
What If…

Just a mid week thought. If you are okay with the growing darkness and like the covering over of justice with smoke and mirrors. Then this blog is not for you. Just hit delete and you can go on your way without care.

But if you are known as the daughter or son of the King of all and are known by the Most High God, then keep reading.

What if those who are called His people and call on His name spent Sundays……or Saturdays or one day or a couple of days……in prayer.

For example, a football game is four hours….. What if those who watch, laid it down for a time with their King in prayer. Now not a game that they could care about but the game they have to watch.

Can we put the game in the hands of God and get on to the business He wants us to expand? His kingdom.

If the nation who is crazy for football, laid aside a couple of games a week and went into our prayer closet. If you have no prayer closet, then sit on your couch and know you are infront of the God of the universe 24/7. Just keep the ball in prayer….. Pray His scriptures back to Him regarding you, your family, neighborhood, city, state and nation….. If He tells us to do something, we get it done.

What if our nation prayed the script He has given us for a time…. such a time as this….. What if the Light of heaven starts to penetrate the darkness and justice reigns again…. What if…..What will happen if we do not……. We sort of see now what happened because we did not sacrifice and idols stand before us and His throne….. One of these idols is football….. Men of God we need you! Our families need you. Our cities need you…. Our nation needs you to pray and to hear and respond. Thank you for responding.

If we do not, who will on our watch….. If we do and see heaven establishing itself on this earth, in this nation. In our schools. In our neighborhoods. WOW!

This is a thought. I hope those who call on our Lord Jesus Christ,…… see Him as worth our time and sacrifice as written in Romans 12:1-2:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 

 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Wasting the precious time we have been given on the temporal…. Well, this will be gone but the time we sit before the King of all to bring His kingdom to this earth as a nation, will be soul winning affair….. What a corporate worship then will be coming from this nation……

What if the impossible becomes possible in our watch….. We watch corporately across this nation the goodness of God bringing His light again over the chaos….. What if….

We have been given the ball. Are we going to score touchdowns in heaven or fumble?

I hope you see this vision as He does.

A family time of prayer for an afternoon by His word is a great legacy……

By the way, the church doors do not need to be open for us to pray. We can pray all the time because we are positioned before the throne of grace. We need to enter boldly and speak His word to His ears.

We can walk, clean, do the dishes. We can cut the lawn and wash the car. We can drive….. All our day we can be praying and praising our God and asking for His help in this time of trouble, corporately as a nation.

Think big, He does!

He is waiting, let us wait on Him in prayer. Starting this weekend…..



If offense has happened then I stepped on your idol… I am not sorry. But I am praying that you will see the truth and start your day with prayer…. We need you. Thank you for reading…..

Can you imagine this nation in corporate prayer? Putting Him first?

Let’s do it!