walk away and the power of the Holy One will be once again flowing through your veins.  See Him as your prize and His fame be your aim and His Treasure be your only game……..  Bow to Him this day.  Let’s meet Him on His mount. We will  learn to do things His way according to the pattern He left for us to obey in this day.

Let us hear Him and draw near to His call with a broken heart…… Please let us not draw near and our heart be far from Him today.  Allow the snow to fall and cleanse us through so we may fight the fight of faith til the end….. We may not be true in all we say and do for You, but You will make us that way- all brand new in You….. Let us be honest and throw the religion away….. Let us focus on Him this day for as we behold….. We shall then become His way…The image  of the Son. This has been the Father’s plan from long ago.  See how He is working in us now and forever for this is His way for this age.

Come to the Mount and increase your sight…. See, beloved, the vastness of the land He has called us up and into…. Do not delay, please come to the Mount so you may see things in a new way…… He is smiling beckoning you and I to come….. Come to the fires of His love.  His fires consume us but never burn us.

If we call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we must remember He is the way and will always lead us into eternal life by revealing us our Heavenly Father, which is eternal life….. Come, beloved, meet Him. He is waiting for a watch that will never end.

Selah and Selah again!!