
Dancing Above The Dry Clouds

I was thinking of the courage and hunger that was instilled in Abraham to go to a land where he never had been. Follow God who he had not known.

Abraham was a Chaldean and was raised with false gods…… I guess he might have suspected they were false because there was no answer to any dilemmas he or his family or people were always subjected.

But he heard the Voice that penetrates to the heart of man and changes his life forever……. A disclaimer: if he listens.

So he heard the Voice of God which quiets all other voices. Then to be told to leave all behind. He was to go where he had never been. This step in faith must have been exhilarating even as he was subjected to his people calling him crazy. He turned a deaf ear to the noise and went anyway.

In any tension or chaos, the Voice of God permeates beyond our senses to deep, calling the deep in us to Him…… Disclaimer: if we turn and obey.

As it is written many are called but few are chosen…….The Voice of God goes out and all of creation speaks of His glory. Many are called to hear……..Does the scripture mean but few are chosen to draw near? Just thinking out loud.

But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep, to him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and he leads them out.

And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice, ( John 10:2-4).

We have been given grace upon grace to venture out and in His realm where we have never been……. As these past days have turned into a year,,……. we have been given an opportunity to leave the ways and means of modern methods of Christianity……to really learn of Him.

Again disclaimer: if we choose to hear and follow His lead.

Have we allowed the past days of shaking to shake us out of our traditions and religion? Have we bravely turned off our comfortable rituals to sit before Him and wait?

Disclaimer: or just return to our normal. Then to miss His turn to climb into a new dimension to be revealed in Him? Go to His known but we rather stay at our known?

Are we willing to venture out as Abraham, Noah and David and not to forget Paul ?

Have we learned to gain Christ yet? Have we allowed Him first place or are we still praying to get Him to change what we want on our list?

I have to ask—- God does not change so then who should be changing ?

It is easy to do the works and programs of the church. Listen to the worship we are used to in the western world. But in our comfort, are we really being stretched in our faith to go where we have never been before in Him?

Zoom calls and conferences are back in session as normal…….Not that they are bad, but may the time be small in comparison to our fellowship and communion with God. The holy Trinity want our eyes and ears to be fixed on Them,

My question is were not the conferences and calls maybe the path that got us here to begin with? Getting on with the crowd and not alone with the One who knows the end from the beginning?

I hear so many people quoting this one or that one, but not many quoting the Words of God …….

All those following people, do you know Jesus better than those you follow?

There are many prayer calls, which is good……. but we must not forget the most important. Fellowship with our God in communion . Each one in our prayer closet. One on one with our King.

The cross of Jesus zoomed our freedom to an open heaven and into fellowship….. He has set up His table. Feasting with our God should be priority,,,,,, I also believe when He is first, everything falls into place because our spirit is hearing and being led by Him in His very precise and clear way.

There is no show. No one watching but the One who is waiting for His child to come sit at His feet and give Him our ear,

If all is gone and all we have is Him….. We have everything we need to venture where He has called us to walk in Him today and tomorrow.

Life in Christ is difficult but very simple. When the props of feel good and doing something important are gone and we are left with Him alone……


Can we handle that? Or will we try to get to a place of comfort? By His way, He is to be our only comfort…….. One who has lightnings and thunderings surrounding His throne is to be our Comfort and Refuge.

Why? Because He has loved us with an everlasting love—– always.

God bless the one who is comforted by the Awesome One.

When all we have is Him…….

What then do we do? Rejoice!!! His will is being done! We must be brought into Him and then He leads us in Him by Him and for Him.

He is our needful thing. He is to be our Main Thing and One Thing.

All else is smoke and mirrors. Sorry for my bluntness but it is. If it was not then all would remain after the shakings of the Lord. His shakings are to make sure we are in His kingdom and not dependent on false foundations.

Read Hebrews 13:25-29, See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, how much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, whose voice then the shook the earth; but now has promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.

Now this, Yet once more, indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of the things which are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.

