
Up To The North

North to travel to a wedding which was set for His time as His love poured forth upon the union.

Greeted and hugged both old and new…… Days may have passed but love will never fail….

South to travel to back to the future…..Back again waiting upon the gaze of my King.

Praising Him for all He has done for me and those I love.

What was will be again…. Man who is far from God does not see…

What will be laid before his feet…. Even those who call upon His name and are entitled shall not see…

Grace and grace be poured upon them until they turn and see the One who is calling them to hear and obey this day.

Our choice to chose this day….

See  what is laid before our feet or chose to sit at His feet.

What will be laid before him at his feet is all he has done following him. He will see what was behind him is now laid before him…..yet…. there remains an open Door calling him to rise up and be covered in the Lamb’s blood and accept the sacrifice from God….

Once and for all He has called all to Him today…… Humble will turn and weep at this great Love from God. 

The scornful will lift their fist at His grace and ignore the return of the King….. He is the One with the eyes of fire…….. What was behind the scornful is now laid before Him. Turn and receive the graciousness of His grace while it is day. Repent!

Though He has eyes beyond knowing all things has He has given us two. He has His omnipresence so all things are heard by Him, He has given us two ears…. to hear Him whispering He will help us…..

He is no longer on His cross…. He is no longer in a tomb. He is alive and He is the King of all.

Do you hear Him roar?

We shall see the lesson of history.

It is His story for His creation.

Every generation will know the Son, His King.

The lethargy is rid of before the stand.

We who stand will not fall for we bow before the throne over all.

Heaven does rule in the affairs of mankind.

Glory and thanksgiving be to the One who was before us

And is with us

And will ever be…..

So glory be and praise be to the One who gave us

His grace to see the One and be with Him for all eternity.

Praise the One who laid on the cross.

Praise His blood who washes us clean.

Praise to the Holy One who has born us a new from His kingdom above….

 and now has come to reside by His Spirit in His kids.

Praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

See His face this Thursday…… Turn off the world and lean into Him….

Give Him His due……After all, it is of Him that we are here in America today and those who stood because they heard His call.

Enjoy your family and friends and food….. but give Him His place at your feast this Thursday.

Smile to Him and see His smile back to you….. Arms opened wide. Run into Him with gusto.

He wants our hearts for Him alone……He is the First and the Beginning….Be wise and see how He is our End also.

Happy Thanksgiving! 

A seed blows by and we never know where it shall turn into a plant.

So are we who are under our Master’s bid. We are His arrow formed in His dark quiver.

We are aimed by His arm and His will…..His enemies is the arrow pointed….

Oh, but alas, arrow has no knowledge of who it shall strike for it is doing his King’s desire.

The arrow pierces through the air guided by the wind of God aimed at the target sent of the Holy One.

Grace is placed at the tip of the arrow and will grace pierce the heart to turn it to Him again?

We never know what we are in His hand as a tiny little messenger flying His Seed, His Word, sending it to plant into a heart….

Praying for the freedom His Word, the knowledge of a love so true and kind, to be held captive as the life is free to worship and smile to the King of kings.

Oh, praise be to the King who sends His Words on the tips of His arrows just as a seed wants to be planted in the depths of the hearts of His enemies.

He sees the turn of one heart as all heaven rejoices….His multiplication factor takes holds as one turns into thousands coming into His fold.

Keep In prayer for now is the time where His quiver is being emptied for all to turn to see His face…. And enjoy His gaze.

Their plight is now turned into a river of grace…. Oh, how great is our God.

This brings His smile on their face as Light has dawned again….. Their darkness has turned to light.

The power of Satan to God….. That they now receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in our King.

Praise be to God alone this day…… Pray the dawn will be a light to all who are far from home.

Grace, grace, grace be upon the mountain of unbelief during this holiday month…..on those who need to call home to their Creator. His arms are opened wide with a huge grin on His face….. He has been waiting for you….. You are important to Him….. You are loved.

Come and see!


Little One’s adventures will return soon…. His is willing…..

May peace reign in our hearts this season…… The peace that passes all understanding…because He is with us and in us….. Oh, how we love You, Jesus! Thank You Heavenly Father for giving the world Your only Son.

We love You!