
We Worship A Living God!!

We Worship A Living God!

No matter what we are going through. No matter whatever the evil one throws at us, we worship a Living God! The One True Living God and there is no other!

This is exciting to contemplate. We do not worship a God that is far away or is dead. He is alive and is closer than our next breath. Put down your woes ! Praise and shout to our God, the Most High, for being so close to us. His Son Jesus Christ took the cross for us, so we could partake of an open heaven with Him. He paid the cost. What a great God. He is beyond what we could ever think or imagine.

He is not bewildered.

He is not quiet.

His hands are not tied or bound.

His arm is not shortened.

He may be hiding, but He is always found.

He never hides so He is not able to hear to help.

He is not a statue and a god made of man’s hands.

He has no Beginning and no End.

He has never stopped to woo His beloved to Him.

His blood speaks today.

His power is keeping all the galaxies in their appointed place and you.

He knows all our thoughts.

He is everywhere and in us who believe.

He knows all our doings.

He knows all our hopes and longings.

He knows everything, even your everything!

Most of all, His love for everyone is an everlasting love! Why stay far away, when you can enjoy the best love of your life? He made you for His pleasure and glory…….. Really!

He is the most wonderful and ever powerful and sustaining God that longs for His children to draw near to Him and talk and share their day. He then may share His thoughts too. He wants to help and show off for you and through you.

We worship a True Living God. He is alive and watches everything. He draws near to those who draw near to Him. He will never stop being there for us. He will never turn His back until…….. time is up.

Then woe to those who never stepped up to His plate, the cross, and bowed before the Son who took the cost.

How we may come to Him as a small servant, full of heart of His heart to see them accomplished with Him on and through the earth of man. Waiting for His tap to share in His work. How cool is this God! He wants us to work with Him…. even us!

Or we may approach Him, as a very grateful daughter, whose Father thought of everything for her. He has given her all His love by showing her – She jumps up and down telling Him-You know my heart- look at what You did for me again. Oh Heavenly Father, thank You. Her glee and joy witnesses His pleasure seeing her smile from one ear to the other, His heart is satisfied…….. She knows that it was My hand that did this pleasure for her. She has given me so much glory.

I cannot witness as a son because I have no gender questions and I do not know from a male standpoint the Father meeting a male’s heart desires. But if you are a male, go to Your Heavenly Father and give Him your gratitude. Hopefully you get my drift.

If you are a His armed force in this earth for His cause….. Come to Him, bow before the King and give Him your allegiance. If you have not spoken to His face on your offer of service and sacrifice, talk to Him. Sometimes we are drafted and sometimes we enlist……If, there has been no declaration, make one. Allow the Father of all nations to place His hand on your shoulder as He accepts your offering. He then, puts His Spirit of strength, a will to obey and endurance within our stature so we may stay the course bringing His name and fame to all, even if we are on the front lines……

We have been given His hand to stay strong through all adversity. As we thank Him, for He delivers us from them all. As well, He gives trouble to those who trouble us…… then they all may turn to such a King and worship and believe. What an honor it is to bow before the King and we can even kiss Him and some His cheek. He is a faithful leader and trusted in the best of warfare in His Spirit that we partake in. Not of this world but full of victory, His victory, that we celebrate in.

Come to Him, thanking Him for being the Best Friend a person can have. He is never tired. He has never a bad day so He cannot listen and advise your next step in any situation. He is listening and laughing and sighing through maybe your tears and frustration. He is faithfully always there. Most of all is the companionship of walking in His Spirit through every day and night….. He is always here and we are never alone. He is waiting in the morning. He is waiting for us at high noon and at evening and through the dark night….. He is waiting to converse with us. Don’t miss Him. Know His Word so when He speaks we know His Voice.

Thank Him for how great a God He is.

Now may we step to His footfall….. Awaken when He is walking to join Him in seeing where His eyes have turned to see….. There is now a need for a prayer here with Him…. Will you join Him in His pursuit of His filled purpose on this earth for this day? There have been many days in His time for this earth. Think of all the generations and all the cries for Him to meet…… In which He did by His perfect will for every soul……. His everlasting love will never fail any single soul on this earth.

They may lose the very best chance to know the One True Living God, but not because of our God but because of their own choice to ignore His whispers, His taps, His shouts, His cry as His tears rain over every lost soul.

This is our Heavenly Father….. Our One True Living God that we worship and adore and thank.


He is our Everything. He has become our all and in all of our life….. His heart may rest because He has received His heart longing because He has become our heart longing. He is Lord over our life, even all the sons of men.

Nothing satisfies as He satisfies…… Hearing His Voice…… Hearing His guidance. Hearing His laugh and chuckles. Hearing His sighing. Hearing His I AM loves you more.

I need say no more….. Listen to Him and receive your hearts satisfaction in His love……His Spirit is waiting to show you-

Come out- How -you ask….. Holy Spirit will show you…. Obey!

Come up here- What? How? Huh?- Quiet your soul…… Holy Spirit will show you! Believe and obey!

Come, I AM will show you things to come- What do You mean? How? – Quiet your souls….. My Spirit resides in you and will reveal all……. Listen and be faithful in the little so I AM may give you the much.

Wait…. Did you come to meet Me at the cross?

Did you allow My blood to wash you clean and make you new?

Did you give Me your heart?

Have you received My heart?

Did you leave behind what you know to leave behind today?

Repent means repent and leave all to embrace Me in My New…… Have you?

Take a step in heaven, your strength will be given as you walk to Me and leave the rest behind.

Call to I AM and I AM will answer…..

Come out……from among them….. Embrace Me! I AM will never let you go.

Walk with me and get used to your new shoes….. All else will fall into place in Me….

Just believe and lean on Me.


Praise the Father!

Praise the Son!

Praise the Holy Spirit!

Our One True Living God!

I told you He is alive! Now do you believe?

Believe and receive all that He has died to give.

He died to bring your sins to death.

He lives to bring us in His resurrected life…..

We are clean and partake of His new Life.

He implants within us His living Holy Spirit and calls us His own,

So now we walk by His Spirit in His Word to fulfill His purpose in and through us.

AMEN and AMEN!!!