We are wise to take in His chastisement. Stop to hear and listen to Him.

Be still and quiet for I AM will be exalted.

Waiting on our Lord, we are strengthened……. We rest and hear……..Resurrected life is imparted……

Your eyes will see the King in His beauty; They will see the land that is far off, ( Isaiah 33:17.)

I am learning to dance upon the dry clouds. I am kneeling to hear His voice and leading of His Spirit. No crowds.

Allowing Him to shake what can be shaken……..

Lord, please reveal to me all that is not You. Show me the holes in my belief system, so I may throw the rags away and increase my leaning in You.

It has taken quiet a long time, almost a year, to not feel guilty for not being on prayer calls and attending conferences……. I attended one. Can not do it anymore……

There has to be more of Him. All these are good but they are not the answer. If they were we would not be praying for a revival.

We are in a crisis, beloved. We should be put into ICU. We are in need of a hook up to an IV filled with His Word. Then patience and peace which is met and married in His presence would be oozing from us.

Are our prayers to strive to save something which by His hand we want done?——-Or is it after we have sat at His table and dined and are overflowing with the Word of Life. We bring to His attention in thanksgiving all that He has been doing in strengthening His beloved today.

I wonder if all of us, His beloved, spent time in communion with Him as our One thing….. What would happen? When He is the One we are really wanting, then He knows His beloved is faithful to Him, no matter what may be or not be. Our love is His. His heart is satisfied…..He has a people after His own heart.

Psalm 24:3-6 states: Who may ascend to into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully.

He shall receive blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of His salvation. This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, who seek His face. Selah!

Maybe like Abraham, He could be calling us to venture out in a new place because He is calling us higher and wider and deeper than we have ever gone; where the unknowns are known and the knowns are unknown. The last shall be first and the first shall be last. Where He is the center and all else falls void in His presence. The center of our hearts are filled of Him and made the inside to be outside……. The up standing to down kneeling and the down kneeling to up lifting hands to the Highest of all….. The Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come…………. Holy, Holy and Holy to Him who is as no other!

Sort of like Moses going up into the cloud for days………..We do not know what we will come back with but it is whom will be indwelling in us as our face is revealing the Light of the world shining and beckoning all to come.

My question to my family, are you willing to let go of all we know to venture with Him in His next step. He says He leads us out……..

Or do we stay where we are because it is known and comfortable? Now in reality to venture out in Christ means we venture into Him…….. Then He leads us to the next…….unknown reality of the Living God, Beloved, He will make Himself known to those who want His house to be theirs.

Paul ventured many places in Christ as he was in prison…….. Allow God to make you into a visionary……

It is hard to drop the conferences when you have a kingdom to support. It is hard to drop the prayer calls when you are after the bigness of the calls and who is being heard…..

It is hard to allow all to die but gain Christ.

I am hungry after one thing. Him and Him alone…… Dancing on the dry clouds is a new place. Somewhat a dangerous place because the Truth is revealed in a place where all there is …… is Jesus. He is sooo large because only He is in charge…..

After all, His kingdom will not be shaken and will always remain…….. We act in wisdom, where our footing is secure on the Rock because we do the Word and not only hearers……. We know He is watching and waiting…… His look and gaze at us is supreme to man’s………. intentions and agendas.

Such a King, who gave us His all, is now asking to let go and grab Him to apprehend His all that He died to give us.

A man lived in this grass hut all his life. He tended and looked after it…….. but a King that reigned over the land came to the man. The King bid him to leave it and come to His kingdom to dine and sup with Him in His inheritance……. The man could not leave his hut and let the King go by.

The what if’s kicked in and closed his door on the impossible.

Everyone is thinking they are doing God’s will, right? Can we stop from our routine and from doing the same thing, to see if He is the reason for our pursuit. We must admit to ourselves, our work is not important if it is not His bidding, but ours.

Check for a heart pulse- God’s or ours.

I truly believe if we stop and ask to dance upon the dry clouds with Him. we will be so immersed in Christ and His love, the things that are to be shaken will fall as we remain in the eternal and are given the sight to see that the possibilities in Him are endless………..if we can let go and gain Christ as written.

I keep dancing after my blog was blacklisted as now I am whitelisted…… Whatever that means!

The truth remains and all else shall fall in the void of wasted.

Let’s dance with My King and all that is spoken is as a secret but heaven invades earth as the King says peace be still. Beloved, this is not a dream.

I am not saying prayer and intercession is to stop at all. However, I see Him sitting as the requests come in to the bowl but many do not have a sit down and be with Him effect…….. This should not be.

As communion with out God must be stronger and more intense than our requests from our heart……. Do we not always kiss the King?

Prayer is now the buzz word BUT actually the One we pray to is our focus.

Communion in Him and freedom to see all that can be takes on reality…… His presence in us is our key…… Prayer is another word to talk, commune, laugh, instruct, share and request. A RELATIONSHIP.

I know if I read a devotional daily to my husband—— Someone else’s thoughts and intent instead of my own….. My husband would get bored and ask- what about you? What do you think and see and know and feel about me?

I recall when Jesus and the crew were walking and saying this person and that one were saying who Jesus was. The Savior was not satisfied. Those statements of others were not good enough, He turned to them and asked each one…… I can imagine the piercing eyes of Truth stabbing their heart as He asked, WHO DO YOU SAY I AM?

This God wants to be known, He wants us to tell Him how great He is and how we know Him…… Our heart to His must be in His ears. He must see how He melts our heart with His love…….

After all, He has loved us with an everlasting love………

There was a time that I was on five prayer calls a day…… I was exhausted. Too many words and not His. I sensed I was starving and missing My King……. He keeps speaking if we are engaged in His Spirit or not…….. I do not want to miss His Words, His sighs and His laughs and His groans…….Not a thing do I want to miss of my King.

His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. …..Well, He is not going to change, I draw near again by His grace.

Relationship………is the price He paid for us this day. We must sit at His feet and hear all He is saying for it is life and life abundant and the answer to our needs. He has become all to us, if we chose to apprehend Him . We must receive all of Him.

His chastisement is mercy for us to stop. See where He is. He always leads us out and in as to where His will is for us, If we are on our own, draw near as we are given the grace,

Do you not see how the King is calling you into a new place? The plateau has served it’s purpose, but up is where His foot prints are left as breadcrumbs to His glory. The vision of our eyes have been blocked, He alone has the view to unlock. Come let us follow the bread crumbs that lead us into the fullness of His next plateau of Presence.

The prayers of His people, He has heard, though they are many, but His eyes are pondering over there and all of us are looking here. He requests our vision turn to His. Though He is closer than our breath, His Voice has been muted to the rest, His request of silence and peace to those who are hammering in prayer. Be still and know I AM the King and hold those who stand against Me in derision.

Come and walk with Me and hear My Voice again. Block those who knock and never lead to the quiet still waters…… Come to eat at the table that is prepared for you in the presence of our enemies. Come and enjoy I AM as I AM longs to enjoy your fellowship.

The battle is Mine. I AM has it all in My hand. Faith in I AM reveals the peace in your heart…… Stay still and watch the Salvation of your Lord. Come and walk where many do not venture…… to leave their known to My known…… Take pleasure in Your King as I AM delight in the pleasure of your gaze unto I AM. The faith is My children’s way, for they never walk by sight. They hear Me speak and await in awe.

Come up higher! The air is stronger. Fill your lungs with the Breath of I AM.

Come and receive My impact for the next day. Pray to Me…… Come talk to Me. I know the End from the Beginning for I AM then and now and forever more….. Come sit before Me. Your cup shall be filled and you will never go away empty of I AM. See the old will pass away as all the new creation rises into the Morningstar.

Be still and sit before I AM while you can…….Breathe Me un to My Day,


Are you coming? Are you willing?

Say YES! Do not let Him pass by…….Disclaimer: He does not visit but desires complete habitation in our abode!!!